Chapter 6
Alexander Diadem never experienced a sense of completion. However, the mere presence of Heather Crown around him makes him feel whole. She was the answer to his search, and at last, he was beginning to feel like himself again. With the exception of knowing her name and her ability to heal people, he did not know much about her, nor did she know anything about him other than his name.
But it does not matter because, together, they made sense to each other.
The arrival of Alexander Diadem in Heather Crown's life, on the other hand, transformed what she had always thought to be a wonderful life into a magnificent one. She may still not understand the purpose of her existence, but she did feel she had found the special someone she had been subconsciously looking for a long time.
He just could be the answer to her purpose or a link to her life's mission.
However, Alexander Diadem was utterly indebted to God for sending Heather Crown to him or, more precisely, for paving a path for him to reach her. She had taken him under her wing, and with every waking hour, she catered to him. Although his strength was still not up to the mark, but with each passing minute, he was feeling stronger than before.
Heather Crown was the sole reason for that.
Everything about the preceding week has been nothing but a pleasurable blessing. His wounds were healing thanks to her incredible touch, which sparked a passion in his heart like never before. Although he thought of himself as a courteous person, he was really a man of nature. A bachelor who was unable to resist the allure of having a stunning woman with him, whom he thought had been sent specifically for him.
She fed him and took care of him. Sometimes they simply sat back and enjoyed each other's company while talking for hours about nothing in particular but swapping life experiences.
He felt a sense of serenity every time she was near him, but when she was gone, venturing about the town to do her duties, he ached for her like never before in his entire life. However, he did feel a sense of pride in the role she played in her community.
A sorcerer.
A healer in the truest sense.
However, he could not wait to rise to his feet and return to his former self. His true identity was still unknown to her, which was for the best. He liked for her to treat him like an ordinary man. A man exclusively intended for her, but that line had yet to be touched by them, that is, if she allowed herself to feel for him the way he does for her.
He was in no haste. Every moment he had with her was precious to him. It made him look forward to spending more time with her.
He had no qualms about devoting his entire life to assisting and supporting her, but his present level of strength prevented him from doing so. He was still in a tremendous amount of suffering. Even though his range of motion was restricted, it was noticeably better than before.
He could walk for no more than five minutes. He was able to pick things up, but not particularly heavy ones. But he did feel a lot better than he had. He was regaining strength little by little. He felt more energized and hungry than the day he showed up at Heather Crown's house.
Unlike any other day since he has been staying at Heather Crown's place, his thirst for water roused him in the middle of the night. To satiate his quench, he steadily rose from his bed and walked in the direction of the kitchen.
In Heather Crowns' absence, he had never wandered around her house. Up until the previous day, when his very own incredible doctor felt secure enough to permit him to make little motions, he had been confined to a bed. However, he was taken aback to see her soundly dozing off on the living room sofa.
He frowned at the sleeping beauty and looked about her house, only to discover that there was just one room that he had been using. The lovely woman had sacrificed her good night's sleep for his recuperation, which warmed his heart and deepened his admiration for her.
He approached her cautiously, studying her sleeping form.
The rest of her body was concealed with a silk cover, leaving just her face visible to him. Her eyes were closed, and her eyelashes were brushing against her cheeks. She was inhaling a little bit through her slightly open mouth. He wanted to undo her braided hair so he could examine every part of her face and memorize it, but he resisted the urge.
His desire to drink water vanished immediately after taking one look at her and staring at her sleeping form on the uncomfortably soft couch.
He was plainly conscious of his upcoming action. He was aware of the barrier he would be crossing in the next instant. But it seemed right. The deity was aware that he was going to act morally. He had not intended anything immoral; thus, his subsequent conduct was entirely appropriate.
He bent down carefully to pick up the elegant woman in his arms, who had just inched closer to his standing form, tenderly putting her head on his chest as he headed towards her bedroom. He had no sense of weight as he carried her through the space since she was as light as a feather. He moved her gently to the side of the bed from where he was snoozing.
Alexander covered her with the blanket he had been using and watched her as she gently fluttered her lashes open and gave him a small smile when she saw his face.
It had a comforting, earthy scent that was just like him.
"You, my lady, are something extraordinary. You must not sacrifice your own well-being for my sake." He said it softly.
"I have no need for this mattress if you are in pain." She replied.
"I cannot allow that to happen, Heather Crown. It does not sit right with me for you to sleep on the couch in your own house." He told her sharply.
"However, while you are still recovering, I cannot allow you to sleep anywhere else but here."
"Will I be crossing a line by asking you to allow me to share your bed with me? This will address both our issues and is an ideal solution to both of our worries." He made a cautious proposition.
With a blush on her cheeks, Heather responded, "With you, Alexander Diadem, this is the line I am willing to cross."
Alexander let out a charming and grateful smile as he claimed his rightful place by sleeping beside her. Even though the bed was not enormous, they could fit comfortably in it.
Spreading perfect warmth to each other.