Chapter 2

It was a fairly frosty evening with a breeze chilled enough to freeze the air. The streets were packed as they always were around this time. It would be the last night that the sisters spent in their childhood home. Anne was preparing for the ball with one of her dearest friends, Mildred. They had met as they were once neighbours, and their fathers the best of friends.

‘I was thinking of wearing red. It is the first ball I have attended since my dear mother was alive. I was so young, maybe nine.’

‘Anne? Really? Red is not the colour for a formal lady like Bertha. They say red is a promiscuous colour. She will be expecting you to turn up looking like a modest lady.’

‘And instead she will get me, what a disappointment.’

The girls laughed as they examined all the clothes they could find. From fine silks to luxurious velvets. They spent most of their spare time together and they enjoyed each other’s company.

‘Anne? Will you do as your father commanded? It is your honour and duty to follow your fathers orders even after he is gone.’

‘I may and I may not. He wanted me to marry when I was 16 but I put it off for a year, maybe I can continue to do so.’

‘Why don’t you want to be wed? I find the concept fascinating. To give yourself completely to another is just beautiful.’

‘The last time I checked you were 18, stop speaking as though you are too old to live. We are both young. I just want to explore before I settle down with anyone. If my Aunt

Bertha or my father could not understand that then more fool them. I will do as I please. Now, go and fetch my sister, we have a ball to attend.’

They left their home for the last time and Anne, Mildred and Anne’s younger sister Wilma walked down to Bertha’s mansion together. They lived only down the road from one another, but it seemed that not visiting was a choice made by both parties.

‘Are you sure there is no other way? Do we really have to stay with Aunt Bertha?’

‘Yes, Wilma I am sorry there is no other way. We will just have to hope that I find a man to take care of us both, without marrying him.’

‘I will marry first if it means we can get away from that horrible woman.’

‘Wilma be realistic. You are too afraid to speak to men, so you definitely won’t be marrying one anytime soon. You need to wait until you are of age first. Promise me that you will put your feelings for Bertha aside and not force yourself into anything that you do not want to do?’

‘I will try dear sister. I will keep my woman hood until marriage, I promise I won’t let you down no matter who tries to tempt me.’

Mildred remained silent and walked next to the sisters as they had their important conversation. She stared into the distance and wondered what it would be like to live with a hated Aunt. She had everything she wanted. Three happily married brothers and a big rich family, there was no rush for her to marry, only for love.

‘If you do find yourself in a man’s arms don’t feel guilty. Just make sure nobody finds out. The amount of times I have been with a married man, well, I’ve lost count.’

‘Mildred! Please do not tell my sister things like that. I promised my father that I would bring her up properly, as he would have.’

‘You are both free agents, are you not? Use this party to your advantage. Meet loads of rich fine young men and take your pick. Have your fun with them and throw them to the wolves. There is nothing more satisfying.’

‘Sometimes my dear friend, I worry about you.’

The conversation collapsed when they entered the mansion and it was already packed with unfamiliar faces. The party was in the ballroom that was fit for a king. There was an aged gentleman playing the violin in the corner and another man next to him playing the piano. All smartly dressed to their best. Many people were dancing but even more people were chatting. Anne felt a moment of freedom before she noticed her Aunt stood talking to a young man near the large buffet.

She went to walk away with her best friend and sister, but she was soon spotted. Bertha came walking over with an exceptionally good-looking man walking beside her. All three of the young girls didn’t know how to react to a man of his stature approaching them as he seemed to be a man of extraordinary wealth. His hair was blonde and perfectly placed to one side, a fashionable haircut that seemed daring to some men.

‘Ah there you are girls; late as usual I see. May I introduce Sheldon Winchester. His father owns a house just on the next street. They also own four family businesses. Sheldon, this is Anne my niece, Wilma my other niece and Mildred, Anne’s friend.’ Bertha explained as all three girls remained silent and stared into the eyes of the tall handsome man.

‘I am more than pleased to meet you all, what fine ladies you are.’ Sheldon replied as he gently kissed the hands of them all.

‘Hello Sheldon, you may dance with me if you wish.’ Mildred said to Sheldon confidently whilst biting her lip and not taking her eyes off of him.

‘How lovely of you to offer but I would like to ask you, Anne, to dance with me.’ Sheldon said as Mildred turned away in disgust. Anne tried to hide her knees turning wobbly and her forehead beginning to sweat. Luckily for her, she managed to hide her excitement and fears.

‘Of course.’ Anne replied with modesty as she was escorted to the centre of the ballroom to dance.

Mildred walked away to get some champagne alone while Wilma and Bertha were left to watch Sheldon and Anne have their first dance.

‘It’s a shame, I really thought he had the sense to choose you over your sister. I see you as the sensible one, perfect for a gentleman like him.’ Bertha said to Wilma without making eye contact.

‘I do not know. They look good together. Plus, she is older so she needs to marry before I even look at the options.’ Wilma said, cowering away from her Auntie with genuine fear.

‘Do you really want your sister to be more successful than you? To constantly look down on you and have power over you for the rest of your life? I would grab your independence from her while I could. If I was you, I would get his attention and make sure it stayed that way. Just think of the type of life you could lead with a man like that. I know you secretly hate your sister for all the things she has done, you do not need her, it's time to move on.’ Bertha said as she walked away, not giving Wilma a chance to reply. She was left to her own thoughts whilst Bertha spoke to noblemen.

‘You are just beautiful.’ Sheldon said to Anne as he danced with her and stared into her eyes. She looked around cautiously as though she was afraid that someone may be watching. She didn’t reply at first, she let the music fill the silence.

‘Thank you.’ She finally responded modestly once again. She continued to dance until she saw her Aunt staring over and judging them both. Anne laughed to herself for a second.

‘It would seem you have chosen the wrong sister.’ Anne chuckled to herself and Sheldon joined in.

‘A man of my wealth should be free to choose without the influence of an old widowed woman.’ Anne half smiled at Sheldon’s response but also fell into a state of thought as Bertha looked evilly at Anne and then moved on.

After spending time alone thinking, Wilma was approached by Mildred who had already had too much champagne.

‘You should warn your sister against him, she wouldn’t listen to me, not when it comes to men.’ Mildred said with half a glass in her hand.

‘Warn her? Against what? He seems elegant and charming.’ Wilma replied, staring over at the man who glowed like an angel to her.

‘I have heard a lot of him in the town. Much of it impresses me but it would not impress our dear Anne. That is why I wanted him for myself. He is much to my liking.’ Mildred said as they both stared over at the young wealthy gentleman.

‘I believe not all rumours are true. People talk, it is idol gossip. He will make her happy. You will see.’ Wilma said as Mildred rolled her eyes and walked away, laughing at Wilma’s naivety.

After two long dances of passion and romance, Sheldon altered his blazer as the music came to an end and everyone began to clap for the musicians.

‘Excuse me madam, I have some urgent business to attend to. But I am more than happy to accompany you this evening at my home for dinner.’ Sheldon asked, leaving Anne looking surprised. Anne thought it to be late already, but she said nothing as she was too flattered by the offer.

‘I may attend, sir. I would tell you one way or the other but I would hate to be predictable.’ She said politely, maintaining the manners that her father had forced upon her.

‘When you leave this place, turn left and follow the straight road until you come up to a grand house with the name Winchester on the mailbox. I shall look forward to seeing you again. Good day, young Anne.’ He told her where his home was as he gently kissed her hand and then walked out of the ballroom with all eyes on him.

Anne watched him walk away as she tried to catch her breath that had suddenly run away from her. She noticed Bertha staring over at her once again, and they finally made eye contact. Anne smiled smugly at her jealous Aunt, they continued to stare at one another for some time. Anne secretly battled with the temptation of the young Sheldon. Going to his home unchaperoned would be unwoman-like, but she often did as she pleased.

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