Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Number 2

He took hurried steps towards her, and held onto her hands. She turned to look at him with teary eyes.

“Go away!!” She cried trying to struggle her hands from his hold. He shook his head negatively before cleaning her tears. Not been able to speak right now was hard for him. He couldn’t watch his mate hurt herself, not when he still had a beating heart.

He did a sign language, telling her not to harm herself, he really hope she could understand.

“Why do you care?” She questioned understanding the meaning of the sign language he did. He did another representation saying “I might not care but they are other people who cared for you. Letting go of the past was the best option.”

“I know!, But I just can’t help it. I want to end all the memories of the monster.” She said, he knew she was referring about the child she was carrying as a monster and he wondered why. Shouldn’t she be happy to be pregnant?

“Maybe memories are meant to be kept to avoid future occurrences.” Roman really found sign language to be hard but he needed to communicate with her without blowing his cover. It was even more frustrating that he had an inexplicable urge to mark her because of the close proximity, he wanted to make her his but it wasn’t the time.

“People go through treacherous pain. Maybe mine isn’t that painful, like you are mute which is sympathetic enough but you didn’t let that deter your spirit.” Hazel said, it was more of a self motivation though. ..

After that meeting with Roman, Lorelei has been leaving her life without any thoughts of killing her child. His actions did really give her a change of heart. The baby was hers and killing it would be inhumane, she would learn to love and cherish it, not caring about the past and focus on the future.

It was over a month since she left the star moon pack. She had received endless calls from the Beta urging her to come back because Irene wasn’t a qualified Luna and couldn’t even get pregnant.

Some other pack members she was close to had called and pleaded of how they all missed her and needed her to come back.

Lorelei was barely moved by their pleas, no one stood for her at the rejection ceremony and now they missed her. Utter rubbish indeed, she was leaving her best life right now and she wouldn’t give it up for some damned pack. She changed her phone number and cut contacts with anyone from the pack, star moon pack and all the members were her past and she didn’t want her past ruining her beautiful present.

. .

Damien held the packs doctor’s neck, his eyes bloody red. How could Lorelei be actually pregnant and he was just telling him now. He wanted to rip the f*cking doctor’s head and his body.

“She said she would inform you herself, I thought she told you already. Forgive me, my Alpha.” The doctor said and Damien let go of his grip on his neck. The doctor checked his neck. He was a Werewolf but he wasn’t close to being powerful as the Alpha.

Damien hissed and traipsed out of the hospital. How could he just be figuring out just now that Lorelei was pregnant, when it was too late? He wanted to batter and beat himself for being too stupid for letting go of Lorelei when she was carrying his child.

He ruffled his hair frustratedly. Lorelei had disappeared from the pack and they was no sign of her. He had tried calling her endlessly or mind linking all in the bid to communicate with her. But the call was disconnected constantly. She must have probably changed her phone number and mind linking night never work since he rejected her. It was a bitter pill to swallow for him, out of anger he punched the wall and the effect made it crack.

“I would find you Lorelei and get my child.” He swore, breathing hard. He couldn’t let go, not when his first heir was with Lorelei, he would find her even if it means searching the whole world.

Irene heard the sound of a shattering wall coming from Damien’s room and she ran there. She saw him leaning on the wall, with bloody hands and ruffled hair.

“Damien are you ok?” She asked concerned, inspecting his hands.

“Let go of me, Irene.” He warned in a coarse low tone that held in-depth threat.


“I said let go of me, you freaking bitch. It’s all your fault that she’s gone, get away from me.” He screamed, frightening her. Never has Damien tried speaking to her in such tone, how dare he?? She angrily stormed out of his room going to hers. Her blood boiled and the only thing she craved was a good f*ck and that she would get.

Irene sent for a male Omega who ran to her as soon as possible. She let him into the room and grabbed his dick even though he had cloths on.

“Lu- Luna Irene.” The Omega stuttered confusedly.

“Shut up and f”ck me." Irene scolded removing the belt from his waist before letting his trousers fall on the floor as he stood almost naked in front of someone who was their supposed Luna. She took his length into her mouth, sucking his d“ck like a popsicle stick. Irene didn’t care for Damien a bit, all she cared about was the Luna tittle to make her sister jealous and his big d”ck was a plus. ..

Damien’s mother, the supreme Luna gasped covering her mouth in shock on seeing her son’s wife in bed with an Omega. She was so warped in pleasure and didn’t even notice her walking in. What the hell did her son end up settling with? He rejected a good lady for a promiscuous one. Now she wished she had stopped Damien from rejecting Lorelei. Irene’s moans was so loud and it seemed she wasn’t trying to hide her cheating ways, her door was even open.

The supreme Luna walked out of the room, this was an abominable sight and she might end up killing Irene if she stayed any longer. She hurried to Damien’s chambers to inform him of the gross thing he just saw. They couldn’t have a cheating Luna, it would ruin their pack’s image.

“Mother what are…” Damien tried asking on seeing his mother in his room but was cut short.

His mother said cutting his statement short “You are sitting here while that bitchy mate of yours is wrapped in an Omega’s arms,.”

“What do you mean, Mother?” He questioned confused.

“I mean you should get rid of that damned lady, or she would ruin the image of this pack with her promiscuous and shameless attitude.” The supreme Luna spoke.

“What did Irene do this time?”

“She was moaning loudly as an Omega pleasured her and all you do is ask question when you are supposed to be taking actions. You would be replaced as the Alpha, if you can’t manage the pack, change your Luna now, Damien.”

No. This can’t be happening!! No way in hell would Irene cheat on him with a mere Omega of his own pack. In one day, he received news of Lorelei pregnant and now this!! How worst could the day go? His blood boiled with anger and he became hysterical and started screaming.

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