Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Number 4

“What’s wrong? Who’s raping who?” Damien questioned Irene whose eyes was unfocused, her clothes tattered with tears flowing non-stop from her eye lids.

“He- he tried to rape me.”

“Who dared?” Damien questioned trying to withhold his surging anger, who would dare commit such atrocity and that too with his wife.

“The mute Omega who works in my office.” Damien fist clenched, a mute Omega tried violating his own mate, the Luna of their pack. The dimwit will most likely pay with his life for this treason.

“Find that defiant mute omega and bring him to me NOW.” Damien communicated to his soldiers through mind link.

Irene cleaned her tears, and smiled sinisterly. No one dared messing with Irene Bledsoe without a repercussion. She betrayed her very own sister to get to where she is, not to talk of a commoner. Well at least now, Roman would learn to respect her once he serves his prison term or if he dies he would fear the name Irene in his next life. This was all thanks to her gullible husband, who would believe anything she says and do anything she asks of him. For an Alpha, he had a very tiny brain to even believe anyone could dare violate her, not when she was still the Luna. What a good actress she was, she should be awarded with the female actress of the year.

Roman was brought with face all bloody and made to kneel in front of Damien and she, she passed a smirk at him and instead he glared back. Stupid mute!, You thought you could get away with what you did, that’s not possible.

“Why did you even think of violating my woman?” Damien’s voice roared loudly, striking fear even to the commoners present.

“I did….” Roman bit his tongue, stopping it from creating such mistake. His instincts had kicked in to deny such absurd accusation labeled on him, he really hoped his voice wasn’t audible enough and this people wouldn’t hear. This darn slut, what had she done?

“Take him to the dungeon before I do something crazily absurd that he wouldn’t forget in life time.” Damien said and went to comfort his wife, Irene flashed a smirk at Roman which he didn’t fail to notice. How could he be prosecuted without no interrogation, the star moon pack was ruled by a dumbass Alpha so he wasn’t surprised.

Roman was dragged on one arm to the cell, he couldn’t fight back definitely not when Star moon pack had so many warriors, he could be stake for the next day if he tried attacking first.

Was this how his mission would end? How could that sinister female set him up, using the fact that he was mute and couldn’t talk to save himself. Chances that he would even be listened to it he could speak was extremely low, so they was no use.

An hour later, in the under ground dungeon hidden from the sight of the common man, and only used for rogues and disobedient Warewolf purposes, Roman was placed behind the rusted bars. He stood there with his arms against his chest and his body leaning against the two bars of the cell. The cell was divided into sessions based on the atrocities committed by the offender and rape was a grave offense.

With just them in the dungeon, Irene stepped forward, his hands held behind his back and looking at Roman. He said, “You denied me and I blamed you for rape, Isn’t that fair enough?. Though personally, I am not tired of chasing you and this dungeon is not a limitation, I would have you at all cost besides chasing you is thrilling don’t you think.”

Roman wanted to pin her neck on the wall, after all the pretentious cries she still had the guts to come meet him in the dungeon. Thank moon goddess he was able to control his rage at the moment. At least Roman’s temper was always something that slithered beneath his surface.

He was in this awful surrounding, and in a tacky environment were all the rogues and offenders are kept because of her. Not to brag but he was the next Alpha of Crimson Fangs and this dungeon was the least demeaning for his status.

“Are you angry? Oooh my poor little thing. That’s what you deserve so bad, you would be here for a long time mute!”

Roman only glared at her without saying a word, not that he could say one with being caught.

Once Irene left the dungeon, Roman placed his hands on the rods and tried to push them away. But the metal was made to contain the Warewolfs, and exerting too much pressure would only tire him out.

“Fuck!” cussed Roman, running his hand through his hair in frustration. Irene had gone too extreme this time, she should keep in mind that her punishment doesn’t end and she would relish on the taste of her own medicine in two folds.

Roman had approaching noises saying, “This one was trying to snoop around the pack and I just happened to catch the rat. The dungeon would be a befitting place for the snoopy rogue”

Rogues? Were they dumping a rogue in his cell? The guards dragged a bloody male who was struggling to be left free but he was too weak probably because he had been beating to pulp. The dungeon key jingled as they opened the door dumping the rogue in his cell. It wasn’t enough that he was lock up in here, now he had to share it with a possible rogue, maybe a mad one. Well technically, if he was banished from the pack he would also be termed as a rogue. Stupid rules from shallow minded people. ..

That bitch literally wanted to ruin his life because she couldn’t get his d’ck, that was extremely amusing and she even dared to come mock him.

“Always so serious, I see you’ve got company,” commented Irene referring to the sleeping rogue as company, she had come to taunt Roman the next morning. “. Feeling hopeless by now?”

Roman eyes followed the lady, who walked down the stairs and came to stand in front of his cell. But she hadn’t come alone she had brought the dungeon’s key along with and surprisingly a whip??

“If you had agreed to fuck and suck my clean coochie, you wouldn’t be in this mess you know” commented Irene, her shoes clicking as she walked into the dungeon. “I was angry at something and then I thought why don’t i have some fun with the handsome mute, because you can’t scream when the pain becomes unbearable.” She said trailing her fingers seductively on his face. He slapped her hands of him and glared at her more intensely.

“Oh! You still want more chase, huh!” She guffawed landing the first stroke on his body.………

… The whole year continued with Roman been tortured endlessly by Irene whenever she was upset. Marks of strokes had formed on his body and healed with time. He had beared far worst pain than this, even his father had meted such punishment on him in the past. According to him, he was doing it to make him stronger and now he sees the point his father was trying to make.

“Come with me, it’s time for your judgement.” The guard in charge stated dragging him out of the dungeon. Roman wondered what other judgement they were going to give him, he had already spent almost a year in lock up. Wasn’t that enough judgement on their side or were they planning to kill him.

His beards and hairs had grown longer with time, making him look a lot bushier but that didn’t stop him from being the finest he could ever be. Maybe the finest that could ever be killed because he had no idea on why he was being called out of the dungeon for a supposed judgement, even though he had already been prosecuted and locked up in the cell for close to a year.

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