Repetitive sounds of crashing and mechanical failure began to echo around the room, although I couldn't determine which direction it was coming from. Over the sound of the machines whirring and people screaming, I noticed that the music, which had been playing when we walked in, had stopped.
People were now piling forward, trying their hardest to leave and escape.
"There has to be more than one way out," I said to Mady.
"Start looking for a fire escape."
Her and I pushed our way back through the crowd, our eyes straining to find a red-glowing exit sign along the walls around us.
As we passed those who were still running up to the entrance, I caught parts of their frenzied conversations:
"They're looking for someone..."
"I think it's the feds."
"Did you see that guy? He threw the roulette wheel into the blackjack table!"
Mady and I exchanged looks as we both heard what the last woman saidHad Bruce Banner lost his bets and turned into the Hulk?
Mady and I stood out from the crowds because of the direction that we were walking. If we were trying to be inconspicuous, we were failing miserably.
"Look!" she said, pointing to an exit near the back of the room.
"There's a door."
I nodded and began to follow her as she ran towards it.
"Wait, Mady!"
I grabbed her by the back of her shirt and yanked her backwards so that she was standing next to me, behind a slot machine.
At the moment we were hidden, a group of three men walked past.
"He said the scent was coming from here," one of them said.
"No one leaves until we find her."
I looked at Mady only to see she was already looking at me.
"He said 'scent'," she noted quietly. "They aren't feds."
I shook my head, still trying to make sense of it.
"He also said 'she'." I whispered.
"Who on earth could they be looking for?" I just shrugged, feeling uneasy about it all.
"Let's get out of here."
Mady nodded in agreement as we came out of our hiding place.
Ducking down so no one could see us, we quickly ran between slot machines and card tables, trying our hardest to make it to the exit door before someone saw us. Just as we were a few feet away, Mady's phone began to ring I felt my heart stop as I turned to see she was frantically searching for it in her purse.
"Shit, shit, shit," she muttered.
"Who keeps their ringer on?!" I asked incredulously.
I looked over her shoulder to see that a few heads had turned. We had been spotted.
"Forget about it," I said quickly.
I turned around and ran as hard as I could towards the exit door, a fire alarm blaring as I pushed it open.
Nearly blinded by the sunlight as I realized we were outside, it took me a few moments to figure out where I was going next.
Mady was close behind me as I took off running into the street. I could hear the men yelling behind us, telling us to stop.
"We need to lose them!" Mady yelled.
Well, duh, I thought.
"Find a pool or a fountain." I told her as we rounded a corner. I thought that maybe the water would help cover our scent for long enough to throw the men off our trail.
"We need to get to the front of the hotel." I said, remembering the fountain that I saw their earlier that morning.
Hoping the crowd of people was an adequate temporary cover for us, I began to start to run in the direction I thought would lead us to the front as Mady followed.
She had finally fished her phone out of her purse and she groaned.
"It was my dad," she said, holding the phone up to her ear to call him back.
"Seriously?" I asked.
"Now is not the time to return missed calls."
Once we were in front of the hotel. I turned to see that the men who were following us couldn't find where we had gone.
Likely, our scent had been slightly covered by the crowd of people around us. They were looking around quickly and I knew it wouldn't be long before they caught it again.
"Dad!" Mady yelled into the phone.
"We need you to come and get us."
Her breathing was short and panicked as she argued with him, telling him that she had no time to explain. She looked around as she tried to figure out where we were exactly.
"Mady! Over here."
I waved her over to the bushes, palm trees and other foliage that surrounded the large fountain. We ducked under the cover of the leaves, receiving weird looks from everyone around us. Thankfully, we seemed to be hidden from the sight of the men
who had been following us.
I tugged her along, pulling her over to the fountain.
"We're at the fountain in front of Mandalay Bay," she said.
"Pick us up here." I pointed to the fountain as a confused look crossed her face.
"Wait, what happened?" she asked, putting her finger to her other ear so she could hear her father better.
I frantically pointed to the fountain as she tried to figure out exactly what she was hearing.
"Your scent," I told her. "They're going to find us."
She swatted my hand away as I tried to pull her forward. I looked behind us to see that our pursuers were standing right in front of us, the only thing separating us was the bushes.
Turning around, I gave Mady a quick shove and watched as she toppled over into the fountain.
I quickly followed, making sure to completely submerse myself under the water.
Thankfully, Mady was smart enough not to scream at me as she resurfaced. She only glared and began to shake the water from her phone. I motioned for her to get down as I watched the shadows that still lingered in front of the plants that acted as our cover.
Several agonizing moments went by as we waited for the men to leave. When they finally did, I let out a long sigh of relief.
"What did he say?" I asked.
"He wasn't done talking before you decided to send me swimming," she said. "But something happened in their meeting this morning."
"You didn't hear what it was?"
She shook her head. "I'm hoping that he heard where I told him we were," she said.
"I have a feeling that we should be more scared of hotel security than we should those men who were following us." I nodded, realizing that the two of us were going to jail if we were caught in the fountain.
We climbed out and cautiously made our way out of the bushes, the both of us soaking wet with our clothes clinging to us.
I tried to ignore the judgmental gazes that we received as I looked around for my father's truck.
A few minutes went by before the truck rolled around the corner, pulling into the fire lane. My father had barely put the car into park before Mady and I were climbing into the back seat.
"Are you okay?" both fathers asked simultaneously.
Mady and I nodded.
As we began to drive away, I looked for the right words to say. My nerves were shot.
"We got chased out of the casino," Mady said, still breathing heavy. "I think I need an inhaler.
"Who were you chased by?" her father asked with a serious expression.
She just shook her head. "I don't know who they were. I thought they were security guards at first.
My eyebrows furrowed as I heard her say the words 'security guards'."
"Wait, I recognized one of them." I said.
"He was standing outside our hotel last night when we got back from dinner. I thought he was part of a security detail."
"He likely was," Mr. Reid said.
"He was probably with another Alpha that we were supposed to be meeting with."
"Who is it?" Mady asked.
My father sighed. "Luca Ronan."
I felt my evebrows furrow. "Who is that? I've never heard of him."
"He's an Alpha of a few packs up north in Montana."
"A few packs? He has more than one?" Mady asked.
"Well, technically just one now" her dad replied. "He has continually garnered more territory the longer he's been Alpha.
"More territory?" I asked.
"I thought there were guidelines that the Alphas followed that only allowed a certain population of each pack."
"That's what our meetings have been about this year," my dad replied.
"He's not very cooperative and doesn't seem to understand that he's in violation of so many codes by continually taking over more and more territory."
"And that's not to mention the number of Alphas, Betas and their families he's killed to get to where he is today," Mady's dad added.
"Killed?" Mady asked, eyebrows raised.
"Slaughtered," my father replied.
"In their own homes."
"He hasn't shown up to the last few meetings," Mady's dad said.
"We finally convinced him to attend this one. We didn't realize he was even here until this morning.''
"I don't understand," Mady said. "Who was he looking for? Why would his security guards be chasing us?"
"I don't know, but I don't like it," my dad said. "We're leaving and going home. I'm not staying here any longer.''
"Well we have to go back to the hotel, right?" I asked nervously.
"All of our things are there."
My dad shook his head. "No, we're leaving everything. The less he has to track the two of you, the better."
"But, Dad, my sketchbook..."
"Is just a hundred pages of bound paper," he said.
"I'll buy you another one if that's what it takes."
I looked at Mady who frowned. She was the only one who understood what that sketchbook meant to me. I'd had it since high school. I didn't say anything else as I leaned my wet head against the window and watched as the city whirled past us.
Although I was happy to be safe, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had left something far more valuable than luggage in Las Vegas.