Chapter 7

Lucian sat mute in the conference room. His eyes probing to and fro the room, his attention shifted to Julie who sat close by, wearing a fake smile to say all was okay.

Soon the room was, and everyone marvelled at the stranger before them. The press were lost in amusement as most of them took pictures.

“ What is the noise all about” Mr. Joe yelled. He had just stepped into the hall. Seeing Lucian, he was amazed for he was huge and tall with pretty long hair.

“Take off his clothes” Mr. Joe commanded, instructing the photographers to prepare for shots.

Julie looked frightened at Ben.

“Don't worry” he assured. “I have taken care of it.

Lucian tried to drag as his shirt was pulled off, but relented as some shy girls were covering their eyes.

The press were all elaborated to see Lucian covered in hairs.

Julie was more shocked to see the man, they shaved off his hair back with hairs. “How did you do it” she whispered to Ben who gave a childish giggle.

“Should we take off his pants too” John, a member of the press asked, already taking the action.

“Naidoo…” Ben stopped as he recalled that Lucian wasn't putting on any underwear.

“What is it?” Mr. Joe questioned.

Ben whispered something to Mr. Joe that made Joe giggle aloud. He stopped the operation and sent everyone out.

He offered Lucian a drink and helped him put back his clothes on, and then gave a sign to the media press to make a video of them.

“So Lucian, where are you from? He began.

“I don't know” Lucian replied, trying to figure out.

“So you don't remember anything about your life” Joe questioned further.

“No” Lucian answered, but my mom died when I was young. He recalled.

“Really, how did she die? Joe investigated.

“Why do you want to know all these things”?

“Umm… Well, I'm just doing my work, if you want to leave in our world we must get to know you more.

“Wow, then you must be stupid” Lucian commented.

“What!! Joe exclaimed, standing up from his sit. He stamped his feet hard on the floor, seeing how the photographers mocked him.

He asked them to stop the video, and then he took his leave.

Lucian couldn't figure out what he did wrong, he only told him he asked numerous questions, what is wrong with that. He asked one of the media what he had done wrong. He was told that “stupid” was an insult.

Julie kept on walking up and down her office, she had returned a while ago from Joe's office. “ What would happen to her job now? What did Lucian do now” She gesticulated round her office.

“Julie, calm down” Lisa, a partner of Julie, comforted?

“It's not that easy, knowing how people get sacked out for annoying director Joe”.

Lisa put a coffee forth to Julie, who shoved it off.

“By the way, where did you see such a person from?” Lisa questioned in amusement.

“Long story” Julie answered, collecting a coffee from Lisa's hand.

“Let's go out, I need to see Ben” Julie told Lisa.

On their way to see Ben, they were hindered by Rose, a press member.

“What's this bitch doing here? Lisa muttered to herself.

Rose had been an enemy to Julie and Lisa, for she was never supportive of the information they brought. Both The girls called it jealousy.

“It's a pity Mr. Joe isn't going to pick interest in your news anymore, ha ha ha!” She laughed, walking away.

“Argh!” Lisa tried to stop but was stopped by Julie who was more concerned about Mr. Joe and talking to Ben.

They reached Ben's office and met him chatting with Lucian.

Julie walked to Lucian, pulling him up, she threatened to dump him back in his old home if he doesn't plead with director Joe.

“Taken care of” Ben confirmed.

“What” Lisa exclaimed.

One just can't figure out how Ben tackles all problems, he should be given a counselor's title rather. What would Julie had done without him.

“You are not really that naughty you know” Julie applauded.

Alright, how about a party this night. Lisa proposed.

“Come on, Julie hasn't gotten a promotion yet. Ben pulled. “So who will Lucian be staying with?”

“Do we need to let him stay? Lisa asked.

“Of course we can't just take him back, his lonely Julie defended.

“Hmm! Since when did you start to care for men” Lisa teased her?

Julie blushed speechless as she gazed at Lucian. " Well, he is the reason for why I will be having my promotion today. She affirmed, let's go, she said to Lisa as both took their leave.

Ben drove to the cinema. Julie, Lisa, and Lucian were with him, they were both celebrating a wonderful promotion given to them. Ben was chosen as Julie's assistant and Julie she got a step forward.

“A cinema is a place where movies are watched for entertainment” Julie enlightened Lucian.

“Oh! So, he doesn't know things around” Lisa commented.

“His local” Ben said.

They all made for the entrance after gaining a ticket, which gave them a pass.

They sat on a serial form with pop corns on their hands. Ben sat close to Lisa and Lucian close to Julie as they watched the movie that just began.

The start of the movie gave Lucian a fright as it began with war. He asked where he could find the people who were killed, but Lisa assured him that it was only a movie.

Lucian's gaze were fixed intensely to the movie, he watched every part with pleasure and demonstrated every action with his hands and feet.

The main lead in the movie had kissed his girlfriend when showing happiness, which made Lucian amused. His eyes caught up with two couples before them kissing, and he did the same to Julie.

Julie got her lips off his and pushed him away, she stood up and took her leave.

Ben noticed Julie leaving and ran after her.

Lisa and Ben never realized what happened.

Lucian sat perplexed, he stood after a few while and walked out. He met the others outside, with Julie facing down. She looked angry. He immediately recalled the lines of the main lead of the movie and apologized.

“What is going on here?” Lisa asked confused.

“Take me home” Julie instructed.

Ben pulled Lucian by the neck when the girls had left.

“What did you do?” He questioned Lucian.

“I don't know” Lucian answered, looking less concerned.

Ben drove slowly as everyone in the car was quiet.

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