Chapter Four


Mother spent a lot of that morning, worrying whether we should return to school like nothing happened, or just leave Advania. It was a conflicting moment for her, and sometimes she will stop to look at the portrait of my father and say, “You said we should come here – what is here?” There was no response of course, but we knew she was trying hard to believe in the reason why we came here in the first place.

Cassie was also quiet that morning, and I wasn’t sure if it was out of remorse or out of curiosity. Yesterday was the first time I saw life in her eyes since we came to Advania. She stared out the door like she couldn’t wait to go out and explore all the secrets of the world we lived in.

Mother decided we should go to school and she imposed a strict curfew for returning home right after. Sometimes, I wasn’t sure why mother was so afraid, but I knew she wouldn’t want harm to befall either of us – we loved her too much to disapprove of her methods.

Cassie was the first to step out of the car and she went on without looking back. Mother pulled me towards herself and said, “Your sister – her eyes have changed.” And I couldn’t agree less. “Can you please watch over her? She might seem like she’s tough but, she is struggling on the inside.” Typical Cassie Dawson.

I leaned in to kiss my mother on the cheeks and headed for the hallways that led to my class. As I neared my locker, a familiar scent swept up my nose, making me sneeze. The scent couldn’t even be doused with the expensive cologne that surrounded it. I turned to my left and leaning against the locker beside me was a tall young man with indigo eyes that seared all their way to my soul. His eyes searched my face like it was a window to my soul. His hair was silver and black in a salt and pepper combination that fell short at his ears, and his lips were deep red like the peel of tomatoes – in other words, he was breathtaking. I took a step from him and he closed in on me, one hand in his pocket in that laid-back casual way that screamed cockiness and confidence at the same time.

“Can I help you?” I wasn’t one to be consumed by such advances as well. I chinned up to maintain eye contact but looked away almost immediately for his eyes were too bright.

“Is this yours?” He lifted his hand to my eye level and I saw a blue hair band. I touched my hair subconsciously and realized I had gotten home last night with the realization that I lost it during the scuffle with the Young Blood Southern Pack. I tried to snatch it out of his reach, but he was quick and since I didn’t catch myself fast enough, I collided with his brick-walled chest.

Embarrassment mixed with fear consumed me, and all I wanted to do was just walk away from him. That hair band, as little as it was, was given to me by my sister when I clocked ten, and I had cherished it ever since then. Cassie and I didn’t share much, but when we did, it meant the world to me. I couldn’t just walk away from that.

“It is mine,” I said, trying to catch his intense indigo eyes. Could it be that he was one of the werewolves we encountered the previous night? Silver, Black, or Grey? I stepped away from him again and he covered the space between us. He put his arm against the locker behind me, trapping me between both arms even without touching me.

“What do you think you are doing?” I asked, tilting my face away from him until I felt the back of my head pressed hard against the locker and there was no way to run.

“Tell me…” his drawl was cold. “Are you the blue one, or snow white?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about?” I tried to feign ignorance. I pushed his arm away from the way and snatched the bond from him. I started walking down the hall briskly and he followed right behind me. “Stop following me.”

“What do you mean?” His scoffed. “I am just a regular wolf, going about my day.” He knew it. His indigo eyes could search through my lies, and pick them piece by piece. He walked by me and turned into my class.

NO WAY! Could he be in the same class as me? Then, why didn’t I see him yesterday – I was sure I didn’t see him yesterday in class. I bit down on my lower lip. He held the door open and looked at me teasingly as he waited for me to walk in. I sighed deeply and stopped on the threshold. I thought for a second about what to do with the situation, Should I tell Cassie all about this? But, knowing Cassie, she will blow it out of proportion.

He leaned forward again, and his scent wafted up my nose again. Something about him was waking up a primitive heat within me, and I hated that I felt that way because I wasn’t an animal who would jump on the hormonal bandwagon. I bit down on my lip again and held the urge to say something snide. I didn’t want to give him the upper hand. He stretched forth to touch my hair and stopped mid-journey.

“I wonder…” he drawled in a sultry voice that drilled holes into my skin and filled my pores. “If your hair is as soft as your fur.”

Silver wolf! He had to be the Silver one because I was certain I didn’t touch other wolves, Cassie had dealt with them. I turned around, ignored his cockiness, and entered the class. I walked to my seat and settled down. I didn’t want to start my day, worrying about that bastard.

Even though he was breathtaking, I needed to remind myself that he and his minions had tried to hurt a girl, and I didn’t even want to think of the horrible things they could have done to her if Cassie’s hotheadedness hadn’t intervened.

The seat beside me pulled back, and he sat in it.

“Would you please, leave me alone before I report you?”

He scoffed, and the smirk angles at the corner of his lips. He looked me squarely in the face and leaned in – it was becoming a habit, and the more he did, the more my heart pounded against the walls of my chest. I could smell his alluring scent; that must be his charm – his art of seduction. I didn’t want to be swayed, so I looked away.

“You just got here yesterday, snow white – and you think you know the entire place.”

I thought about it. The seat beside me was vacant yesterday meaning…

“Yes.” He said like he could read my mind. “This is my seat.”

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