It happened a long time ago, I have no clue how long ago the events of my birth took place, I would not find out until a time when I thought it was all mythical bull shit. It rocked my world learning of my true identity, I refused to believe it for a long time. Did not want to acknowledge that the realm of gods, and mythical monsters was even real.
I will admit I have had nightmares for years. Did everything I can to suppress them. I had no idea where these images of castles, thunderbolts, gods in human form, and flying beasts came from.
What even scared me shitless was as a child, I would feel this power swelling inside of me, the birthmark on the back of my neck I have that symbolizes a black pitchfork would itch, once it glowed and I got the feeling of something or someone watching me, yet no one was ever around. I would see the shadowed image of a man in my dreams stretching his hand for me calling me “Thalia” I would shake my head, as a child and run away. His aura was very dark. He was devilishly handsome, and his eyes glowed at times like a blue flame was in them. It was not just him that I was once scared of it was also myself. I would feel a power trying to consume me, it felt imbedded into my core like an ancient magic trying to break free. I willed myself to suppress it. I did not want my family or my peers to see me as a freak. The only thing I could sum up with that I had watched “Wrath of Titans” or “Percy Jackson” to fucking much. Yet, why did all feel so real every night?
I see would see images in my mind of beautiful people, two people, a man and a woman dressed beautifully like royalty in a fairy tale smiling down with love. I would see a beautiful kingdom with giant horses, people with golden armor riding some horses, it was all so much mythical bullshit. However, when we are dreaming, our mind is a powerful thing and can create amazing movie like fantasy dreams.
Seeing those lovely people, would make my heart ache for some reason. Like usual, I would brush off that emotional shit, I would refocus myself. It was just a dream. I do not need to be thinking anything about my real family who probably never gave a shit about me. I have the love of my family that raised me and that’s all the love I will ever need.
That is right, I am adopted. I was adopted as a baby. No one really knew where I came from, it was said that I was found out in the woods, that a young woman claims she found me and alerted authorities. Since then, no one has seen her since.
So, that is me, Velaria Connors, abandoned in the woods to be torn apart by an animals because my real family would apparently rather leave me as bear chow than raise me. My saving grace is my amazing and loving family, who adopted me right away, I believe they saw the headline of a mysterious baby being found in the newspaper. They said they took it as a sign they were waiting for.
My parents are Melissa and Derrick Connors. They were unable to have children, praying for a sign and waiting to adopt a child. Growing up with them I lived in Canton Ohio. Over the years, our family grew, the heavens decided to bless them with two more children after they spared my life from being in the woods. I have a younger brother named Tyson, and a younger sister name Amara. We grew up a close-knit family. My mother is a math teacher, she taught me to love math and technology. My father is an Ophthalmologist in Akron, Ohio. He owned his own business so; he could choose what days he wanted to work. This way he could also be involved with us as a family.
I loved growing up in Canton, it is a wonderful place to live. I never felt rejected or alone with my family. However, I knew from early on that small town would not hold me. I was advance in intellect, I was ambitious, and I wanted to conquer the world in form of speaking.
I graduated two years ahead of my peers very easily. To my parents heartbreak, when I was offered any college scholarship I want, I chose one at Princeton University for Engineering and Communications. I soon excelled in that head of my peers at school. Got 2 bachelor’s degrees then, quickly succeed at obtaining 2 master’s degrees in Business administration and Communications Technology. Many of those spoil rich little bitches hated me in college, I did not give a shit. I was not going to achieve my goals not bowing to lesser beings, and 5th avenue billionaire brats. I knew a lot were jealous of me, my teachers were calling me a certified genius next to Einstein.
I reveled in the praise, and those bitches discomfort. Though, their boyfriends love to flock to me. No doubt they could see beauty and brains that does not have to whine for daddy’s money like a whore.
I am not ashamed or shy to admit that I am sexy as fuck, height 5’8, curvy athletic build, long wavy dark hair with piercing blue eyes. I have been referred to “looks like a Greece goddess”. All the guys wanted me no matter high school or college, or even now currently.
After graduating from Princeton, to further my parents sadness, I shifted to the big apple. Yes, New York City. This is where the action filled life is. I was scared in the beginning, a young girl from a small Ohio town with multiple degrees from ivy school. Sure, I knew that I had good luck getting a job however, this is NYC, the land where those spoiled little bitches were born. Any of their daddy’s could be my employer, and they could make my life hell. I could have been fucked in a bad way. I was fortunate, the business that took me on was owned by an elder gentleman looking to retire soon.
I showed my worth in work not, just education. Within 3 years, he retired, and I found myself appointed as his successor. I took that company and turned it into the national icon it is, I hyphened my name with it to show partnership with him so his name would live on “Hyde-Connor Comm” under my leadership took the world by storm, and I finally felt like I was conquering the world.
I have heard that old cliché “pride comes before the fall” I guess that proved to be more true that I would have thought possible. I never wanted the “soul-mate, happily ever after jargon” I love who I was, loved being me, loved knowing I could get any man I wanted. I never wanted to settle down, work was my first love, guys were just sexual releases every night. So why did the universe curse me with what some bullshit called “Mate!”