It’s too late, they’re already here.

My breath heaved heavier than that of a rock placed on it, for with the question uttered from the man whose heights towered in front me, so does authority radiated off him. A gulp went straight down my throat, as I stared back at his green eyes, one in which every hair in my body told me, held a dangerous scheme in them.

"She ran in there, search for her!" My ears perked at the sound that came from outside, one which took my attention away from the man who stood in front of me.

"You're trying to escape." My gaze moved away from where the voices echoed, as I stared back at the man with green eyes, whom held a sinister smile.  He took a step closer to me, as when he did, so did my heart began pounding in fear that on reflex my legs moved backwards.  "You have guts," A chuckle escaped his lips, while he moved forward and I moved backwards. "Do you really think that is possible?" He added, as my throat engulfed a large gulp again.

"I...please...don't hurt me..." My words came feeble, as my voice sounded timid, which showcased the fear in me, but of course he didn't listen to me for he came even closer till I'm hitting a wall. In fear of what he could and would do to me, my eyes came shut, while I waited for him to do what it is I know their kind did best, but instead of him to bite me, I noticed he inhaled my scent through his nostrils while his eyes went shut, and mine came open. And when his eyes would come back open, I knew I was dead meat, for his eyes had turned the darkest blood red I have ever seen in my entire existence, one I knew is far from normal.

My leg's wobbled, my eyes filled with tears of fear, my body shook, as I knew I was about to die in the most horrible way possible and from a vampire which my mother always warned me about. As his fangs extracted, my eyes closed shut to have felt the impact of them, but instead, I felt a soft hand pull me away, which caused me to fall to knee, as when I would process my environment, my gaze landed with that of Elena whom has a panting breath.

"Get up! We have to go now!" Elena's voice rang in my ear and it took me no second to recognize that she has just saved me from being dead. I got up instantly, while my gaze briefly met with that of the vampire who had me trapped, as this time I wasted no second to take to my heel with Elena and run out, with definitely no idea of where we were going or how we were going to escape the vampires, clearly knowing of their speed, whereas we were just regular humans. And still yet, it was a foolish attempt we had to make.

"Run faster Mayilla, they are behind us!" Elena spoke to me, while she ran ahead of me. I didn't know how she did it, but she was much faster than a regular human, while I on the other hand, tried to keep up as much as I could. As much as we ran, it felt as though we weren't getting to the end of it, rather getting to any stop, as all that laid before us was a vast forest, which we circled continuously.

"I...I don't understand..." Elena came to stop, as her thoughts came to resemble mine, while she stared around the forest. "Why are we not getting anywhere?" Elena spoke as traces of desperation and anger filled her words beyond reason. I one the other hand was left speechless, as I neither knew if we should continue running or just give up, for any of it which we do seemed hopeless.

"We can't just stay here Elena, we have to keep going." I eventually spoke, while my gaze moved around the field, seeing as no vampires was seen on sight, one which was suspicious in my thinking.

"It's too late, they are already here." Elena responded as every hope on her face died at that second, while my own gaze searched for the vampires which she said were already with us, yet, I couldn't see any.

"But I don't..." My words came short to have seen the movements of the vampires. Their speed so fast that I could barely see them, which made me wonder how Elena saw them, before I sensed them. "We're dead Elena, we're so dead." I added, while I could see the continuous movements of various vampires, for when they came to a stop, my breath hanged at their numbers.

We were definitely dead.

"No. I'm not going to die by their hands." I heard Elena say, as my gaze turned to her wide open.

"And what do you suppose we do? We are outnumbered. Look at them! We can't even take one of them, not talk of five." I spoke to Elena as I saw no reason in her words. "Let's us plead and hope they don't kill us." I added as every hope of getting out became a foolish  attempt I regretted making, for now I will also have Elena's blood in my hands, knowing she came to recuse me.

"Never!" Elena disregarded my words, as my gaze only grew wide, especially when I noticed her pick up a wooden stick from the ground.

"I'm not scared of any of you." Elena said, as I could only watch in confusion, yet, I couldn't stand still for when I saw the vampires moving towards us, I also picked up a  stick, definitely not because I know how to fight, but because I couldn't leave Elena to be on her own, else we will both be dead. That is if we weren't already.  In a swift and agile move, I watch Elena dodge an attack from one of the vampires, before staking the wood in his chest and killing him, while she did the same with the three others, leaving me to battle with my confusion and the vampire in front of me whom had me pinned.

I watched his fangs grow wide, as on reflex my mouth went open to scream Elena's name, as she battled with a vampire of her own, yet, in seconds she ran to me and dashed the vampire off me, while her breath heaved high in fatigue. My gaze went weak, as I stared down at the dead vampires on the floor, along with the blood that oozed out from the cut on her stomach that she held tightly. Not only did I have guilt in my eyes, so did bewilderment follow as I wondered how a human was capable of taking on five vampires all on her own.

"Elena you're bleeding," I ran to her, while I held her in my arms.

"I'm fine. We have to keep going, they're coming." Elena said, while my gaze moved around the forest.

"But we're not getting anywhere." I spoke.

"We will." Is all Elena said, as her brunette locks stained with blood and sweat which ran down her face. My gaze on Elena stayed longer as from her abilities, I knew there was more to her than she said. We kept on running, rather jogging this time around, due to Elena's injury, as when I figured we were beginning to find our way, vampires from every corner of the forest approached us. Even if Elena had hope initially, it seemed to have dropped with numbers that circle us, for if we had a chance earlier due to Elena's skills, now it was different, for she has grown weaker and I whom stand by her side, knows nothing of combat. Still yet, I held the wooden stick firm in my hand.

Elena neither expressed any form of weakness from her injury, nor does she stop fighting the vampires and drop them dead. Luck seemed to follow me, as I stabbed one of the vampires in the chest, only for me to have my gaze turned and I met Elena's throat in the hands of tall figure whom has his back faced at me. I watched Elena struggle for breath as her body dangled in the air, for when the man turned to face me, my voice hitched and my breath skipped.

"Please...please don't hurt her..." I pleaded, as I stared back at the man whom I had met earlier with green eyes. "I'll surrender. I promise...I won't fight back anymore...I won't try to escape... please!" Tears began strolling my eyes seeing Elena fall short of breath, while I stood there not able to move an inch.

"What are you?" The man with the green eyes spoke, as his gaze rested glaring deep at me, that I could feel the shivers of fear run down my spine and when I thought he would heed to my pleads, I watched in horror as his green eyes began to turn blood red just like earlier. The scene in front of me horrific that I prayed for it to be a dream, as I continued to watch the man struggle with something I do not know inside of him, while he closed his eyes shut and stirred uncomfortably, still with Elena in his grip.

"Please...let her go..." My words began turning to sobs, as I watched his grip loosen on Elena, with hopes of him letting her live, but how wrong was I, for when he opened his eyes to meet mine, they were the darkest red I have ever seen and in a swift action, he had his fangs digging straight into Elena's neck and sucking her veins till they become dry, while my voice of agony and pain echoed through every tree in the forest.

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