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The Rejected Luna

The Girl without a wolf.

Chapter Two.

Jane's Stance

"What is your name?" He asked me, stalking me. I took quick, fearful steps backward.

First off, he was incredibly tall and I've never felt so lacking in height. Secondly, there was this tense aura around him that seems to be sucking the air out of me.

And more all that was this weird feeling I was having with him being this close to me. Was this a mate thing, or was it all in my head?

His eyes were boring holes in my body and his eyebrow quirked when I didn't give him a reply.

"I just asked you a question," he said in an indifferent tone.

"My name is Jane Biller," I let out, taking another step backward, but I almost bumped into a waitress.

"Watch it!" He hissed, pulling me away by my hand. Again, I felt that sensation, like some weird electric power or something of the sort. I gasped, jerking my hand away from his hold.

The horrific look in his eyes made me think he felt it too. He went pale, giving me a beastly stare like he would gladly opt to eat me up.

"My name is Richard Brown," he said out of the blue. I was yet to comprehend it and understand why he was telling me his name.

But then, he seized my hand in a tight grip and the next thing I heard came as a surprise to me.

"I, Richard Brown, reject you, Jane Biller, as my mate and Luna."

I was shocked. It took more than a minute before I realized just what was going on. I could hear people gasping. A lot of gazes were on us, and they were all staring at me pitifully.

Is this a dream or is it really happening? Did I just meet my mate?

No, no that's not it. I mentally chided myself as I tried to wrap my head around what the real situation here was. It wasn't the meeting. It was the rejection.

I just met my mate, but I was rejected immediately. Realization struck me with a torrent of tears.

"Why? Why did you reject me?" I asked, unable to control my tears.

It was a hard pill to swallow. The mate I have been waiting all my life for to love me, cherish me, adore me, help me. That mate, that fated mate just rejected me?

Why? What kind of twist is this? Dear goddess, please. Let this just be a prelude to my real meeting with my fated mate. This can't be it. I can't end up being a rejected mate and live the rest of my life without a mate.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" He grated out, tightening his grip on my hand, "Look at you. You're like a gust of wind. Could just blow you off right now and that'll be it for you. The moon goddess must have been out of her mind when she assigned me a weak wolf like you as my mate,"

His mean words were like a stab to my heart and all I could do was cry.

"What can a she-wolf as weak as you offer me and my pack members? With you as my Luna, my world will collapse. You're just gonna ruin my legacy and turn me into some sick joke. I'll never let that happen. So you should accept the rejection and we both away like this disgusting meeting never happened,"

I wished the earth would open up and take me in. My heart was crushed by his words. And even if I wanted to do what he was asking for, I can't. How do I accept his rejection when I don't have a wolf?

"I can't accept your rejection," I whimpered, staring down at my feet. I couldn't meet his blazing eyes.

"And why is that?" He asked, "Why can't you accept my rejection?"

"I can't accept your rejection because I have no wolf," I admitted.


"I don't have a wolf. Not yet,"

"You gotta be kidding me!" He scoffed, letting go of my hand, "So what the heck was I supposed to do with you? How could the moon goddess give me a girl without a wolf as a mate?"

"I was hoping when I meet my mate, our mate bond would unleash my wolf side," I stuttered.

"That's horseshit!" He blasted me, "You're useless and nothing is ever gonna change that. And I'm gonna say this just once, so listen carefully. Never, ever show yourself in front of me again. Do you understand?"

I was shaking at his words, sobbing hard at the pain in my heart. This was the worst day of my life, and it keeps getting worse.

My mate didn't just reject me, he's also humiliating me in front of everyone. What did I do to deserve such cruelty?

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Mother storming towards us. She was fuming with anger, I could see it in her eyes and her pace.

She got to where we stood and stepped in front of me, shielding me from the Alpha with her body.

"Alpha, how dare you humiliate my precious daughter?" She asked, not seeming to mind that he was the "ruthless" Alpha. "How dare you make my daughter cry?"

"And who the hell are you?" He yelled in frustration, ruffling his hair.

"I am her mother, and I won't stand back and watch you humiliate her," she replied.

He let out a dry chuckle, taking mother in with disdain written on his face.

"You're the mother of such a weak creature and you got the balls to say it out loud? That's pathetic!" He retorted, "Just get the hell out of my face and take your disgusting creature of a daughter with you,"

I heard a loud growl. I thought it was from my mate, but I was wrong. The dangerous growls came from my Father.

My heart leaped in joy, finally, my Father was taking my side in a situation. It was the first time he was ever defending me, or so I thought until he spoke.

"Alpha," He roared, "I am less concerned if you reject my weak daughter as your mate, but I won't stand by and watch you insult my mate,"

My joy dwindled and my heart sank into an ocean of tears. To think Father was here to defend me, how stupid of me.

No one would ever love me the way I dream to be loved. Mother loves me, but that's not close to being enough. I needed a mate bond, a mate love, and it hurts me to know that I'm never gonna get that.

"No offense, Beta, but I can't believe you gave birth to such a weak girl. I mean, look at you, all strong and valiant. It just doesn't add up," The Alpha taunted.

"It's a fate I can't escape, no matter how much I loathe it. That's why I don't mind you rejecting her. I would have rejected her as my daughter if I could," Father said.

There was no way I could stick around any longer. This was the peak of it, they'd gone too far with their mean words.

I turned around and fled the hall, ignoring Mother's repeatedly calling out my name.

I have to get away from Father and from my mate who just rejected me.

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