Number 4
When we arrive at home, I take a shower and after putting on a hoodie and matching sweats, I sit on my bed and open my textbooks to start revising.
It was exam period and I try as much as possible to get the party date out of my head as I focus on reading, but after a good five minutes and I wasn’t able to understand anything, I decided to head out for coffee.
“Sweetheart, is something wrong?” I’m startled when I turn to the dining room and see dad reading something off a paper, but his eyes were fixed on me now.
“Dad… I thought you’d be asleep now.”
“Where are you going to at this time of the night, young lady?”
I sigh. “Dad, it’s still eight. I just need to buy some coffee from the nearest store.”
“Coffee? You’ve drank more coffee than I’ve ever drank in my entire existence,” he was just using the figure of speech, but I had to agree I’ve been downing in coffee since exams started. “And it’s too late.”
“Come on dad… I’ve got my last papers tomorrow. This is the last one. I promise.”
Raiden’s P.O.V
I lazily lay there, watching as Sasha put on her clothes while slowly buttoning my shirt with a hazy look in my eyes.
“So… Where are we shopping for alcohol for the party tomorrow night?” My girlfriend’s low, seductive voice rang out in my ears as she crawled over my huge frame on the bed before sprawling her arms around my chest, leaning into my embrace.
“Anywhere of your choice baby… Where do you want to go?”
“Target’s fine. I want to get some of that good tequila. Truth or dare will be lit.” She trailed a finger down my chest with a sultry gaze.
I smile and inch close to nuzzle my nose against hers when I see the clock ticking off across the room. It was a few minutes after eight.
“Hey, I’m heading out for coffee, wanna come.”
“Coffee?” She looked like she hadn’t heard the word coffee before.
“Welcome to Cream ‘n’ Coffee. What can I get ya?” She had on a bright, cheerful smile as she positioned her pen over the clipboard.
“Uh… I’d like the cappuccino coffee…”
“Okay…” She scribbled some things down. “Do I need to use milk or…”
“Cream” I cut her off without beating around. “Flavor with some cinnamon sprinkles too.”
“Right. Anything else?”
“That’s all.” I dismiss her and patiently wait for my coffee whole scrolling through my phone. In minutes, the same waitress had arrived with my cup of coffee on a small saucer and with another small cup filled with granulated sugar.
“Enjoy your coffee.” I curtly nod and don’t spare her any more than a glance before adding a spoonful of sugar into my cup before stirring slowly.
At least she was nice and sensible enough not to hit on me.
As I scroll through my phone while stirring, I hear hushed whispers.
“It’s her… It’s her…”
Instinctively, I glanced up to who had caught everyone’s attention in the shop, and standing in line, restlessly biting on her lower lip was Keira.
I was surprised to see her here, but then again, I can’t move my eyes away from her even as she glanced up to lock eyes with me probably sensing my stare.
I feel that same rush of andrenaline when our eyes lock and in anger and confusion, I return to staring my coffee.
She’s not my problem. She just came here for coffee and I was doing the same too. She’d better mind her business. Just because she thought I voluntarily invited her to my party, doesn’t mean we’re buddies or anything.
However, I noticed her gaze landing on me each time, despite the fact that I tried to put up with a nonchalant composure as I sipped my coffee.
Soon, she steps out the counter with her coffee on a tray, and her eyes scan the place, probably looking for an empty spot.
I realize that it was either she had her coffee to go, or she drank it outside, because it didn’t look like anyone was willing to let her sit with them.
Suddenly, her eyes move to my spot, and without thinking twice I beckon her over and In small steps she makes her way towards my table before I could change my mind.
“Sit.” I ordered and she immediately sat before bowing her head slightly.
“Thank you.”
I snort, wondering why she was acting like I did her a huge favor when I was just playing the now-nice former bully so she wouldn’t think twice before arriving at my party, believing I’ve changed.
“Do you know about the rogues and witches making a treaty?” I suddenly asked her after scrolling through my phone and I noticed she hadn’t taken a sip of her coffee and was still blowing on it.
She raised her eyes to meet mine and my heart experiences that same tug it usually felt whenever our eyes met.
“Stare into your coffee!” I snap at her and she immediately drops her head.
“Well, have you?” I insistedly asked, irritated by how dull and vunerable she behaved.
“Y- y- es- yes” She stuttered and I just glared at her lowered head.
“And your dad let you out on your own knowing there are rogues roaming freely In our pack?”
“I promised I’d be home before nine… I didn’t want him driving here.”
I stared at her In disbelief.
“You walked here???”
“What? Is that bad?” She looks at me again, and when our eyes lock again, my expression darkens.
Raiden's POV
My heart was pounding fast, the blood rushing through my veins increased their pace and became hot… much too hot for me to handle.
Her freaking scent… my favorite scent of hot chocolate and caramel pie was more obvious than when I had walked into the coffee store.