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Fucking Fun

Half an hour later, Alpha Cole's car crashed in front of the Mafia's district hospital. He didn't own this company, but he was a partner in it, their services are topnotch, and will give Emily the treatment she requires right now.

As he carried her into the hospital, the nurses on duty rushed towards him with a stretcher.

"She is bleeding, I believe she is hurt," Cole says frantically.

He was out of breath, and the young lady groaned in her respite, causing fear to rip through him.

"We will take it from here, Mr. Brown, please wait in the reception hall," a nurse calls out to him as she closes the door of the emergency room, drawing the drape down making it difficult for him to see through it.

Alpha Cole walked back to the hall, pacing like he was going to grow mad. He can't lose his mate, hell no! she has to fight for him more than it was necessary, he has to at least show a bit of power since he will be the only one with enough strength to fight for the both of them.

It was about nine in the morning when he finally stopped pacing because Gray walked into the hospital doors.

He rushed to his side.

"Gray, did you find anyone? the bastard couldn't have gone far," he says his hard glare on his Beta's face.

Gray shook his head, as he rubs his hand on her face, pushing it up and down with a lot of energy in them.

"I led the search team, making sure every one of those men there was someone from with mafia clan or the pack. None of them was a stranger to me, not even one soul even confirmed to have noticed another strange man in the club. But there were little talks," he says scratching his now bearded chin.

"About what?" he demands fiercely before acknowledging that the man hasn't done anything to him, he is rather trying his best to be good.

Gray opens his mouth to reply to him but was cut short when the doors of the emergency room fly open for the third time since they entered there.

Alpha Cole had tried to tackle five of the nurses to tell him what was going on there, but they either stayed calm or babbled, making incoherent sounds.

This time, it was the doctor that walked out of the doors.

"Mr. Brown," he starts.

Cole notices his grim features, he has removed his gloves and washed his hands clean from the presumed blood he had been working with while treating Emily.

"Doctor James, how is Emily?" he says taking precise strides to reach his side.

Dr. James' eyes hovered on the ground, a heavy rock seemed to have been dropped inside Cole's stomach, his face was filled with disgust as he stared at the doctor, hoping he pulls her out of his self-writhing thoughts.

Five seconds had passed, but the silence that filled the hall was one that if a pin was dropped now, they will hear its bobbing sound. Cole got angry from the silence and buttoned the doctor's collar, using his power to jerk him off the ground.

"I said how is my mate?" he asks this time not realizing that he had used the word mate to refer to Emily.

Dr. James is a werewolf, he knows better than to ask questions now, it was Beta Gray that gasped, the shock on his face one that is so inevitable.

"Your mate? how original," he says.

"Shut the fuck up before I banish you from my pack," Cole says.

It might be a light threat, but his words did not show he was bluffing. Gray didn't utter further words because he didn't want to try Alpha Cole's patience.

"Where is she?" he says waking out of the waiting hall and looking around.

"She is in Ward 706," the doctor says.

Cole knew this wasn't going to be good news, but he is ready to blow it everywhere that Emily is his mate. He has spent twenty-seven years of his life without one.

Running up the stairs, he looks worried as he turns left and badges into the room before him. Light chestnut eyes stare into his eyes, she is in hospital attire, a very rare shade of baby blue. She seems lifeless as her eyes bore into hers.

"Emily?" he calls out as if trying to snap her from her own thoughts.

When she doesn't react, when she seems so cold to him, she turns to the doctor, willing him for some explanations.

"What on earth? Dr. James, do you care for an explanation?" he asks his feet rooted to the ground.

It is a hard shot and he knows it so well. The doctor has something to say and whatever the hell it is, he knows he isn't going to find it funny.

Dr. James was looking anywhere other than at him when he let the words slip out of his mouth.

"The lady... presumably your mate, is suffering from amnesia," he says wincing without being touched.

Alpha Cole's eyes widened as his glare kept looking at Emily's own. He didn't know if this was some kind of game or not, but he truly isn't finding it funny, not in the least.

"But she was alright when we spoke last night, she didn't have a single drop of blood from her head, she might not possibly have suffered a concussion," he says, trying to reason out what he might have just heard.

The doctor shook his head, lifting it to meet Cole's face.

"That is not how amnesia works, Alpha, sometimes, the brain gets too scared of what it might have faced, thus, it shuts itself out with the hope of forgetting it ever happened," he says.

Alpha Cole's blood started bubbling, he hates the fact that his mate has a wary past, one that has caused her own brain to shut out on her. If he is going to make her the mate he so much wants, he will better start by helping her know that not every man was like her father or the other men in her life.

"Will she... will she recover?" he asks his voice shaky with fear.

Dr. James nodded before adding silently, "If she feels safe, she might catch her memories back, but what we don't know is how long that will take," he explains.

Cole grit his teeth as he nodded knew once, staring at the doctor and his Beta, he made them leave the room for a while.

He hovers over to the bed, holding Emily to his chest. She feels cold and weak, his eyes meet hers before he speaks.

"I know you are somewhere inside your head, Emily, I want you here, you have a promise to fulfill," he says thinking about how she had promised to tell him 'Thank you,' after he saves her.

What she didn't know was the power of words he could change them into.

'Marry Me,'

Oh yes, her fight will be his, and with her loss of memory, he can manipulate her till he gets caught, or she gets wrapped too tight to get loose of his schemes.

"Why don't we have a little fun, Emily?" he asks to her withdrawing figure from reality. Because, it sure is going to be funny.

He had done so, he was expecting her side of the bargain. Slowly, he watched her eyes close as she goes on to sleep.

Cole knows he needs to be ready for a battle, what triggers him the most is that he is going to be fighting something he knows nothing about, the irritation is enough to cloud him, and more.

He truly hates himself, but he will do anything to protect the lady.

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