Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

Charles thanked me for my time, said goodbye and left, my mother said that she would be back in an hour with Alisha and closed the door behind her, I took off the hair clip before Daiki would see it and told him we could sit on my bed, he nodded and sat down, I put the hair clip away hoping he hadn't seen it and sat on the opposite side of the bed from him.

-Your hair looks nice – said Daiki initiating the conversation – you did the blue streaks again – he added pointing to the multiple blue streaks in my hair

-Thanks, I decided to get the blue back for the occasion – I explained grabbing one of those pieces of hair between my fingers

-Well, I like it – he said smiling

I smiled back at him and then just stared into my lap while my fingers started nervously playing with my hair.

-I assume you’re not going to start the conversation – he said after looking at my hands

I immediately let go of my hair and put my hands on my lap.

– I don’t remember much from when we dated but I do remember you love the color blue

The fact that he remembered my obsession with anything blue made me smile and it also made question why our little romantic fling ended as badly as it did. Daiki wasn’t an aggressive person, he – like every werewolf – had a bit of a temper but he was really kind and nice, exactly the kind of person I taught I liked as my partner, until Aldahir proved me wrong.

Daiki and I dated for about a year, from when I was seventeen and we broke up like two weeks after I turned eighteen, we started dating even though we didn’t really like each other, ironically enough we started getting close because of Aldahir, Daiki felt incredibly guilty because of what they did to his parents and him, he knew they left him to die but because he didn’t die Daiki thought he could redeem himself by helping Aldahir adapt into our town.

Because of it the three of us ended up spending a lot of time together during Aldahir’s first year in our town, Aldahir completely hated Daiki, Charles and Melina and hated even more the fact that he couldn’t tell what they had actually done because no one would believe it and it would make him as even more of an outcast because he would, according to everyone else in the pack, be attacking three members from the pureblood families. So, Daiki ended up, for some reason, reaching out to me to try and convince me to talk some sense into Aldahir. During one of our many conversations that usually ended with me saying “this wouldn’t be happening if you hadn’t stopped thinking” he just came out and said.

-Maybe we should start dating, I’m one of the people you will be able to choose from, maybe if we start dating now we will actually be in love by the time you turn twenty one

I wasn’t able to tell if he meant it or not, but he turned to me immediately after and kissed me; back then it didn’t seem to be the worst idea and it gave me hope to even have to possibility to develop romantic feelings for one of them so I said it seemed like a good idea and we dated for a year or so.

-Hey Dhalia – I heard Daiki’s voice pulling me out of my head – were did you go? – He asked laughing

-I’m right here I haven’t gone anywhere – I answered confused pointing to my bed where I was still seating

-I meant inside your head, anyway here’s my gift, I hope you like it – he said smiling and handed me a little silvery bag

I opened it under his expecting eyes and I couldn’t help smile when I saw a beautiful pair of blue hearings.

-It may be a little too on the nose but I thought they were cute – he explained pointing to the hearings

-Thank you, they are really cute – I said looking at the hearings shaped as a full moon with a subtle blue tint

-You’re welcome, I’m glad you liked them – he said smiling

We sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes until Daiki stood up and started walking around my room, that made me nervous because it made me think he was about to have a meltdown – one of the ways I used to try and avoid it was wandering around to shake off some of the overstimulation – but he quickly turned back to me with a strange look on his face.

-Can I ask you something?

-Sure, whatever you want

-What did I go wrong? – He asked scratching his neck

-Could you please be a little more specific?

-In our relationship, I just don’t understand what I did to make run away

-Daiki, I didn’t run away I just… I realized I didn’t like you – I answered avoiding his eyes

-But pretty soon after you realized you liked Aldahir, didn’t you? – He asked angrily

I allowed myself a few seconds to try and understand what he meant, Daiki and pretty much everyone else in the world had the annoying habit of not expressing themselves honestly or hiding information and still expect to be understood , that made my brain work extra hard to barely keep on with a conversation, but I had become quite good at analyzing every single expression of whoever I was talking to, and even though I wasn’t able to drew the right conclusion all the time, the way in which Daiki was behaving obviously meant he was angry and even jealous of Aldahir.

-You don’t really want to know what you did; you want to know why I choose him over you, don’t you?

-He’s only here because you bit him, he was supposed to die…

-If what you’re saying ends on something like “he’s not enough for you because he’s not a pureblood wolf” I will transform into a wolf right now and force you to leave my house – I said cutting him off and standing up

-Noted – he said nodding – at least I know all I did was exist next to him; you were going to choose him over whoever you were dating

-Yes, I would have, in fact if this choosing ceremony weren’t as important as it is for the whole pack, I would have already picked him and we wouldn’t even be here anymore

-Does your mother know about this? – He asked folding his arms over his chest

-Why do you think I haven’t been allowed to leave my room today? – I said barely loud enough for him to hear it

-It makes sense, if you were my daughter, I wouldn’t let you out either… I’m pretty sure you’ve already made out your mind about me, but just to let you know, if you choose it would make me the happiest person on heart, I may not love you but I can learn to do it – he said grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it

His sudden change of attitude confused me but I decided not to question it further and just hope for time to move faster so I could see Alisha.

-I will take it into consideration Daiki, thank you so much for the hearings, your honesty and your time – I said smiling

-Is the least I could do – he said smiling too

I smiled back at him, not knowing what to do anymore so I was beyond thankful when Daiki noticed one of the new paintings I had recently done and went up to see it. I had always been interested in painting, coloring and drawing, since I wasn’t a very social child my parents spoiled me with all the art supplies you could imagine and over the years I became quite good at it, and it became more than just a hobby when my father decided to make a little exhibition with some landscapes paintings of the national park I had done and the tourists ended up buying them.

-This one is beautiful – said Daiki grabbing a painting I did of Alisha as a wolf

-She’s the perfect model – I said smiling while looking at the painting

Daiki was about to say something but my mother knocked on the door and Daiki put down the painting to then say goodbye and leave, my mother tried to enter to say something but Alisha snuck into my bedroom before she could and closed the door keeping my mother outside.

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