Number 1

Keira’s P.O.V

I stiffle in a groan as I feel something wet run down by back before turning around to see Sasha and her group behind me.

I would be stupid If I said they didn’t have a hand in this, but it was not like I could do anything. I was a wolf-less, useless being holding the record for the weakest werewolf in Blood Moon’s pack, and what it made worse was that I was a Gamma’s daughter.

“Oops. Sorry. But it’s not like it changes anything.. your shirts already ruined” Sasha’s unapologetic voice irks me so much that I fight back the urge to just say fuvk it and attack her with every thing in me.

I may not have my wolf, but I could throw a good punch if I was in the mood to. I just knew that no matter how long dad had trained me, I could only pass for self defense. I couldn’t stand a chance against people like Sasha who had full fledged wolves.

And she was right. It made no difference that my new white T-shirt had a chocolate drink spill. I had ketchup stains, guacamole… Any stuff you can find in the canteen.

Yeah… My school mates were assholes and jerks and wouldn’t miss teasing me for being the only person in the entire pack without a wolf.

“Just one month… One fucking Month and I can be able to fucking graduate and raise my middle finger to this shitty school…” I mumbled and head towards my locker, leaving trails of guacamole which I had accidentally stepped on.

People whispered In hushed voices as I made my way to my locker, abruptly force it open and start shoving my books inside like I had a beef with it. But that was all it took for me to hold back the tears stinging my eyes.

When I was done, I slam it close and narch my way out the school, feeling things being thrown at my back.

“You should just go and live amongst the humans. You’re not different than they are.” One boy said and everyone in the hallway laughed, but I just swallowed and patiently bore their taunts till I get outside.

The first thing I see is my dad’s pick-up, and as I make my way towards the vehicle, my vision blurred with tears, I slam Into something like a hard rock.

It was all so sudden that the next second I was sitting on the floor while staring up at what I had hit, and on seeing the view Infront of me, my heart drops to the pit of my stomach and I forget how to breath for some seconds.

It was Raiden Jasper, the Alpha’s son, soon-to-be Alpha A.K.A Sasha’s boyfriend. He went to college and was almost done with freshman year, but usually came over almost everyday after school with his guys to pick his girlfriend up and theirs.

I thought back to when I was in middle school and how I had wished he had even glanced at me back then when he was in highschool.

It may seem absurd, but any woman who didn’t like Raiden or even want a single speck of his attention was undeniably gay.

Even straight guys thought Raiden was hot.

Alas, I had come to accept the fact that I would die alone and never find my mate since I was wolf-less and that I had been wasting my time from the start, thinking that someone of such status would even want someone like me.

It takes several minutes to realize that people around had begun snickering, and my cheeks redenned when I realized that in my thoughts, I had visibly been checking the Alpha’s son out.

“Oh my Gosh… I’m so sorry.” I try to stand, but I forgot I had guacamole for the year stuck on my soles, so I just end up slipping and falling again.

The laughters don’t help as they get worse, but what even makes me want to dig a hole and bury myself was when Raiden just glanced at me like I was a patota chip which fell off to the ground and was cast aside like an outcast.

“You don’t have have a wolf, Keira… It doesn’t mean you’re also blind.”

The laughters turn to roars as he walks past me, and his friends snigger at my state on the floor as I stare at their feet, not daring to look up till they passed by.

Not a single person came up to help me. Well, except my dad of course, but I only let him help me up before I march towards the car, draw the car door open, get inside and shut it behind me before letting the tears I’ve been holding back flow down my cheeks. The wells I’d been building up all day had finally cracked and I felt quite satisfied bawling my eyes out as my dad drove me home, knowing that no one was going to bully me for crying in my dad’s vehicle.

“Sweetie… “

“I know what you’re going to say dad” I sniff and wipe my tears. “And no you cannot tell the principal about this because that would only make my bullying worse. It’s just one month left, a few exams and after graduation, I never have to see their faces again. I doubt I’d be able to even attend the stupid graduation party after what happened today…”

“Remember you still have college. If you keep showing people that you’re a weakling who can’t find back, their tauntings and bullying won’t stop even when you get to college.”

Shit! I forgot about college.

“You’ve always told me to fight back Dad, but no matter how strong I am or how well I train, I’m still no match for them If they shift.” We were close to the house, and to avoid anymore topics prying into my business, I open the door and bang it shut before leaving my dad inside to sigh outloud.

I know dad loves me and he really means well for me, but he doesn’t know what it feels to be treated like you’re an outcast each day you go to school. I’ve never even had a friend in my life, and I know I was bound to die alone, but why did everyone have to make me feel ugly and worthless?

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