Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

When it came to my family my older brother Izan was the one who had to marry a descendant from one of the other families, like my mother said he didn’t have the opportunity to choose because Arden Kunt was the only one over twenty-one. However, Izan was murdered by a group of hunters about three months after getting married to Arden, and since she hadn’t gotten pregnant yet the descendant that was supposed to be born under the last name Wards never came.

Because of what happened to him the responsibility to keep the Wards bloodline alive fell on me. That meant that my mentality had to change completely. Since I wasn’t the first born of the family I didn’t have the obligation to keep our bloodline pure, meaning I could date and eventually have children with whoever I wanted and I grew until the age of eleven – when Izan was killed – knowing that, but in a matter of seconds I had become the first born and I had to, essentially, give up my freewill and marry someone and have children with them out of obligation.

I didn’t like that at all, which turned into a ton of fights with my parents and other members of the pack, it took me until the age of eighteen to, sort of, accept that I wasn’t getting out of it so I decided to at least try and fall in love with one of the three people I could choose from.

Daiki Hunt was one of them, he was part Japanese – from his mother’s side – he had dark brown hair, dark eyes and a very sexy tattoo on his back, said tattoo wasn’t exactly a tattoo he just decided to permanently mark the scars left behind from his first fight against a hunter. We were quite close friends and we had a romantic relationship when we were seventeen but it didn’t end up well.

Alisha Izmair was another one of my “suitors”, we grew up as real close friends and basically helped each other to find out we were also into girls, in her case she’s only into girls, on the other hand I play for both teams.

Her older brother, Charles, was another one of my suitors. My relationship with him was never the best, I respected him because he was a year older than me and I found him attractive because he was pretty much the male version of Alisha, but that was it.

-Good morning Dhalia – said Hellena Lamberd, one of the people on charge of supervising the training area

Hello, have you seen Aldahir? – I asked her while kicking around a rock with my foot

-He’s not here yet, he’s fifteen minutes late again – she answered with anger – if he weren’t one of our best warriors I would have kicked him out of our town a while back

-I am glad he is that good then – I said through my teeth while walking away from her

As every community or town we had a police force – if could even call police force to a group of werewolves with supernatural abilities far superior to any human being – the pure blooded families were deemed as too valuable so risking loosing one of our own was out of the question, due to it we were forbidden from becoming warriors. We all had come basic training, just enough to not be an easy target for hunters because humans absolutely hated wolves.

Even though we weren’t allowed to become warriors the Lamberd family had always been on charge of supervising the training of our warriors. The ones who were encouraged – or even forced – to become warriors were the people without “pure wolf blood” meaning the ones born as wolves outside of the six original families and the ones who turned into wolves by a bite from one of us.

Because of the tradition were the first born of each new generation of the six original families was the one with the responsibility to keep the bloodline pure, if there were any more children from one of those families they could be with whoever they want. Those relationships brought to life some sort of a “second class” citizens within out town because they are born as werewolves but are considered to be impure.

Then there were the people occupying the lowest place of importance in our town – or “third class citizens” – the ones who were turned into werewolves by a bite, they were considered to be infected by our lycanthropy which on the eyes of most of the people from the town made them inferior to the rest of us. The ones who belong to this group were marked by a tattoo of an arrow head behind their right ear and were forced to become warriors and protectors of the rest of us.

Something I always hated was the reason why they were marked with that tattoo. Just like the original families that had a specific tattoo for each of them they created a tattoo to identify the bitten wolves from us and essentially remind them how expendable they were because if we ever wanted we could just head into the closest human town and bite whoever we wanted to replace them.

Aldahir is one of those who were bitten. It happened when I was sixteen, Alisha, Charles, Daiki, Melina and I had decided to roam around the beautiful and thick forest that surrounded our town, every time we did that we left our clothes and everything else we had on us by the Dupin’s place – Melina’s family – because it was the closest to the edge of the forest, then transformed into wolves and started running around kind of playing with each other, though always doing our best to be careful and not accidentally end up in someone’s garden or a little too close to a hunter.

That particular day we weren’t as careful as we should have, at least Charles wasn’t. We went up to a river and he decided to transform back into a human because he didn’t want to drink water with a bunch of fur in it, which happened every time we drank as wolves, but as soon as he did it we noticed three people on the other side of the river and they had just seen a wolf transforming into a human, which was obviously bad and quite dangerous for us.

Immediately one of them, a woman who seemed to be around forty years old, grabbed a riffle and started shooting at us, Charles transformed back into a wolf – not before getting hit by a couple bullets in his face – then Melina, Daiki and Charles started chasing after the people.

Alisha and I couldn’t catch up to them in time, all we heard were screams, a few shots and a lot of growling, when we finally caught up to them we found the woman who had fired at us and a man around the same age as her dead, they had been basically turned to pieces by the three of them.

-What the hell did you just do!? – Asked Alisha in horror after transforming into a human

-They saw Charles – answered Melina looking at her confused while wiping off some blood from her lips

-That crazy woman shot at me! – Screamed Charles visibly angry while doing his best to keep a piece of his check from falling off his face

-But you didn’t have to kill them! – Yelled Alisha punching her brother

Charles growled at her, transformed back into a wolf and jumped at her, Alisha immediately transformed into a wolf too and they disappear from our sight while attacking each other.

-There were three of them, where is the other one? – I asked to Daiki who was standing next to the woman staring at what they had done in horror

-I… I don’t… - He started to answered without being able to form a coherent sentence

-It’s a guy of about our age, we got him really bad but he managed to get away, he will die soon don’t worry about it – answered Melina putting her black curly hair up to avoid getting blood on it

I nodded slightly and told the to make sure Alisha and Charles wouldn’t kill each other, so they transformed into wolves and ran after them. As soon as they were far away enough to not hear me I allowed myself to empty my stomach and stayed knelling down on the snow for a few seconds while breathing heavily and thinking about that had just happened so I decided to look for the guy, I transformed into a wolf so I could rely on my sent of smell and started walking around trying to pick up the awfully strong smell of blood.

After a few minutes I found an extremely pale guy with gray, white-ish hair and his body covered in scratches and blood, I walked around him pushing him with my nose and paws a little hoping he were still alive, he reacted when my nose touched a very deep scratch near his eye and without thinking too much about it I decided I wouldn’t let him die, sat next to him and moved out of my way part of the shredded shirt he had and I was able to see a tattoo of a full moon on the left side of his chest, I begged he would one day be able to appreciate the irony and bit him right under the tattoo, my bite made him whimper a little and he tried to pull away of was hurting but he wasn’t strong enough to do so.

I went back to where the other bodies were and I took the jacket of the man, that was surprisingly not completely shredded and put it over the guy to try and keep him even a little warm, then I dragged him back to our town being as careful as possible and trying not to hurt him even more.

When I got back to the town I said I found him near another two bodies and they seemed to have been attacked by a bear – luckily for me it was that time of the years when bears are going around looking for food for hibernation – and since he was the only one still alive I decided to save him. The healers of our town took him to the little hospital we had, he stayed there until he recovered completely and after a while he became a part of our town.

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