Chapter Four
Claire felt her heart jump when Alpha King Lukas suddenly turned in her direction and stared straight at her.
Rachel seemed to notice this as well and immediately leaned over. “Is he looking at you?”
“I don’t know.” Claire mumbled, unable to tear her gaze from his captivating blue eyes.
She could slowly see his expression change from confusion to shock and then to excitement. She shrunk back a little when he started walking in her direction, was he really coming for her? Was it because she wasn’t supposed to be here as a human?
He came even closer and closer, and Claire’s heart felt like it would jump out of her mouth. She was struck with an unbelievable bolt of attraction as soon as she saw him up close, which made no sense because powerful and popular men weren’t her type.
She gasped when he suddenly grabbed her face then she saw the excitement fade from his fascinating blue eyes, they immediately went as cold as ice shards and she couldn’t help the shiver that rippled through her.
‘This is it,’ Clair thought to herself. ‘I’m going to get thrown in prison for being here where I’m not allowed.’
He took his hand away from her face and turned away. “Take her to my suite. He directed one of the guards before striding away.
Claire watched him in shock as he went straight for his car which had been slowly driving behind him the entire time and got in, slamming the door without even so much as a wave to his adoring fans. What just happened?
Rachel seemed to read her mind because she asked the same question. “What just happened?”
Claire shrugged, stunned. “I have no idea.”
The rest of the crowd were just as confused and their excited cheering quickly changed to confused murmurs as they tried to understand what just happened.
The guard that had been charged with obeying Lukas’ order shared the same confusion but he had to obey orders. “Hello, Miss um… could you please come with me?”
“Claire, it’s Claire and what? Why? Did I do something wrong?” She immediately panicked, looking to her friend for help.
“It’ll be explained to you in due time but I am under orders to take you to the Alpha King’s suite.” The guard tried to explain in low tones, lifting the ropes holding back the crowd to pull her through.
Claire was so confused that she couldn’t stop him, getting taken away against her will.
Rachel was having none of it though, holding Claire’s other hand to stop the guard from taking her away. “You can’t just take her away, at least give us a reason.” She stood her ground.
The guard was starting to get nervous, he didn’t want this to turn rowdy. “Unfortunately, I wasn’t given a reason…”
Rachel was refusing to be reasonable because she was scared for Claire, she was the one who had dragged Claire here in the first place even though she knew that it was a resort exclusive only to werewolves.
The rest of the crowd also noticed that Claire was the only human amongst them and their murmurs got louder. Claire just wanted to go back home, she didn’t even want to sightsee the town again.
The guard had a tight hold on her hand though and two other guards were quickly walking in their direction. Claire was extremely grateful to Rachel for not deserting her at a time like this, she held on tightly to Rachel’s hand as well. At least if Rachel was with her, her parents would know what happened to her.
“Please just quietly come with us.” One of the new guards that had just shown up said, flanking them on all sides so that they couldn’t make a run for it.
Rachel was ready to fight them. “Why though? None of you are yet to give me a reas… ow…” Her complaints were cut off when they were bundled up into a car that had driven up without them noticing.
Claire felt her heart sink into her stomach when the locks on the car doors immediately clicked shut after they were shoved in. To the crowd outside, it looked like the guards had just hurried them inside the car, meanwhile, they were literally kidnapped.
She held Rachel’s hand tightly to her chest with both of her hands while her friend banged against the bulletproof windows. But they were tinted so the crowd outside couldn’t see them, there was also a partition separating them from the front seat. It was like being in a cop’s car.
Rachel finally calmed down when they went past the beautiful, large gates of the resort, deflating. “I’m so sorry about this, Claire, this wasn’t supposed to happen.” She tried to console her friend.
Claire straightened her shoulders, taking a deep breath. “They didn’t say anything about me being human, maybe they didn’t notice.” She said in a hopeful tone.
Rachel bit her lip nervously, she highly doubted that. “Yeah, maybe.”
Unlike humans who couldn’t always tell werewolves apart, werewolves had no problem with that. But she wanted to reassure Claire, she might have thrown a tantrum but she knew deep down that there was no stopping this.
What did Alpha King Lukas Grey want with her friend though? If it was because she was human, they would have thrown her out, not go through all this trouble to take her to his personal suite.
Rachel didn’t want to think about it, she was the reason this had happened so instead she would put her energies into comforting Claire.
Even the guards hadn’t known the reason why Alpha King Lukas had asked for Claire to be taken to his suite, which was slightly reassuring to Rachel. Maybe the entire thing had just been a misunderstanding and when he showed up, it would all be cleared up.
There was another niggling thought in her head about Claire being King Lukas’ Fated mate. Rachel looked at her friend who was literally hugging her hand, too nervous to enjoy the beautiful sights around them as they were driven up to a hotel.
That wasn’t possible, Claire was human. Rachel shook her head, she was just letting her fantasies get to her, this was definitely a misunderstanding.