Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

We walked the nearly two kilometers to the human town right next to ours almost in complete silence but our hands ever fell apart. Right before we went into the town Aldahir stopped me by the arm so he could talk to me.

-Feeling better now? – He asked letting go of my arm

I nodded yes looking at him, he smiled, offered me his hand and after I grabbed it he pulled into the town. I always had a love-hate relationship with the town as a whole and its people, most of the hunters we encountered where from that town because they grew up hearing about all these legends and myths regrading people who could transform into wolves, humans are naturally curious so of course a lot of them risked going into the forest looking for on of those wolves thinking if they could catch it, film it or even kill it they would become the hero of their town.

They all wrongfully believed that those humans who transformed into wolves were dangerous and were waiting out there for their opportunity to kill everything and everyone that would cross their path, that of course was nothing but a lie, some of us might have a temper sure but we weren’t stupid enough to actually attack a human town and risk exposing ourselves when we had been able to remain as nothing but a myth. Unfortunately for those humans who managed to get deep enough into the forest and catch a glimpse of one of us, they were either killed or bitten so they would be forced to keep the secret as well.

But ignoring the fact that if the humans from the town were to know the two people walking their streets were wolves we would have gotten killed, that place was quite lovely, even thought it was always cold and covered in snow most of the time it somehow had the most colorful flowers, the stores and restaurants there had this homey and cozy atmosphere, and since it was near the forest that was actually a national park of the country it was full with people more than happy to welcome I tourists so they were insanely nice. It was also really convenient because it had pretty much everything we needed, which saved us a nearly two-hour drive to the province capital.

Aldahir and I went into the tech shop and after the woman behind the counter silently judged us about in how bad shape my cellphone was in, she sent us to roam the town for a couple hours while she worked on it.

-I didn’t like that woman – said Aldahir suddenly after exiting the shop


-She judged you so badly and didn’t even bother to ask what happened to the phone, if she over charges you I’m not staying quiet

-She was probably just confused about it, is not like a phone suddenly dying from humidity in a super dry and cold place is normal – I said shrugging my shoulders

-Sometimes I don’t understand how you can stay so damn calm all the time, are not even a little annoyed?

-Why would I get annoyed at someone realizing they have a difficult thing to work on because of me

-Wait… Are you still talking about the phone? – Asked Aldahir looking at me confused

-Yes, you were talking about the phone too

-No, I changed the subject a few sentences ago Dhalia – he said laughing at me

-Really? – I asked and he nodded – I’ve asked you to please tell me when you change the topic of conversation like that, you know my brain is different to yours – I said punching him softly on the side

-Sorry, it’s still funny to see you all confused – he said laughing

-I can pull the Autism card right now and make you look really bad, you know? – I said in a threatening tone

Aldahir raised an eyebrow, as if he were proud of my response and then laughed.

-That would be a really low blow, even for you – he said narrowing his eyes

I kept eye contact with him for about five seconds and then tickled him to not admit defeat; even though he was one of the very few people with whom I was able to make eye contact without much difficulty he sometimes used it against me and it was annoying.

-Oh right fine, let’s go – he said putting an end to the tickles – I’ll get you a coffee

I smiled and wrapped my arms around one of his, then we went to “Le Doux Café” one of my favorite places to get coffee from. We found a table at the terrace of the place and sat there to wait out two hours.

-Could we talk about a hypothetical situation? – Asked Aldahir

-Of course – I said slowly not knowing what he wanted to talk about

-What would you want to do if we were to escape together? Let’s say tomorrow during, after or even before the ceremony we decide to leave

-Why do you want to know? – I asked confused

-Peace of mind, I’m going to watch you get married and have kids with somebody else while I’m in love with you and I know you’re also in love with me, let me have a few minutes of fantasy

-Okay… Hypothetically, we would have to first look for a place to go to, it would have to be far away from our town because for sure my family would try and chase us

-We could go to Toronto, is a big province with an even bigger city and population, it would be difficult for your family to find us – added Aldahir playing with his napkin on the table

-I like Toronto and you’re right, it would be hard to be found there… But if is nothing but a big city we would have to figure out a plan for the full moons – I said playing into the scenario

-We could get a place with a basement, I’m not as out of control as I was a few months ago, you could just tie up there and make sure no one gets inside

-Or we could plan a camping trip for every full moon, that way I could transform into a wolf too and keep you in check

-That sounds nice but…

-Hello, how is everything here? – Said the waiter cutting Aldahir off

-We’re great thank you – said Aldahir to him and I just smiled

The waiter smiled back and went on to the next table.

-Maybe we shouldn’t be talking about this in a place full of people – said Aldahir laughing – let’s go outside

-Good idea – I said laughing too

We paid our coffees and went outside where we walked for a while until we sat down under a tree after getting rid of some snow from the bench, once we sat down Aldahir put his arm over my shoulders and kissed my check.

-So continuing with our hypothetical – said Aldahir – the camping idea sounds really nice but we would have to look for a place with a natural wolf population so the people around won’t get suspicious if all of a sudden a couple wolves show up

-So we look for a place with wolves, noted… How about jobs? We wouldn’t be working as entertainment for the tourists that go to the national park

-We could… Train to become cops, is not like the physical challenges would be difficult for us – said Aldahir laughing

-You would want to become a cop? – I asked surprised

-Yes, why not? That way I could let out some of my energy without hurting anyone – said Aldahir shrugging his shoulders

-It makes sense, we would become cops then – I said smiling – so that would be our life if we could have it

-Yes… At least it was fun to pretend that we were planning it – he said smiling too

I didn’t know what else to say so I pulled him in for a kiss, his hands went to my waist where he grabbed tightly almost as if he were afraid someone would try to take me away from him, my hands went to his face where I tried to touch every inch of his skin fully knowing that I wouldn’t be able to kiss him ever again and I didn’t even know if that kiss was going to be our last kiss.

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