
Suddenly, I see her far off, running on the track road while nervously glancing back, and my blood boils as I chase after her.

However, when my headlights flash at her and I see the terror in her eyes, I smile evilly as I horned loud at her to frighten her more and see that horrified look.

Just when I thought she couldn't surprise me any further, she went off the track road, and I watch her do a perfect sumersault with an ariel cartwheel in the air before she lands down the track road, down what looks like a pathway into a forest before she starts sprinting in, disappearing from my view immediately.

"Keira!!!" I growled angrily into the night before I swerved my wheel tinthe right, following her immediately. Soon, I had caught up with her, and I was ready for about anything as a good chase when I see her fall flat on her face, and my cars come to a screeching halt.

I get down quickly, and as I shut my car door, I see her sit up on the care ground, holding her knee up to her chest.

The first scent that catches me off guard was her blood, her delicious scent… combined with her blood, it was irresistible, and I had to literally hold my breath and calm myself down before approaching her, replacing the stunned expression on my face with a furious one.

"What the hell was that?!" I snap angrily at her, and I see her shrink back into the ground.

"Why were you chasing me." I think that was her attempt at shouting back at me, but I found it so cute that I'm just stood over her watched her.

"Why? I told you.. 'get in the car', and like a normal human should have, you actually did the opposite.. you ran away.. to this.. " I venture around with my hands, showing her the dark gloomy forest where rogues obviously resided.

"I thought you were pranking me again… " she cut in and I was just left speechless.

"Prank you?" And that's when it hit me.

I remembered this scene five years ago. She was, as usual, drenched in a bucket of melted cheese from the canteen. Sasha and her minions had 'accidentally' poured it all over her.

I was in my car listening to some music when she made to walk past my car. I faked pity and convinced her to come in so I'd take her home, but I actually too her to the human territory and left her in the middle of no where.

It was so funny, that the rumor of me driving her down to the human territory and leaving her with no clue of how to retun home spread around the whole school.

I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose before turning to Keira who was nursing the bruise on her knee by blowing on it.

I didn't make sense before as to why she was running, but now it all did, and I hated that I felt guilty for what I did.

I lower my knees, and I see the wary look in her eyes as she began backing away from me where she sat.

I hated the fear in her eyes so much that I grabbed her ankles and yanked her close to me before grabbing her arm and pulling her so close that I could feel her panting directly on my lips.

"I'm not going to hurt you… " she looked like she wanted to say something, but I cut her short not even giving her a chance to say a word. "And I'm not pranking you, okay?"

She still looked uncertain, but then she swallowed and whispered.

"You're hurting me.. "

"I'm not going to hurt you." I snapped at her. Is she stupid? How am I hurting her?

"No.. " she winced and bit her lip so hard, she looked so damn attractive, but then her next words caught me off. "You're hurting me.. like.. right now… "

I glance down to see I was still holding onto her arm like a vice, and I pulled away, cursing.

"Shit. I'm so sorry .. " she suddenly looked at me with that wary expression and even I wouldn't blame her.

The hell did I just do? I apologized. This mate bond thing was making me go insane..

"Can you stand?" I ask, my voice gruff. It's like I was trying to sound nice, but I didn't mean it even though I was trying.

She bit her lip again and shook her head. She was a freaking human, she would healed by now..

I wanted to face palm myself. Only a small bruise and she couldn't walk… such a weakling.

As I got my bandana from the back of my pocket, I suddenly remembered that amazing sumersault.

She didn't seem so weak and vunerable when she sumersaulted like that.

As I wrap the bandana around her knee, I see the way she's staring right at me even with my head slightly bend.

"Stop staring holes into my head… " I raise my head to glare at her and she glances down to play with her nails.

"Sorry .. "

I continue tying the bandana around, frowning harder at how I just thought she was cute again.

"I just… " I raised my head again when she began talking. "I just want to know why you're being so nice to me."

I don't reply and only scoop her in my arms before heading for the car, hearing her gasp in shock from having me carry her around like a princess.

It was in the middle of the night, crickets were croaking, and the branches and twigs rustled and snapped under my large shoes as I helped her into back of my car to sit properly since she might not be too comfortable upfront.

Raiden's POV

She winced and scooched inside and I lean inside to make her more comfortable, not realizing I had a worried look on my face seeing how she was in so much pain.

"This wouldn't have happened If you hadn't made you way here.. I mean seriously… who runs off into the woods at this time of the night? Are you crazy?

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