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Messed Up

At first, Emily had wanted to cry, but her rage had blinded her eyes, if this man was going to kill her father, well, she rather starts by killing the rest of her pack as well.

Completing her turn as a wolf, she grinds her forward, attacking the bloody wolves by her side, she wanted vengeance for her father, but her pack was not strong enough to back her up, so she pounces forth, scratching Kane by the chest.

He was back in his wolf form, killing most of her pack members who tried to protect Emily.

His outcry made her inner skin claw beneath her wolf form, she hates his man.

Alpha Sinclair had run cold on the floor, dead by now, and Emily was his only hope for vengeance.

Kane still didn't let her win, he fought against her fiercely, and when he added more injury to the already bleeding wound on her rib, she cries out her tears filling her more than she can afford it.

Alpha Kane is a beast, nothing other than bad is filled in his heart, and if he can go through such measures to hurt her, she doesn't know what else she needs as a signal to run.

She was getting weak, this battle was a failure on her part, and her weak heart, her trembling soul all set out to guard her.

When Kane lifted his claws to harm her once more, she closed her eyes waiting for the last blow. Well, it never had the chance to happen because by then, he was checked off her body by Beta Zack.

"Run for safety, I have gotten this," he says when he growls at her over his shoulder.

She understood it, scrambled to her four paws, and hit for the forest. She wasn't intercepted but the pack was filled with several Red Moon pack members.

Not soon as she had hit the forest, she heard Kane's growl before she knew that he wouldn't be far behind her.

She had regained her human form, it sulks running on two legs, while having a bloody slit rib, and her legs hurt.

Alpha Kane was the evil that lurked in her veins. She doesn't know why, but she feels mad at herself, or more, at the fact that her father had been so blind to see the evil in Kane.

"I will find you, Emily, you cannot go too far from me, and when I get my hands on you, I will make you mine, trust me, Emily, you will stay in one of my bedrooms until all your brown strains of hair turn grey, just like that beautiful fur of yours whenever you transform into a wolf," he says.

Kane was mad, the one thing Emily didn't want to know was why he was so interested in her. She wasn't the County's beauty, she was far from being normal, but then, he wanted her.

Emily heard the fast footsteps of Kane's eager running, trying to catch up with her, she had just reached the edge of the forest, and she knows what that means.

Humans aren't fascinating, but she has to save her life, she wants to be saved, and she needs her own safety.

Taking one deep breath, Kane was now too close, thus, probing her to act without having enough Time to think. She will do anything other than be the man's wife. He wasn't even her mate, and she knows how obsessive she is with a wolf finding her own mate.

She walks out of the forest, the big town coming to view before her, the fresh airwaves through her face, she knows she has to keep running, and as she turns around, she finds Kane just twenty feet away from her.

"The last thing you will have is me, Kane, I will never be an ornament to decorate one of your bedrooms," she growls out at him dashing away, running as fast as her legs can take her.

The first building that comes to view is that of a club, the heavy music from inside made her know she was at the right place, this is exactly what she needs, distraction.

She is running away from Kane, and what better move other than snuggling between people?

Her she-wolf scent is always stronger than that she can imagine, but she hopes that only a few werewolves will recognize her, in case they are any here.

Grabbing a dark blue jacket from the stalls, she walks right into the club which had red shining lights, which is not an ordinary color.

"Fine, I have to get myself out of here before Kane finds me," she says to herself.

Emily knew she was weak, her body made her know she was going to pass out, and her head ached, but she knew Kane was going to follow her right inside this place, one thing she doesn't want for that to happen, why should she be a slave to a man who doesn't even like her?

Of course, she will have to live the rest of her life in misery, which doesn't seem pleasant at all, hell no!

As she staggered forward, she stumbled on something, a person's leg, and she fell to her knees.

Her glasses fell to the ground, and she heard a crackling sound.

"Oh, shit! my glasses," she gritted out.

This club was filled with people, it was hard to see where she was going, and without her glasses, she was doomed.

"Hey, bitch! watch where you are going," a man calls out pushing his leg into her side, causing her to wince in pain.

When she scrambled to her knees, the stranger's heavy hand grabbed her ass, squeezing it.

"Let go of me," she manages to say, but her words carried no real threat, they were filled with mere emptiness.

She hated herself for that.

The man's strong pair of hands grabbed her arm, hauling her roughly to his chest, his breath filled with alcohol, making it known that he had spent half of the night getting bottles of beer down his throat.

"What about having a little fun with you, huh? isn't that why you are here? to lurk lucky men into fucking you and giving you some cash?" the man says, entertaining some of the men around them.

They laughed, cheering him up.

Their laughter annoys her, making her slap the man hard across his face. He growls, his bottle of beer leaving his hand and shattering to the ground. More heads snap to their side, wary eyes watching with delight.

"You can't let the girl go unpunished, Leo, show her who rules this territory," someone shouts out from behind.

Emily's heart did a dirty turn, falling into her stomach. Tonight wasn't her night, she just keeps attracting worse predicaments, and they all seem to love her.

She raises her hands to her mouth while directing her other free hand to her neck.

"Fuck! I am going to die tonight," she grinds out to herself.

"Not Likely," a strange voice says behind her.

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