Flashback, High School
Amari's POV
I grumbled impatiently as I tapped with my Valentino heels on the concrete floor in the hallway. Students were heading towards their classes, bumping and shoving each other along the way. I looked at my watch and a scowl appeared on my face.
Where the hell is he?
I have seen all my friends early in the morning. They had all wished me a happy birthday and I made sure to remind them about the party tonight at my house.
The hallway was slowly becoming deserted with only a few students here and there running to their classes.
Zane was the last one who entered through the big door, walking leisurely as if he wasn't already late. A big smile appeared on his face as he saw me leaning against his locker. "Happy sweet sixteen, sugarplum."
He swung his hand over my shoulder and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Cute. New shoes?"
"Yes, a gift from Milan. Why are you late? You know that Mrs. Nguyen doesn't like tardiness." I said, giving him a scowl.
"Pff, I know." He said in a matter-of-fact tone. "And I don't care, because it's your birthday today." He flashed me a cheesy grin as we started walking towards our class, History.
"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes as we climbed up the stairs to the first floor. "By the way, why are you late?"
"Do you want to know now or later?" He asked as he looked around us as if he was searching for someone.
"Now, please. You know I'm impatient."
He chuckled and laced his fingers with mine. "Then let's go."
Before I could figure out what he meant, I was dragged inside the janitor closet. "What the hell, Zane?!" I shrieked as my heart almost jumped out of my chest.
He immediately placed his hand over my lips. "Ssht, you want to know why I'm late right?"
I nodded my head.
He slowly pulled his hand away. "Don't scream will you?" He whispered as he fumbled with his backpack.
I shook my head. "I will not."
"Promise me."
"I promise." Now he's making me even more curious and nervous at the same time. "Show me."
He slowly opened his backpack and looked up at me. "Don't scream." He warned before showing me what was inside.
My eyes widened in shock as I saw what was inside his bag and before Zane could place his hand over my mouth, I screamed.
End Flashback
Present day
"The meeting ended early. Stanford's wife went into labor so we had to cut the meeting short." Zane said as he took a sip of his wine. He sat so close to me, that I had to stop myself from flinching every time his shoulder bumped against mine while he was talking to his dad.
The moment Zane entered the restaurant it felt like all the air had left the place. He was different than the Zane from five years ago. He became taller and broad-shouldered, his dark hair falling across his face as his curious eyes took my appearance in.
If he was shocked to see me, he didn't show it.
"Excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom." I placed my napkin on my plate as I stood up to head towards the ladies' room. I could feel Zane's eyes burning in my back as I walked away.
I couldn't stay there any longer. It was suffocating being so close to someone who once meant the world for me.
He acts like nothing's wrong with us. Like we are still the best buddies ever.
Before he sat down on the empty seat next to me, he took me into a big hug and whispered how much he missed me. I couldn't help but stiffen into his embrace. He must have felt that because he immediately released me and shot me a confused look.
I just ignored him and went back to being my normal self. Which wasn't easy, considering how close he sat to me. His presence felt so familiar yet foreign.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I don't want to go back to the table anymore. I don't want to sit next to him anymore. Oh god, how am I going to survive the wedding?
I let out a deep sigh as I rummaged through my purse to find my lipgloss. The bathroom door opened again, revealing a worried Angelica.
"Are you okay?" She asked as she walked over towards me. She gave me a once over before she spoke up again, "You seemed hella uncomfortable out there."
Thank god she noticed because I'm pretty sure the others didn't.
"I want to go home," I whispered as I gripped the sink to not lose my balance. "I don't want to go back out there."
"Is it that bad?" Angelica asked concerned, caressing my bareback.
I nodded my head at her. "It is. Seeing him again after so many years. It's a shock."
"I understand. I will call my driver to drop you off at home." Angelica grabbed her phone out of her clutch and dialed her driver. After she was done she gave me a soft smile. "He will be outside waiting for you in five minutes."
"Thank you, Angel," I said, giving her a hug. "You're literally my savior."
She laughed. "You're welcome. But can I tell you something, Amari?"
"Of course. You know you can tell me anything."
"You and Zane need to talk."
I opened my mouth to protest, but Angelica shut me up by saying, "I know you don't want to, but for once be the bigger person. Talk to him. You don't have to be friends again, but at least talk. Clear out all the misunderstandings."
I sighed deeply as I closed my purse. "Fine, if I'm ready I will do it," I promised her, but I know I just said that to satisfy her.
Promises are meant to be broken. Like the one on my sixteenth birthday.
We said our goodbyes and Angelica went back to the table to inform everyone that I had a headache and was heading home.
I made my way outside and waited at the sidewalk for Angelica's driver to pull up. It was a windy night in New York and I shivered a little while waiting outside.
Suddenly I felt a jacket being draped over my shoulders. I turned around to see who it was and a snarl formed on my lips. "Get your jacket off me!" I snapped, narrowing my eyes at my ex-best friend.
"You're going to catch a cold." He said, crossing his arms across his chest. "It's because of me isn't it?"
"What?" I asked confused seeing how his lively character from earlier suddenly became quiet...dull almost. His smile disappeared and there was no sparkle in his eyes like earlier.
"You leaving so early. You don't have a headache." He clarified, staring at me intently.
"I do have a headache." I lied as I turned my back towards him. I have always had trouble lying to his face. He caught me red-handed so many times.
"I know you're lying. I know you longer than today, sugarplum."
My insides boiled upon hearing that nickname again.
"You don't know me anymore!" I hissed as I turned around to face him. Anger is visible in my eyes. "And don't call me sugarplum!"
"You're still mad at me for what happened aren't you? Even though I emailed you how sorry I am, because you blocked me on all your social media." He let out a deep sigh before continuing, "I made a mistake, why can't you forgive me?"
"Because..." It hurt so much when you picked her over me. I practically felt my heart breaking into tiny little pieces. Tell me, how am I going to forgive you after that? After I have been through thick and thin with you, couldn't you see how much I cared about you, or were you just blind? "You broke off our friendship. It was your choice. And who knows you're not going to do it again? We both know how much your girlfriends love me." I said bitterly.
"What can I do to earn your forgiveness?" he asked quietly. "I'm desperate for your friendship, Amari. You have no idea how much I've missed you!"
I scoffed as I let out a humorless laugh. "Nothing. Just stay away from me until the wedding."
"You know I can't do that." He said, frustrated.
"You did it for five years, you can do it for another few weeks."
"That was you hiding from me!" He exclaimed, running his hand through his hair. "Come on, Amari. Come back in my life. You're the only girl I will go on my knees for to ask for forgiveness."
"Don't be ridiculous." I heard a honk behind me and turned around to see Angelica's driver waiting for me. "My ride's here, goodnight."
Before he could say something I stepped inside the car. I stared out the tinted windows and I wished I hadn't. Outside stood Zane with a dejected look on his face, staring at the tinted windows as the car slowly drove away. My heart squeezes in pain as I saw him head back inside the restaurant.
I was not the only one who suffered the past five years.
I leaned back in the leather seat of the car when I realized that Zane's jacket was still on me. I took it off and hugged it tightly, inhaling his cologne. My eyes widened when I realized it was my favorite one. The one I had recommended to him years ago. Hugo Boss.
I didn't realize I was crying until the driver handed me a box with tissues.
"Boyfriend problems, madam?" He asked concerned, his eyes still focused on the road.
I shook my head as I wiped away my tears. "No, this is so much worse. Bestfriend problems."