Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

Our way back to the town was as somber as if we were on our way to a funeral, we held hands the entire way and as soon as we arrived I wanted to get out of there again, Aldahir seemed to pick up on that because he knelled down in front of me pretending to be respectful to me and kissed my hand, that made me smile, action that Aldahir copied and stood up.

-I was a pleasure to accompany you Dhalia Wards, I am always at your service – he said as a goodbye and then walked away

I took a deep breath before heading to my house and on my way there I simply ignored everyone that crossed my path while I kept thinking about the hypothetical that Aldahir and I had just built, I kept imagining how difficult it would be for us to actually get to Toronto, how many hours and how many buses we would have to take, how much money would that cost us, but how worth it would be to escape from everything, from all the stupid responsibilities I had and to actually have a chance at living the life I wanted, instead of the one I had to live.

Those thoughts kept on running around my head all night, which made it impossible for me to sleep and I had to stop myself from getting out through the window and sneaking into Aldahir’s room to tell him “Let’s make our hypothetical a reality” but I knew no matter how badly I wanted it, it wouldn’t be realistic and all it would do was cause problems for everyone around me.

The choosing ceremony had two parts, first the person who was being "courted" meaning me, would spend an hour alone with each suitor, this was supposed to help in the final choice because you would get some alone time and the opportunity to open up completely with them, hopefully something happened during that one hour that would make you say "yes, this is who I want to spend the rest of my life with" or the opposite.

Either way I was as nervous as one could be, I nearly throw up before receiving the first person and all I could do was hope and pray for one of them to surprise me and make me forget that I wasn't in love with neither of them and that I would never get the chance to actually be with Aldahir.

On top of all I was not a people person and was dreading the one-on-one interactions, I knew I would have to heavily mask my autism if I wanted to appear as normal as possible and avoid being criticized and laugh at because I was acting "weird", masking that much had always been difficult, it made me mentally tired and it stopped me from being myself, which was awful and I knew it would make me think about Aldahir and how I never had to mask when I was with him.

The only person with whom I wouldn't have to mask that day was Alisha, since we grew up together, she never found me to be “weird” she even helped me when I was diagnosed at thirteen and she had always accepted and loved me as I truly was.

At exactly one in the afternoon, a knock on my bedroom door made jump on my place and pulled me out of my thoughts. I gathered myself as best as I could, took a deep breath and walked to the door, when I opened it I saw my mother with her big and proud smile.

  • It is a pleasure to see you my sweet Dhalia - she said smiling even wider which made her teeth shine against her dark brown skin

She reached out trying to stroke my hair but I recoiled from her touch trying not to make it obvious and smiled too, she seemed pleased with my reaction and stepped aside to reveal Charles Izmair, he smiled, more as a courtesy than anything else and stepped into my room.

  • I will come back with Daiki in an hour, enjoy yourselves - said my mother exiting and closing the door behind her

  • So... - Said Charles looking at me

He was waiting for me to start the conversation we were going to have, but I was unable to form a coherent enough though, let alone put that half-formed idea into words.

We stayed there in an awkward silence for what felt like forever when Charles apparently understood I wasn't going to talk, so he cleared his throat and reached into the front pocket of his white jacket from where he pulled out a small and flat purple box.

  • I feel like we owe to each other the respect of being honest - he said looking at me

I forced myself to nod to show him I was listening.

  • We both know you're not choosing me - he said with a slight chuckle

  • I'm... I'm sorry - I said unsure how to react

  • Don't worry too much about it, we've never had any kind of relationship besides you being friends with my sister, honestly it would be weird if you chose me... Still, I'm supposed to give tell you all the reasons why I'm the best option...

After those words left his mouth, I realized we had been standing in the middle of my room the whole time.

  • Sorry - I said cutting him off - maybe we should sit - I said pointing to my bed

Charles nodded agreeing with the idea and we sat on opposites sides of the bed.

  • I guess I should first say that I'm one of the best hunters of our town, I can promise we will always have a freshly caught meal to eat - he said laughing

I laughed with him being unsure if he was joking or not.

  • One could also say I don't have that much of a temper - he said shrugging his shoulders - that would make it less likely for me to snap at you or our kids

I nodded knowing he was lying about that one while remembering what happened with Aldahir and his parents, but decided not to say anything because I didn't feel like getting in a fight.

  • I don't know you much but I would take the time to do it if you choose me, for now you're going to have to cut me some slag on that area - he said laughing

  • If you're willing to get to know me I can cut you some slag - I said smiling slightly

  • Great... Honestly, I can't think of much more to say, I'll be a good father, I can assure you that, I had a great example and I plan on being the best father I possibly can

  • I will take it into consideration

  • Appreciate it, so I'm supposed to give you something that you can wear if you choose me... Here you go - he said handing me the purple box

  • Thank you

I grabbed the box and opened it nervously, inside it was a hair clip - clearly handmade - with a few white and purple feathers.

  • I had no idea what to give you, but the other day I saw a bird with these amazing and colorful feathers and I realized how amazing they would look on your black hair - he explained with a smile

  • You killed a bird to make me a hair pin? - I asked having the urge to never touch the hair clip

  • Yes, it was just a bird is not like I killed a human to use their teeth for a necklace

  • Okay, um... Thank you, it is really cute - I said looking at the hair clip pretending to examine it

  • I'm glad you like it, could I ask you a favor?

  • What do you have in mind? - I asked looking at him

  • Could you wear it? I'm not going to see you wearing it later and I would like to know how it looks

  • Sure - I said while my mind was yelling "No! It won't happen" - but you put it on my hair

He smiled and took the hair clip out of the box, he held it open with one hand and with the other grabbed a piece of my hair, he clipped the piece of hair on the back of my head and smiled again.

  • It looks great

  • Thanks - I said smiling

We stayed in silence, again, until the hour ended and a knock on my door followed by the voice of my mother announcing the arrival of Daiki made us stand up from the bed.

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