




Gabriel's POV
"Bro! That's her" Gavin yelled excitedly in his seat. I laughed and nodded my head. "Awesome! My soon to be sister-in-law is funny and H-O-T" He said and I growled lowly. He rolled his eyes and punched my shoulder. "Calm down Wolfie! She's all yours! I'll have my own bonder remember?" I laughed.
"I'm sorry, it's just my wolf doesn't like anyone near her but me" I grumbled and he laughed.
"It's okay Big Bro. But you know Mom's gonna have a field day with her!" He said and I groaned. "She's never gonna leave her alone now once you brought her over" we came at a stop light and I hit my head on the wheel.
"I never thought about that!" I said and he laughed.
"You know how much mom wanted a daughter! Now she finally gets one" Gavin said and I groaned
"Wonderful!" I said and Gavin laughed.
We finally pulled to our house. Evangeline parked directly behind my Jeep and I ran over to her car and opened her door. She blushed and my wolf purred.
"Thank you Gabriel" she said and I smiled. I noticed Gavin snickering and mouthing the word 'whipped' to me. I glared and he held up his hands in surrender. He unlocked the door and we walked in to my mother yelling in Spanish.
"¿Dónde están mis fresas! Ellos fuiste hace una hora?" (Where are my strawberries! They left about an hour ago?" Mom yelled and I groaned.
"Lo siento mamá! Tengo...um...distraje" (Sorry mama! I got...um...distracted)I yelled back and Evangeline looked at me in surprised. I raised an eyebrow. She blushed and I grinned.
"It's just..." she stumbled over her words "I never knew you spoke spanish"
"Well, I am half Spanish" I said and she blushed harder.
"Sorry it's just that you look,Don't take offense, like a complete like a white boy" she said and I chuckled.
"Yeah I get that a lot. Especially from my own mother" I said and she smiled. Suddenly my father appeared in the hallway.
Evangeline's POV
"Boys! Where's your mother's strawberries! She's having a fit" he said frantically. Their mouths dropped and they paled slightly. All three of them looked around frantically. I chuckled and that's when Mr. Green finally noticed me.
He stood straight and smiled.
"Well Hello girl, I have never met before" he said and I smiled while extending my hand towards him.
"Hi Mr. Green, I'm Evangeline Taylor. I go to school with Gabriel and Gavin" I said and he took my hand. Instead if shaking it he pulled me closer and hugged me. I was taken aback and surprised by the action at first until I laughed and hugged him back lightly.
"Call me Anthony! Mr. Green makes me sound old" he said and I smiled while nodding my head. I reached in my purse and handed Mr. Green the strawberries I bought. His eyes lit up and he hugged me again.
"Oh thank you Evangeline! Jennifer would be cussing us all out in Spanish if those idiots didn't bring her strawberries home" We all laughed and Mr. Green ran to the kitchen. Gabriel and Gavin came up behind me smiling.
"So that's why you ran back in the store" Gabriel said and I nodded.
"Yeah, I remembered you saying something about needing strawberries. I figured that since you didn't walk out with anything, you forgot too"
"You know, you didn't need to buy those" he said and pulled out his wallet "Here how much were they?" He asked and I shook my head laughing.
"I don't want your money. Just consider this as a thank you gift for letting me eat with you and your family" I said and he smiled. He put his hand on my lower back and gently guided me to the kitchen. Sparks ignited and I suddenly got nervous. What if his mom isn't as accepting as his dad? What if she hates anyone with her son? Oh God, I should have never came. Just as I was about to chicken out, when I was suddenly standing in front of a beautiful spanish woman with curly brown hair and the bright blue eyes. She looked like a porcelain doll and barely looked like a mother at all. She was small, but you can tell that she radiates authority. She looked at me from head to toe before smiling widely.
"Hello, you must be Evangeline. My name is Jennifer, it's nice to meet you sweetie" she said kindly. I smiled and held out my hand. She smiled widely at me and shook it before enveloping me in a tight hug. I chuckled and was pried away from her by Gabriel. She glared at him. I laughed once again.
"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Green" I said and she laughed.
"Well, someone has impeccable manners. Please Sweetie, call me Jennifer. Mrs. Green makes me feel like his mother" she said while pointing to Mr. Green. I laughed and he rolled his eyes. Suddenly I felt something tugging the bottom on my blazer. I looked down and was met with the cutest twins ever.
"Hi!" The one with green eyes said
"Hello" I said back
"You're pretty" the one with blue eyes said and I laughed while crouching down to their eye level.
"Why thank you. You two aren't to bad yourselves" I said and their little cheeks turned red. Suddenly both of them tackled me to the ground. I laughed and they wrapped their little arms around my neck.
"MOMMY! WE LIKE HER! CAN WE KEEP HER?" They both yelled and everyone chuckled.
"Well it seems like Greyson and Garrett loves her" Mrs. Green said and they nodded. Suddenly the twins were pried of me and I was pulled to my feet. Gabriel kept a secure arm around my waist to keep me steady. When it felt like I had my balance, I gently nudge Gabriel to let me go. When he didn't, I pried his arm off me. He blushed and mouthed a 'I'm sorry' to me before stepping back. I blushed a little and turned my attention back to the twins. But not before I saw, Mr. And Mrs. Green grinning like madmen.
"So which one of you are Greyson?" I asked and the one with green eyes raised his hand. I turned to the other one" So then you must be Garrett" I said and he nodded his head shyly. I smiled and hugged them tightly. "Well it's nice to meet you boys! I'm Evangeline but you can call me Eva" I said and they blushed more. Greyson whispered something in Garrett's ear and he nodded slightly. Suddenly I was engulfed in kisses. I giggled and so did Mrs. Green.
"Okay! That's enough guys! She still has to meet Grant!" Gabriel yelled loudly.
"You have one more brother?" I asked shocked. He nodded.
"Yeah he's my favorite, by far" he grumbled so lowly, that I almost didn't catch it. Gavin snickered and Mr. Green chuckled. Mrs. Green glared and he apologized lowly to her. He grabbed my hand gently and led me to the living room. Inside of the living room was a baby boy bouncing in one of those walking things. I immediately cooed and made my way over to Grant.
"Oh My God! He's so adorable! I thought the twins were cute! But he beats you all by far!" I said and Mrs. Green chuckled while all the boys grumbled.
"I agree, he beats all of them by far!" She said
"May I pick him up?" I asked and she nodded.
"Be my guest! You're practically family now" she said and Gabriel glared at her. She smiled.
I picked Grant up and he immediately began playing with my curly hair. I giggled and he smiled with his one little tooth. That made me giggle more and it made him start clapping. I began rocking him in my arms and he began giggling. Suddenly he grabbed my cheeks and started pinching them. Everyone laughed and I swear I heard a little purr.
"What was that?" I asked and everyone' sees widen, well except for the twins and Grant.
"What was what? Gabriel asked nervously
"Um? That purring sound?" I said and Gabriel gulped. I raised an eyebrow and placed Grant on my hip. He groaned and shut his eyes tight. I turned to his parents and they smiled. I looked at them weirdly before spinning Grant around. He giggled like crazy and that made me smile. Mrs. Green groaned.
"¡Oh,no! No otra vez! Ella es como Gabriel!" (Oh No!Not again! She's just like Gabriel) she whispered and Gabriel was about to translate when I responded.
"Lo siento señora Green! I no se supone que debe hacerlo girar?" (I'm Sorry Mrs. Green! Was I not suppose to spin him?) I asked and everyone's mouth dropped opened. I blushed. They were literally gawking at me.
"You...Speak...Spanish?" Gabriel choked out and I nodded slowly.
"I also speak French" I said and their mouths popped opened again. Suddenly Mrs. Green started jumping up and down while doing a little dance. Then she got on her knees and looked up at the ceiling.
"Gracias a Dios! Muchas gracias! Mis nietos siempre sabrán español!" (Thank you God! Thank you so much! My grandbabies will always know spanish!) she said and both Gabriel and I blushed. Mr. Green picked up Mrs. Green while shaking his head, smirking. It's crazy how much Gabriel looks like him. The only difference is that Gabriel has darker blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
"Come on honey! Let's stop embarrassing these kids and eat dinner. We're all starving." He said and she smiled. The twins came forward and grab both my hands. I chuckled.
"Come on Eva! Sit next to us!" They screamed and I nodded my head. Gavin was snickering while holding baby Grant. Gabriel was just grumbling silent curses. I chuckled. He smiled.
Greyson pulled my chair out and Gavin placed a napkin on my lap. I giggled. And they blushed.
"Why thank you both!" I said and they nodded before taking a seat on either side of me. Gabriel sat across from me while Gavin sat across from Greyson, and Garrett sat across from his mother. Mr. Green sat at the head of the table with his wife on the right side if him and baby Grant in the middle of them. Mrs. Green said a quick prayer and we all dug in.
"This is wonderful, Mrs. Green" I said and she smiled.
"Why thank you Evangeline, but you can call me Jennifer" she said and I nodded.
"Alright, but then you all must call me Eva, Evangeline is to long"I said and she chuckled.
"I like Evangeline" Gabriel whispered quietly and I blushed.
"Thank you" I said and he nodded while smiling down at his food. A throat cleared and I turned to look at his grinning parents. I blushed even redder.
"So Eva, tells us more about yourself" Mr. Green nodded.
"Um okay?" I said a little unsure. "Well I am 17, just about to turn 18 years old, um I'm an only child, I love children, as you can see" I said and Mrs. Green laughed. "I speak 3 languages and Um...my favorite animal is the wolf" As soon as I said this, everyone began choking on their food. I tapped Greyson and Garrett's back simultaneously. Gabriel was choking so bad, he had to drink 3 glasses of water. Gavin kept coughing and Mrs. Green kept rubbing her husband's back while he drank water. I looked at the weirdly. "Are you guys okay?" I asked and they nodded.
"Why do you like the wolf sweetie?" Mrs. Green asked curiously. I shrugged.
"I don't know actually? It's just something about how they act that just intrigues me. I like how they take care of each other like a family. Plus, their also really pretty too" I said and she laughed.
"Yes, they are very beautiful indeed" she said, eyeing her whole family. I looked at her curiously but decided to drop the subject. We finished eating and laughing together. I laughed so hard, that I started crying and that made everyone laugh harder. When we finished eating, I helped Mrs. Green empty and wash the dishes. The twins were wrestling their dad in the living room, while Gavin was on his phone. Gabriel was putting all of the leftovers in Tupperware. I just finished the last of the dishes when Grant started crying.
"Eva sweetie, can you get him please? Just until I'm done?" She asked and I nodded.
"Sure Mrs..." I started but then she narrowed her eyes. "I'm sorry. Sure Jennifer, I'll get him for you" I said and she smiled.
"Thanks Eva" she said then yelled "GABRIEL! HELP EVA WITH YOUR BROTHER!" She yelled and he nodded, grinning when I walked by him.
I went to Grant and picked him up, rocking him slightly and holding his head near my heart. He quieted slightly but was still sniffling. I looked at Gabriel for help and he came up behind me while making silly faces at Grant. Gabriel grabbed his little hands and feet and started moving them up and down. Grant giggled and I started bouncing him more. He giggled some more. Gabriel grabbed his hand and pretended to eat it. Grant grabbed his nose then pulled my hair slightly. I giggled and so did Grant. Suddenly his eyes started closing and he laid his tiny head under my chin. I giggled and began rocking him slightly. Gabriel gently took my hand and lead me through the living room, into the hallway. Gavin looked up from his phone and grinned. Mr. Green and the twins were dozing off on the couch. Both of them laying across his body. I smiled. I might not have known this family for long but, they were really growing on me. Something about them just made my heart melt. I've never met such a loving family before. It really makes me think about my dad. I sighed. I couldn't think about him now. Every time I do, I end of crying. I shake that thought out of my head. No time for thinking like that when I have a precious little gem in my arms. Gabriel squeezes my hand which brought me back to the present.
We our outside a door and Gabriel opens it revealing a cute little bedroom. It has baby blue walls with grey accents. The thing that most interests me is that their are wolves everywhere. From stuffed animals to the little trinkets hanging above the crib. Gabriel points to the crib and I gently deposit Grant on it. I take the little blue blanket and wrap it up to his waist. When I turn around, Gabriel is smiling at me with a weird expression in his eyes.
"What?" I ask him softly, trying not to wake up Grant. He shakes his head and comes closer. My heart rate skyrockets.
"You'll be a great mother some day" he says softly,barely audible. I smile and blush a little.
"Thank you," I said softly "You'll be a wonderful father one day too"
He smiles and then grabs my hand gently, intertwining our fingers. He pulls me out of the room and back to the kitchen. His mother is just taking the pie out of the oven. When she sees us,she smiles. I look over at the oven clock and my eyes widen.
9:30 Already? Wow, I guess what they say is true, time really does fly when you're having fun. I look at Mrs. Green and smile.
"Thank you for having me in your wonderful home with your wonderful family Jennifer. But now I must go home or else my mother will kill me for driving this late home" I say and she nods.
"Okay sweetie, I guess we lost track of time huh? Let me make you a plate to go" she said and I shook my head. She narrowed her eyes and I relented. When I tried to help her, I remembered that my hand is intertwined tightly with Gabriel's. He makes no move to let go. I gently pry my hand away from him. He pouted slightly before smiling at me.
Mrs. Green handed me a bag and she gave me a hug. "Thank you for coming sweetie, we really enjoyed your company" just as I was about to leave, Mr. Green and the boys woke up. The twins ran to me and gave me sleepy smiles. I bent down and hugged them tightly. They wrapped their little arms around my neck and squeezed.
"Thank you boys, for the wonderful evening" I said and they squeezed tighter.
"Eva will you be back?" Garrett asked me with puppy dog eyes. I chuckled and kissed his little nose. He blushed.
"Yes, Garrett, I promise you and Greyson I'll be back" I said and he nodded. I kissed Greyson's little nose and he giggled. They both ran upstairs laughing. Mr. Green came up after them and bear hugged me. I laughed and hugged him back too. He made his way over to his wife and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. I smiled. Next Gavin came up and hugged me before announcing that he needed his beauty sleep. Gabriel snorted and Mrs. Green laughed. Mrs. Green hugged me so tight that I couldn't breath. Gabriel had to pry his mother away from me.
"Don't be shy Eva, come around here whenever you want. You family now and it seems like my boys really love you" she said looking at Gabriel pointedly and we blushed. I nodded and was about to walk out when Gabriel grabbed my wrist. I looked up at him confusingly. He smiled.
"Let me walk you to your car"
I nodded and we walked out in the chilly air together. When we arrived at my car, both of us stood their awkwardly. Suddenly he spoke up.
"Thank you for having dinner with us. We all really enjoyed you company."Gabriel said blushing a little I smiled.
"Of course! I loved hanging out with you guys. I especially love the twins and baby Grant"I said and he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, you wouldn't love them if you lived with them. Trust me." He said and I giggled. I checked my phone once again and sighed. I really didn't want this night to end. Gabriel smiled and opened my door. He stopped me before I got in. "Would like like to have lunch tomorrow with my friends and I?" He asked shyly and my heart rate sped up.
"Sure" I said shyly back to him. He grinned and held my door open wide. Just as I was about to get in, I turned around and hugged him. He was surprised by this at first but then hugged me back tightly. I smiled against his chest before I let go. I got in and waved before I backed out of the drive way. He waved back and I was soon on my way back to Dorothea's house.
The whole time, I was smiling like a mad woman.