Chapter Seven
Claire smiled and nodded at the second guard who was left behind, returning to the suite.
She paced around for a few minutes on the other side of the door and decided that it was time to try again. If she waited too long and the first guard returned, she would be in trouble.
She opened the door like it was an afterthought. “Oh, sorry to be a bother but I forgot to specify that I’d like dessert as well.” She beamed at the second guard who looked extremely wary of her. “Um… Ice cream! I’d like some ice cream.”
Playing the part of an air headed blonde made Claire grimace but she would do whatever she couldn’t get away from Lukas.
Fortunately, the formally dressed guard didn’t suspect a thing. He was merely curious about who this human was that the Alpha King had her placed under protection in his personal room.
Rumors had been going around amongst the bodyguards that she was his Fated mate. But that wasn’t possible, the Fated mate of the Alpha King couldn’t be a human.
But she had to be important to him nonetheless because he told them strictly that they shouldn’t let her out of their sights.
“Sure.” He agreed, waiting for her to return to the suite before making a move. And she did rather quickly with a sweet thank you, that was his cue to get her what she needed.
Claire counted to ten under her breath, her heart beating so fast she was scared that someone on the other side of the door could hear it. After ten beats, she gingerly opened the door again, peeking out to make sure that the coast was clear.
Luck was on her side because the entire hallway was empty. It helped that this master suite was specifically reserved for the Alpha King because it meant that no one came around.
The hotel provided flip flops and Claire traded her shoes in for them, hurrying down the hallways after making sure that the door was properly locked.
She had to fight the urge to break out into a run as she chose turns at random, not paying attention to where she was going. If anyone saw her, she could just say she was going to the spa and ask for directions, a resort should have a spa right?
When she was sufficiently far away from the suite, she finally slowed down. It didn’t matter if the guards came back now, they wouldn’t be able to find her.
Claire looked around her, she was now in a different part of the resort. She was still in the section of hotel rooms but these ones were clearly for the average people that came to check out the new place.
It meant that it was dangerous for her to be here, she remembered that she was human and it was dangerous for her to be found in a werewolf-only place.
So she quickly changed her directions to somewhere she was less likely to be caught, the back rooms, where the workers of the resort came to get things done.
She could hear voices and people hurrying around so she went even deeper, there should be an employee only exit around her, she would use that and escape out of the hotel.
Claire took another turn, panicking when she heard voices coming ahead, she couldn’t go back so she looked around for a better alternative. There was a door just a couple steps ahead and she quickly tried it, nearly crying in relief when it opened up.
The room she had entered to hide was a closet filled with spare bedding and pillows. It smelled of freshly laundered clothes and was the perfect hiding spot.
She waited quietly till the voices faded away then she tried stepping out. When she got to where the voices came from, she found what she was looking for, an exit!
Without caring that she wasn’t dressed to be outside, Claire immediately opened the door and slipped out of the building she was in.
She hadn’t been paying attention while they were being brought in but now she did. Although it was dark, the brightly lit resort was enough to brighten up the place for her to regain her bearings.
The hotel was actually the first building after the luxurious gardens that introduced the resort. After the hotel came the large halls where the opening ceremony was being held, and even further in were the attractions of the resort, spas, shopping complexes, fancy restaurants and so on.
Claire couldn’t go towards the gate because she would be caught immediately. Her initial plan had been to break out and ask someone for their phone, but after breaking out, she realized that she was human and therefore she wasn’t supposed to be here.
The moment she was found an alarm would go off, and that was the very last thing she wanted, she didn’t need attention on her person. So although it was a crazy plan with a 10% success rate, she planned to escape into the woods and find her way back to town.
Claire was letting her desperation fuel her, she had to get as far away from Lukas as possible, she just couldn’t stand to be with him anymore.
With the next step in her plan sorted out, Claire put it into action. She stayed close to the walls of the hotel as she swiftly made her way deeper into the resort. There were no walls past the hotel, the resort was merged beautifully with nature.
Things were looking good at the start, however her luck ran out when she got to the building where the opening ceremony was being held. She hurried forward after making certain that there was no one in front of her, only to run into a man out taking a smoke, he had been hidden behind a large pillar so Claire hadn’t seen him.
He moved when he noticed someone else’s presence making her slam right into him.
Claire yelped when she smacked into a stranger, stepping back and holding her head from the recoil. “I’m so sorry-” She started to apologize out of reflex only to freeze up.
She slowly looked up at the man dressed in an expensive dark gray suit, a fat cigar between his ringed fingers and the bottom of her stomach fell out.
The man smiled but the action was chilly, taking a deep drag of his lighted cigar. “Well, well, what do we have here?”