Chapter 3
“Let the chase begin.”
“Azure... I am only going to say this once so listen the fuck up” I sneered into the phone pausing as I watched the door of my office open. In came Ermanno placing a hand on his head.
“O-ok sir,” a voice stuttered from the other side of the phone drawing back my attention.
“I don't care who you have to hire to do the fucking job. All I want is to see the information on my desk before the week runs out”
“No buts” I cut him off angrily “Get me all the intel I need and you will have no problems with me”
“What if it doesn't happen by the end of the week?”
“Trust me you don't want to know what happens if that happens, now do you?” My voice carried a deadly silence as I waited for his reply
“No sir” he voiced quietly
“Good” I ended the call by spitting out loads of Italian curses.
“Fucking puta” I hissed before turning to Ermanno who stood quietly at the door his head bowed, his hands in front of him.
“What do you want?” I was irritated as I turned to my laptop to send out emails.
“Uhm... Uhm” He muttered under his breath.
“Tell me whatever the fuck is going on with you or leave my office” I rolled my eyes looking back to the laptop but paused when I recalled he was to bring back a report about the deal with the Russians.
“So where is it?” Now he had all my attention. He snapped his eyes to me, visibly afraid. From his facial expression I could tell something had gone wrong. I was getting agitated from his silence.
“I uh...I don't have uhm I…” he didn't get to finish his sentence before a bullet went through his right leg sending him down to his knees.
“I dare you to repeat what you just said” I wasn't one to condone mistakes, he knew that, in fact the whole family knew that. There wasn't room for mistakes or second chances here. So, either he was cracking one hell of a joke or he was ready to die.
That deal was very important, that was why I sent him in the first place.
“It was the girl,” he screamed, raising a blooded arm while clutching his leg with the other.
“I don't recall much from last night but it was her.... I swear I saw her”
Taking slow steps to him, I leaned down placing my gun on the side of his head ready to blow his brains out.
“Which girl?” I inquired raising an eyebrow
“The girl, the one you have been searching for. That one from the casino” he rushed out still in pain.
The room was enveloped in a deadly silence as he watched me not making any sounds. That girl was starting to become a problem and I just couldn't wait to get my hands on her.
I tried containing my anger not showing any emotion as I leaned further to him.
“That doesn't explain how she got the device does it?” I knew she couldn't just get the device without getting through him. And seeing as he was uninjured and clean I could tell she didn't have to try hard.
The idiot immediately defended himself by telling a cooked up story that even a tenth grader could see past but I needed him. For now anyway so I waved him off returning back to my seat.
The next few days were spent on calls notifying the rest of the family and tracking down the bitch. Since Mikhail, my right hand has gone to Italy to settle some deals. I had to wait for his return before making any move.
I spent the whole day sending out orders, prepping for our move tonight. Walking out of my office into the corridor that led to my quarters. I couldn't help but ponder on what method I was going to use to punish her.
I was seething the whole evening waiting for the call that will define my next move . This girl was definitely something, she didn't know what was coming to her but she was about to find out.
I am Matteo Castello after all, no one dares me. Even if they never went back the same, that was if they even survived it. I am the king of the underground, that one mafia no one messes. Stories of my past were told through hush whispers in the streets and underground. Some call me the devil, it's such a shame a little girl was all it took to get underneath my skin.
I rarely showed my face in public, I had men waiting in line for my instructions. I don't do the dirty work but this time around I wasn't going to pass it on to someone else.
I was going to enjoy every minute of breaking her from limb to limb until she regrets ever deciding to mess with me.
My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing, I peered at it to see it was Azure calling. “Let it be good news this time around” I thought to myself before answering the call. I heard his voice from the other line.
“Sir, I've got all the information you needed” I could hear him typing in the background. “Every intel you need on the subject has been emailed to you just now” finally some good news
“Okay,” I replied, ending the call. Flipping open a laptop in my bed stand I went through all the details on the screen.
Her Full name is Blake woods AKA Hazel aged 22. She dropped out of school during her sophomore year in high school after her parents were killed in a car crash. Her dad was an ex police officer fired from his job after he was accused of being corrupt. Besides that, there was no other information on her.
The pictures he had sent were just random shots of her through the years. I could tell she was a fan of colours from the different colors of hair dye she uses and her choices of clothing. She was beautiful. I would give her that, not that it would change anything anyway.
One picture caught my eye. She was dressed in normal clothing with her red eyes sitting beside an older woman that looked like her. I was guessing it was her mother seeing as the woman also had red hair. Something didn't look right, the records clearly had her mother's death certificate but somehow she had survived the accident.
The girl looked different in this picture though, she didn't have her usual smile or wore bright coloured clothes that put people off. She looked real in this picture. Her smile was genuine, holding a vulnerability that was missing in the others. Her mom sat beside her clutching tightly a teddy bear between her arms. A scare ran down her forehead to her chin and I was guessing it was an injury from the accident.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing again, not looking off the screen I answered the call.
“Hola” , a familiar voice laced in an Italian accent, called out sounding very tired.
“We just touched down now, I'm getting off the plane. So who do we have to kill this time around?”. The voice asked with a sarcastic tone.
Mikhail was the only person that could talk to me like this. He wasn't just anyone, he was family. A brother who stood by me through the darkest days of my life.
“No one. Get here quickly, we have work to do” I replied unimpressed by his remark
“Why am I not surprised?” He scoffed before hanging up on me. I sighed ignoring his disrespect.
“Boss” the guys greeted as I walked into the lounge clicking on the safety in my gun.
“Get the cars ready” I said, turning to Johnny and Tom who were standing on my right. “The rest of you get ready to head out”
There were a total of six guys involved in this mission including Mikhail and I. I didn't know what we were up against and I didn't want to be caught by surprise.
Sending a text to Azure to send me her location, I stepped out of the building where three cars were waiting for us. As we drove off, I texted Mikhail to meet us at the location. The night was going to be a long one and I couldn't wait to see how it turns out.