"So, who's your date for homecoming?" Angelica asked as she looked around the cafeteria searching for Alex, her boyfriend. "It is your senior year; you need to have a date."
I shrugged my shoulders indifferently. I don't think it's necessary to have a date for homecoming. But some people, like Angelica, seems to find it mandatory. It's for my reputation she told me. Honestly, I don't see how. With or without a date I would still belong to the populars of this school. "I don't have a date and I don't think I'm going."
"Why?" Angelica looked at me, her eyebrows rising up in confusion. "It is senior year." She emphasized senior year again, like it was so important. To me, it was just like any other year. The only difference was that I'll graduate this year.
"I know." I sighed, taking a bite of my sandwich. "It's just that you will go with Axel and Zane has a girlfriend. I don't want to third wheel."
"You are Zane's priority." Angelica stated, rolling her eyes at her own statement. "He will never make you feel like a third wheel."
"Have you even met his girlfriend?" I asked sarcastically. "She is super-duper nice."
"She is not nice, got it." Angelica's attention suddenly shifted to the three guys who entered the cafeteria. They got the attention of everyone currently sitting in the cafeteria, including the canteen ladies.
Zane Shaw, Alex King, and Ivan Preston were walking towards our table, their permanent place. A cocky smirk plastered on all three of their faces. We all on this table were labeled as the populars. Just because we were rich, smart, and good looking.
I don't really care about labels and basically mingle with everyone at this school.
"Is it me or does Alex get hotter every damn day?" Angelica swooned as she followed each step the boys take. Her eyes fixed on Axel as she licked her bottom lip. "Anyways, I don't know why you have been friend zoning Zane for so long. He's quite a catch."
"Hush." I rolled my eyes at what Angelica just said. She does not realize how it is to have strict parents. Her parents are really chill and easy-going.
"We have been best friends for so long. My dad and my brother trust him and only him. So no, we cannot be more than friends." I told her, for the hundredth time this week. Lately she has been pestering me about Zane even though I told her he was currently in a relationship.
"But he is hot, isn't he?"
"Yes and he's my best friend." I hurriedly cleared the table so the boys had room to put their lunch.
"Hey," Zane greeted, giving me a side hug and one of his swoon-worthy smiles. The type of smile that would make any girl fall weak on their knees for him.
"Hi," I replied as I gave him a peck on his cheek. "Where have you been?"
He took a bite of his burger. "We had a little meeting, the boys and I. Are you coming to the billionaire boys club tonight?"
"Yeah, I guess so. Only if you come to pick me up."
"Of course, daddy and brother still strict even now that you're a senior?" Zane asked chuckling as he nudged me softly on my sides.
"Yup. You know them and you know how they are."
Zane laughed and shook his head. "I can't believe that they even allow me to be friends with you. They literally disapprove everyone with a dick that comes near you."
"That's not true."
"We both know it's true, sugar plum." He laughed teasingly. "Except from your family members, I am the only guy who can come near you."
That was actually true. Zane has been my best friend since elementary school. We used to have sleepovers when we were little, but when we grew older we just went out to party. That is, if my parents gave permission. More specifically, if my dad and brother gave me permission, because my mom's permission does not exactly count.
Zane is the son of the Shaw family, a rich family who owns many warehouses in Russia, Australia, and Brazil. They are all part of the billionaire boys club and that's how my parents knew them. That's also a reason why they approve of Zane and I's friendship, because he came from a respectable family.
My parents are very protective of me. Especially my dad and brother. They treat me like an eight year old, instead of an eighteen year old. When I was searching for colleges they wanted me close from home, but this time I didn't let them have their way. I wanted to go to Harvard and I will go to Harvard. Thank goodness, they were supportive of my choice later.
"Amari does not have a date to homecoming." Angelica said, poking me from the side. "She can come with us. Right guys?"
"Yes, of course." All three of them said in unison.
"You should come." Zane said in a matter of fact tone. "It's your last year. Well, our last year."
"Yeah." Angelica pouted. "I'll not see any of you anymore. I'll be alone in this hell hole for two more years."
"Baby, that's not true." Alex said, stroking Angelica's cheeks softly. They were so disgustingly cute. "I'll be in-state. We can meet up anytime you want."
Angelica was a sophomore in High School. Last year, she and her parents moved from Italy to the states. I have known her longer than that though. My mom and her mom went way back. They wanted for us to become best friends too and I guess they succeeded in that. Angelica and I basically became inseparable.
"You can come with me and Savannah. She will not mind." Zane said as he looked around the table. "Alex will pick Angelica up though so you will not see her until the dance."
"No, thank you. I think I'll stay home and have some fun."
"Don't be so boring. There will be an after party." Zane took a flyer out of his bag. "See, after party at Joshua."
I looked at the flyer. Joshua was the captain of the Lacrosse team, a pretty cool dude. The only thing about him was that he was high twenty four seven.
"Nope." I said shaking my head. "Not going. Remember what happened the last time? I don't want history to repeat itself."
Ivan laughed loudly. "That was so hot and funny. I didn't know you had it in you, Amari."
I threw the flyer at Ivan and it hit him straight in his pretty boy face. "Shut up, Preston." I don't want to be reminded about the night I was stripping on the pool table at a party. Thank goodness, Zane found me on time and dragged me home. If that news will ever reach my family I will be a grounded for the rest of my life and most likely become a nun.
Zane snickered. "It will not happen again. I promise."
"It was not your fault. It was me who drank too much."
"That's because I was not there in time to stop you." Zane said in a matter-of-fact tone. "You are going to homecoming. I will pick you up."
"Savannah will not mind?"
"No, why would she? You're my best friend and she knows it."
He said it so casually. The way he said it, it's like he was so sure about it.
"Perfect." Angelica clapped excitedly in her hands. "Bytheway, Ivan who's your date?"
Ivan gave her a mysterious smile. "You will see for yourself, Rossi."
Angelica rolled her eyes at him. "You're always so mysterious, Preston. But then you end up bringing some stripper."
I laughed and stood up from my place. "Gotta go guys. See you all tonight at the club."
Zane also stood up to walk with me when Savannah entered the cafeteria. The loud clicking of her heels made everyone turn their heads at her. "Zane, baby, I was looking for you everywhere." She said as she threw herself on him. Zane caught her and chuckled softly. "I was here with my friends, sweetheart."
"Right." She said as she looked at us. "Hey guys." She greeted cheerfully. I got sick in my stomach at her cheerfulness. It was all a façade, in reality she's so bitter and mean.
Everyone in the group greeted her back and then she turned her attention back to Zane. "Baby, homecoming is tomorrow. Aren't you excited?"
"Very." Zane answered. "Bytheway Sav, Amari is coming with us." He said it as a statement. It was not a yes or no question.
Savannah looked over at me and raised her eyebrows. "Great. The more, the merrier. Who's your date Amari?"
I cleared my throat. I know this question was coming. "I will not go with a date."
Zane nodded his head. "Yeah, she will just tag along with us."
"Sav." Zane said softly. "She's my best friend and you know that she's kind of my priority."
"I don't have to be your priority anymore." I butted in even though that was a lie.
"Shut up, Amari." Angelica yelled from her spot. I fake glared at her, before turning my attention back at the couple in front of me.
Savannah looked annoyed. Hella annoyed.
"Fine." She said and gave me a fake smile. "Of course you can come with us Amari. I would totally not mind." The sarcasm was so dripping from her voice.
Angelica noticed it, but the boys? Not at all. Especially Zane, instead he was grinning from ear to ear. "I love you babe." He said and kissed Savannah on her cheeks. "You're the sweetest."
I let out a deep sigh and walked out of the cafeteria. Zane was a totally different person when he was in a relationship. It was like as if he was oblivious about his surroundings. Normally, he would know when something was bothering me, but now he does not even acknowledge me anymore.
The only time we talk is at lunch or at the billionaire boys club. Other than that, he just ignores me.
It's bothering me like hell even though I know it shouldn't.