4. Look alike
Katie's POV
I can't believe my parents would do something so dumb. I don't want to marry him now. My only point is I am a model and can't get married now. What will happen to my career as a model. What about my beautiful shape. I don't think I can go through with this wedding at all. I have to find a way of postponing the wedding.
That was just my thought as I left my mum's room. I think I should go to the mall and get something so I can cool myself. Maybe clothes of shoes. Anything at all that can make me feel good. Mum and dad can do all the want with me, but not this. I'll find a way out and I know it.
I took out my car keys and started going towards where I packed all my cars. I looked at all of them and couldn't decide which one to drive. I debated for some time before settling for my Rolls- Royce boat tail. It was my sparkling baby and I loved it.
I got into my car and started moving out. Just then the phone rang.
"Katie, where are you going to?" Mum asked concerned.
I wanted to be mad at her, but for some reasons, I can't. I knew it was not her fault and there was no way she could talk to her dad. Her mum had been a very free giver but I wouldn't say caring as she doesn't care. All she cares about is business though.
I sighed. " Am going to the mall to get something." I said.
"Honey, did I upset you that much?" She asked.
"You bet" I didnt want to beat around the bush or lie to her that i wasnt angry.
"Because youre going to the mall dear. you only go there when i upset you." She replied again
Yep, she knows about me. She knows I always goes to the mall after an argument or a fight. Am her daughter afterall.
"Yes, im going to the mall and please don't send any bodyguards to watch me." I requested.
"Honey, remember what happened the last time." She asked.
"Yes." I replied.
It's been almost a month now since that incident. why cant she seem to forget it.
I had a fight with mum and left the housem I went to the mall angrily and go into a fight with a brunette.
"Hey, you stepped on my toe." I had said to her.
"Oh. Am sorry, didn't see you there." She apologized.
"Oh, so now am invisible to your very own eyes?" I asked.
"Excuse me? I already apologized." She replied.
"Is your apology gonna fix my ruined toes." I asked.
"Jeez, you're looking for a fight." She said and began walking away.
"You son of a b*tch. How dare you alj out on me." I said and pounced on her.
Although she gave me a beating but I have her an everlayscat on the face. I bet no guy would want to look at her now. Well obviously mum sent guards to trail me and they got there after the fight was over.
That had been an awful experience. I smiled in satisfaction as I remembered the scar on her face.
"So honey, I don't want to take any chances." She tried to cajole me.
"Mum, drop it. No guards. Period." I said with a note of finality.
Mum sighed in defeat.
"If you insist then. I must run to the office and check some things. Will you be ok alone at the mall?" She asked
"Goodluck on your business mum." I said.
"You know I love you right?" She asked.
"I know mum. I gotta go.
I sped up I could see am going pass the speed limits. I decided to slow down so as not to get a ticket from the cops. They mean business. But I think I was too late because a cop was waving at me to slow down. Sh*t.
I wind down my glass and I could see her face clearly now. She was a pretty woman. If I had not know better, I'd say she was not a cop.
"Hey, you realise you've crept past the speed limits right?" She asked.
"Officer, am really sorry." I said.
"Just this once ma'am, please obey the rules. I'd have no hand in this if you're caught for speeding. You know what it means. They'd wrote you a ticket." She said.
"I know officer" I said.
"You can go on now." She said.
"Thank you officer." I smiled at her and zoomed off.
I figured out the mall was close by. It was a new mall that just opened. I wanted to check it out and at least get something for myself.
I was already on the dusty road going to my new found happiness when I decided to calm my friends so they can come help me shop. I tried to get my phone while trying to drive. What I didn't seem to realise was there was someone on the road and I almost knocked her down.
"Holy mother of sweetness." I yelled and abruptly stopped the car.
I came out ready to lash out at the lady who could carelessly cross the road.
I reached forward to confront her. She was dusting her dress which had dust all over it.
"Hello, can't you at least move out of the road when walking like a lunatic? Drivers like me are having a hard time telling the difference between a tattered human and an animal." I lashes out at her.
"Am sorry." She said still with her head down.
I clicked my tongue and waited for her to finish what she thinks she is doing.
When she finished, she raised up her head to look at me. We both had this surprise in our eyes.
"Holy mother of sugars" I exclaimed.
"You look like me?" We both said in unison.