Chapter 4
"Julie!!! Julie!!!" Her mother kept yelling her name to stand up from bed. As old as she was, she still sleeps like a child of eight she used to be. Mary gave Julie a loud pat that makes Julie jerked up.
"I believe you have a big day today" mother reminded.
"Oh yes, thanks mom" Julie retorted running for the bathroom. Mary stared at the alarm clock that stood at the table close to her bed. She wondered if the clock was working. Although hard working, this bad side of hers could cost her loss of Job if she was not careful.
"Someone needs to caution that girl" Mary thought leaving for her room.
Julie had been the bread winner of her family, ever since the accident of her dad that left him in a comma. Julie rushed out of the bathroom she had soap stain on her hair. She was quite snappy in dressing. Indeed she had a lot of work undone. And they was a press conference in which the Ceo was to attend.
Vroom!!! vroom!!! vroom!!! Julie's phone kept ringing. She picked it and there came yelling.
"What are you still doing at home do you know I spent hours waiting for you on road? You have no idea right?" Ben kept shouting at the phone when Julie cut the call. The only place he had strength was on the phone, "what a guy?" She mumbled to herself. Ben started the mobile at the sight of seeing Julie.
How's Lucian? she asked with concern.
"Wow Julie, you never asked me how i'm doing but this stranger of yesterday seem to gain your attention". Ben uttered jealousy.
"Come on Ben don't be too jealous, you know i'm concern for you too".
"So did he say anything last night?"
"No he didn't", he was quick to answer.
"Ben don't lie to me"
"Do you want me to tell you we fought last night".
"Fought? what happened?"
"He's a local fooI, i struggled to get food for him last night and you know what he doesn't eat our kind of food". He rant honking at a woman who was walking slow on the crosswalk. Julie gave a glare to Ben who was sniffing his nose as though he cried. Letting Lucian stay with him was a very bad idea, but there is no one who could accommodate a stranger except for Ben her closest friend. She wouldn't even dare take such a person home or else she would be grounded for life.
"So you left him at home?"
"No he's with Peter" Ben affirmed while packing the car at the packing lot. They both got out from the car and headed for the entrance of the building, non of them seem to communicate anymore as both seems to have different departments.
"Catch up with you later" Ben bade Julie as he proceeded to his department. Julie was in a higher department than his, so it was difficult to see her during work hours.
"you don't have an idea on how long you've stayed in that building" Doctor peter interrogated lucian who only gave a glare and never responded, for he believed he had told Peter earlier. Peter seemed not to enjoy this conversation as Lucian kept annoying him at any given time. He noticed Lucian had a different kind of teeth from humans. It looked more like a predator's. What couldn't he figure out about this stranger? There's a lot to know. He thought as he drank a glass of water that sat on his table for long. In the end, he heaved a sign of tiredness as he tried to figure out a better way to interrogate Lucian.
"Ha ha ha" Mr Joe gave a wild laugh as he turned his gaze from Julie to the press. He is the senior editor of the organization and was difficult to convince in areas such as what she presented. She wondered why the video she presented wasn't a convincing mystery. She hissed at every comment made that wasn't in rythm with hers. After cross checking all the videos, one thing seemed to catch his attention and that was the door which looked like an image. Mr Joe picked a sudden interest in watching more of the videos giving Julie a sign of relief.
"Where is this strange man now?" Joe questioned with probing eyes as the nude picture looked frighten.
"Is this really human? Many asked in amusement, for they have not seen such before.
Indeed this would catch the public's attention Mr Joe thought. His lively appearance gave Julie a good sense of hope.
"So, what do you think? Julie asked to be sure of her thoughts.
"Nice, how about we set a deal, if you pass you will be promoted.
"What should I do" Julie questioned in annoyance.
"Well it's simple, if you bring that man over here you will get your promotion"
Julie gave a childish giggle as she assured she would fufill the deal.
"So how did it go?" Ben started the conversation.
"Why weren't you there?" Julie drove on the dialogue.
"I had work to finish, but forget about it. Did he pick interest in the videos?
"Of course he asked me to bring Lucian tomorrow".
"What are you going to do that?"
"Of course, that's why we brought him in the first place remember" she reminded. They both proceeded to a restaurant to have a coffee.
"Missing!!" Ben suddenly yelled at the phone looking at Julie who got frightened. While they were having coffee, a call came through.
"Alright we are coming over, please don't panic"
Ben encouraged Julie who was already going to scream. What will she do when Lucian is not turned over, Gosh! She won't ever be given a promotion. She had struggled so far for this to happen and now her plans were going to be spoilt. Furthermore she couldn't help but allowed tears rolled down her cheeks freely. Ben consoled her trying his possible best not to laugh at her for she looked funny when she cried. They rushed to peter's lab as soon as they arrived at the hospital.
"How did he get missing?" Julie stormed at peter.
"He was struggling with me, when I tried to give him injection and he ran out after that".
"Arghh!!! Where do we find such a person from? he doesn't even know his way". Ben mentioned.
"We have to find him please that promotion means a lot to me" Julie pleaded kneeling down to catch her breath.
"Come on Julie let's start our search from this area"Ben started pulling Julie up as they took their leave.