Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Number 1.1

Damian had seen the both of them standing with angry glares on their faces. He had assumed that Lorelei was bullying his new mate.

Lorelei’s face stung because of the effect of the slap, she couldn’t fight him back he was Alpha and fighting back might cost her life. She stormed out of their presence in anger going to her room.

Her room was filled with many memories of Damien and it angered her so bad that, she threw away all the things that Damien had bought for her furiously and rushed out of the pack house. She had to leave, she needed to go far away, at least till when she’s sane enough to understand what was going on. The only place she had in mind to go was to go to Dead pool pack. A pack where she knew nobody, it was away from her family, away from the pack and most importantly away from Damien. *

Starting life in a new place was never an easy task. Finding a house, a job and sustaining herself were all perks of going to a new place, this were things she never worried about before.

She searched for a job all through the day, she needed cash to survive. The last money she had on her was used to aquire a home for her, if that cubicle could be termed as one.

She was almost given up when she came across a sign for a waitress job in front of a restaurant. She breathed a sigh of relief, this was surely what she needed


“This job requires you to work your ass out from seven in the morning to ten in the evening. Are you sure you could do it?.” The scrawny looking manager of the restaurant questioned

Lorelei touched her stomach, she didn’t care if this child survived, she would over work herself until the child leaves her life for good. What’s the use of having a baby for a cheating bastard anyways.

“Yes, I could do the job.” She replied

“Then you are hired, your job starts from tomorrow. Be sure to come early as tardiness won’t be tolerated.” *

It had been a week since Lorelei moved to Dead pool pack, and this weak was the worst she had ever experienced. She had worked and over worked herself in hopes of getting rid of the pregnancy but the child in her womb still seemed to be safe and sound in her womb. Her pregnancy was not visible yet as it was only three weeks but she wondered what the reaction of her boss and co-workers would be if they figured out.

“Lorelei, there’s a hot new waiter in the restaurant.” Anna her new co-worker aquitance said. Anna was the gossip queen of the restaurant and Lorelei always tried keeping her distance but the Warewolf won’t just butt away from her business.

“I’m not in the mood for gossips and cheesy exchange of lines, Anna.” Lorelei said with a bored tone scrubbing the dishes in the sink.

“Trust me this isn’t gossip, the guy is a sweet piece of cake and there he is.” Anna said nudging for her to look up.

She sighed, raising her head she paused on seeing a pair of attractive upturned grey eyes. He was really a man of impeccable handsomeness and Lorelei couldn’t deny that.

“Too bad, Mr handsome is mute.” Anna added

What!, He’s mute?.Lorelei didn’t intend to judge though, but for someone this handsome, it was too shocking for him to be mute. Well what did she care, she focused back on watching the dishes in her front humming her favorite song.

The new hot waiter walked towards Lorelei and Anna. His steps calculated, with graceful aura that was hard to come by.

“You must be the new waiter right?” Anna asked him, even though she knew well the answer to the question.

He nodded to her question with a smile. “Do you have a name?, I mean what should we call you?” Anna asked again trying to get acquainted to him.

He brought out a paper and pen from the side of his clothes and wrote something down before raising it up for Anna to see.

“Roman!… Your name is Roman, that’s such a sexy name you know.” Anna commented winking, a flirty act that Roman didn’t fail to notice. He was too handsome and he was definitely her type, she didn’t mind him being mute, besides she was hunting dick and not his voice.

Roman was the son of the Alpha of Crimson Fangs Pack, their pack had impeccable strength that made them superior among the other packs in North America. He only came to the Dead pool pack on his father’s order to spy and investigate about rumours circulating on a possible attack. So being mute was just a cover to avoid suspicion.

Life is indeed an irony. The moon goddess definitely had an absurd way of doing things, on the first day of coming to the bar he ends up finding his mate who seemed to be oblivious of him, and surprisingly he could hear an additional heartbeat from her. She was pregnant!!?.

He turned to look at his mate, those unique green eyes of hers was too enchanting and innocent and exposing his identity as her mate would definitely put her in danger, so it was best to keep it as a secret for now hopefully things get better.

Lorelei barely payed attention to what they were discussing as she focused on getting the dishes done but his name piqued her interests. Roman!, The name sounded familiar but it just didn’t click on where she had heard it.

Lorelei was rushing to serve a customer his sizzling hot cocoa when she collided into a hard surface, that surprisingly caught her from falling. She gasped with closed eyes, for a moment she really thought she would land her butts on the ground but luckily someone saved her?..

She opened her eyes gently to meet a pair of grey upturned eyes staring at her.. it was the new hot waiter, Roman. He had caught her!!, She stared back into his eyes that were indeed tempting. She momentarily shook her head, men were monsters and she shouldn’t be having any thoughts about them.

“Can you let go of me now?” She asked him and he made her stand straight before removing his hands from her back.

She mouthed a thank you, before picking the broken pieces of mug on the floor. She was getting clumsy and it was all the fault of a damned pregnancy.

Roman had gone to the rest room to change his cloths from the waiter uniform. If it wasn’t for his mission, he had never imagined himself in something so common ordinary and local. He eye searched for his mate, whose he had figured to be Lorelei and she was no where in sight. How come she left so quickly, he had only been gone for less than two minutes. How swift was she??

He walked in the dark alley of the streets of Dead pool pack observing anything he thought might be suspicious. He paused when he saw a particular figure sitting dejectedly with tears streaming from her eyes in the side of the road. What was she doing so openly and was she hurting her stomach, is she intending to give up the pregnancy ??

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