Lovely to meat someone new

I woke in the morning to chatter coming from downstairs. Muffled as it was, I could make out the voices of my parents, and that of a stranger, a man. His voice was deep and assertive, I left my bed as quietly as I could to try and hear what was said. My mother's voice was just a whisper, but my superb hearing could make out a few sentences.

"How certain is his majesty?" The man's voice, not much louder but in a gruff tone, responded,

"Certain as the stars, and it's far too soon."

My father joined in: "Then we will do whatever is necessary, to keep them both safe until the time is right."

Just then, the delicious perfume of French toast and bacon, an entirely too enticing smell, swept me through the door. My legs brought me so quickly to the table, I felt as though I had floated down the stairs. My hunger overpowered me, so much so that I hardly noticed everyone else pulling up seats around the food as well. French toast was stacked in three massive piles, spaced on the table with nearly equal sized plates of bacon. I nearly forgot my manners as I began serving myself, and paused to observe that besides myself and my parents, all of our "hired help" was in the room, and a guest also sat at our table.

Dad cleared his throat, demanding my attention in a gentle way before speaking.

"Congratulations, Maren. Ella has filled us in on the details of your newest venture." My dad hesitated to speak the words, carefully considering what to say.

This is the first time anyone other than myself, Alma, and Ella, has spoken of my gifts out loud. Not to mention we are in a room full of people, and there is a guest I don't recognize. My eyes darted to the man, mid bite, my fork still at my lips. All at once, I took him in. He was tall and muscular, broad shouldered and handsome. His hair was deep brown, and his eyes were like a sunflower honey. I paused my chewing to take in the smell of him, cedarwood and sage. Hm, he smells similar to the wolf.

My mother must have noticed my eyes moving over him, as she interrupted my stare with an introduction.

"Maren, this is Jasper. Jasper commands the wolves."

Ah, that explains the smell.

Mom continued, "Jasper is here because he is an ally, the wolves are our allies. With your growth and progress, it is important for us to enhance our security and Jasper came to give us details about the additional wolves that will be patrolling our grounds and the forests nearby."

Oh, so now we are going to talk about the wolf that guarded me for as long as I remember?

"Well, it's finally time to break the silence?" I spoke, mid chew, and didn't even care about manners. “My whole life, a gigantic wolf has followed me around and no one thought to tell me anything other than he guards me; no one bothered to tell me about my gifts, or anything else for that matter? I got my answers from Ella, who was nice enough to fill me in while you all sat around and played dumb So today is the day we are going to talk about it? Well, no thank you, I happen to be exhausted, which you probably already knew as well, and I'm starving!" I picked up a piece of French toast with my hand and tore a piece off with my mouth, savagely and with detest, glaring at everyone one by one.

Everyone was speechless, until dad spoke up.

"Maren, even a young woman with your power and presence need not forget her manners." Dad was stunned but you could still see the horror on his face at how I blurted everything out in a rage.

I guess I was a bit rude…

"Mhm mhm mhm," Jasper now cleared his throat. "Your majesty…"

Mom and dad shot Jasper a look of anger, everyone else in the room gasped.

What the hell is going on here?

Jasper quickly corrected himself: "Master…"

I felt the look of disgust on my face at the sound of that word. We are not slave keepers, it's revolting. Even as I have come to understand why all of these people are at my service, I feel no more important than they are.

"Maren," Jasper finally got it right, "We have increased the number of patrols in the area, as well as the number of soldiers for each patrol. You'll have no fewer than three escorts anytime you leave the grounds and need only speak if you require any help. Just ask my soldiers, and they will assist you if you feel you are in danger."

What do I say to that?

"Your soldiers? Is the black wolf one of them?" I needed to know, he has been a constant in my life and no time like the present for answers

"No, uh…yes…uh, he-" Jasper was cut off by mom.

"The black wolf is a soldier, he has been removed from duty here to attend to more pressing security needs elsewhere." Mom's voice wavered as she spoke, in a soft and maternal manner, as though to comfort me. She must have sensed that I felt a connection with the black wolf, since he had been watching over me for so long.

A lump appeared in my throat as tears began to well up in my eyes. Not understanding why something that had been around for as long as I could remember, would be needed elsewhere.

"But I need him here," I blurted the words right from my heart. "He's a magnificent creature who has provided me comfort over the years with his presence. Years of my life that I spent lonely, with no real friends outside of this property. Years of my life that I spent confused about who and what I was, and with no guidance from the people who are supposed to be my protectors- my own parents." The words gushed just as I felt a hot tear slide down my cheek, burning my skin as it traced along my flushed face.

*Am I being too much right now? I can't even understand why I feel so deeply connected to this wolf. I know he has always been present but we didn't interact, other than the occasional staring contests. *

I fought to get control over my emotions, remembering that we were in the company of a guest, and my food was getting cold. I forced another bite in, hoping it would help move the lump in my throat.

"It won't be forever, beautiful Maren." Jasper's reassurance wasn't unnoticed but I didn't look up from my plate again for almost an eternity.

Alma, who I hadn't noticed was sitting just across from me, spoke to everyone. "Well, we still have much to celebrate, our Maren is coming into her gifts and is growing stronger every day!"

Everyone let out noises of happiness, and with that, the chatter around me grew. Everyone except Jasper, took turns asking me questions about what we had done in the cave the night before, Ella beamed with excitement each time someone wowed at any portion of my stories. It was just wonderful to be able to speak openly about things I had kept to myself before. I felt understood and accepted. Jasper, sat back and listened to everyone as they conversed, occasionally, he would flash a smile and I would catch myself admiring his features. His jawline was sharp, with a touch of facial hair growing around his pillowy lips and trailing down his perfect chin. I wonder how old he is, he is truly beautiful. I had finished something like six slices of French toast and for some reason couldn't satisfy the urge to imagine what muscular features could be hiding under Jasper's button down shirt. Before I could close my eyes in thought, Jasper flew from his seat in a hurry.

"I'll be taking my leave now, Sir, training to get to." He stood disheveled, using the collar of his shirt to fan himself.

Oh, my. I bet he is around twenty two to twenty six, Too old for me, but not for Ella.

I looked at Ella, who seemed queasy. Jasper dashed through the door, leaving a hint of cedarwood and sage trailing behind him. As I took it in, I opened my eyes (which I hadn't even realized were closed) to see everyone looking at me.

"What?!" Embarrassment struck, so I left the table to change my clothes.

Something rugged is necessary, I want to practice in the cave again today with Ella. I opted for my favorite pair of riding jeans and some Merrills, and slid a long sleeve flannel over my bra and tank top. I look like the Brawny man's little sister. Giggling at myself I made my way to the door, but not before grabbing one last strip of bacon for the road.

Ella expectantly waited for me outside, and off we set.

Ella and I spent each dusk in that cave for the next several months, under the light of the white flames. Every moment with her was lovely. I grew to memorize the details of her face, each evening, fighting the growing urge to feel the softness of her skin. I continued to fight my new found lust for skin to skin contact with her, excusing it as a confusing time in my life and uncontrolled hormones. Resisting the impulses I had made it easier to work with the elements, giving me more energy to utilize in training. We took turns at conjuring water, bending the air to our will, and growing crystalline sculptures until our stomachs wouldn't allow us to participate anymore. With insatiable hunger, we extinguished the beautiful flames and retreated to our humble homestead each night, following the fragrance of garlic roasted suppers.

At the table, the nine of us talked through our meals, dessert, and well into each night about what happened back in the cave. Each story seemed to interest them more than the last, and I felt as though I was always the most interesting and important person in the room. It was surreal, and I was never before so happy to be surrounded by my family. The attention was a bit overwhelming, but in time, I understood more why I was the center of it.

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