I let up a little when I realized he wasn't taking me back to my pack. But eventually, it became clear. I kept thinking, "I never want to go back to that pack," while I dealt with the rejection and shame. North Pack. The world's most potent pack, to be exact. The pack's leader was rumoured to be ruthless and heartless. Trespassers on his property were promptly laid to death. I wasn't ready to be his next victim because I had heard all the stories about how many people he had murdered.
Nobody outside of his group is aware of his appearance. I heard that he liked to keep his appearance a secret whenever he left his pack. I don't have my sights set on his as, well. "Just let me out, please. I didn't mean to trespass; I wasn't trying to cause any issues.
Don't take me to your alpha, please. I cried out, "I don't want to die. When the word "alpha" was mentioned, he momentarily became stiff but soon became comfortable.
Please. Marina replied, her voice filled with dread and a deep agitation, "I'm not ready to die.
Be silent, he commanded.
"Please-"He tightened his grip on me and shouted, "I said to fucking be silent." I quickly stopped talking since I didn't want him to kill me before the alpha had a chance.
He was also my mate, and if what I heard was true, he would protect me from any bad things that might happen.
I was perplexed. The first time you met your partner would have been more remarkable, emotional, and even mystical. Instead of this, it ought to have been love at first sight. The stillness, suffering, and pleasure he inflicts upon me are very different from what I had anticipated. This part of him dragging me to my death on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
"Which way am I going to go?
I asked, confused because I was so terrified. That's not true; I was frightened.
No response.
He can't kill me, you know. I tried to reason with him but to no avail: "You're my mate.
No response.
Damn it, respond to me!"I yelled.
Still no response.
He walked calmly ahead of the other man, and I pouted as he did so. We had now exited the forest and were ascending some stairs.
Before I knew it, I was inside. As the jerk carrying me walked by, I noticed a few others gazing at me. I was beginning to feel faint, and if Ryan didn't let me down soon, I would become ill. He entered a room after ascending the stairs.
I stood straight while holding my head steady to keep it from spinning once he let me down on my feet. After focusing my eyes, I fixed my gaze on the a hole in front of me.
"What brought you here, and why?"
I said, perplexed. I believed that the alpha would condemn me to death.
His straightforward response was, "You're my mate, and this is where you'll reside from now on." I walked around him and said, "I need to leave; I can't stay here."
A hand reached out from behind me and slammed the door shut as I was about to exit. He forced himself up against me, pushing me up against the door.
He inhaled while placing his face close to my neck. Never before have I felt this close to anyone.
He nibbled my earlobe and mumbled, "The sooner you accept this, the better it will be for you. With him so near, his body was vibrating in my body like electricity. He left sparks behind everywhere he touched, kindling something within me that I had never experienced. You can't keep me in this place.
He responded, "I can, and I will," and moved away from me. He pushed me out of the path of the door as he snuck out, locking the door from the outside. When I tried to turn the doorknob, it remained stuck. "Hey! I want to leave! I pounded the door with my fists.
You can't keep me in this place. I yelled. I slipped the door down while cradling my head in my hands. My companion locked me in a room. Additionally, I was in the North pack, and if the alpha found out, I would be dead. What made him bring me here? My head is pounding, and I'm also imprisoned.
Are mine being taken?
Will mine pass away?
My brain began to clench with fear as I was unsure what to do. I only had to maintain my composure and observe his next move.
If he was genuinely my soul mate, he ought to have treated me with more significant consideration, kindness, and love. I had assumed that meeting my partner would be the most romantic experience of my life, but apparently, the universe was still punishing me.
Sincerely, I had anticipated that he would have lavished me with affection after declaring that I was his mate. He may have asked me to accompany him back to his pack. I had the impression that everything would be as enchanted as other members of my pack's mates have described their initial meetings with their partners.
Marina pondered while thinking deeply.
But he had to get his way regardless of what I thought or wanted. He had no choice but to take me back to his pack and, against my will, gaze at me in a room. He did declare that I was his partner, so it had to mean something, right?
Marina's POV
I remained in the room. My asshole of a friend had abandoned me. I got to my feet and looked around because I had nothing else to do.
The room appeared to belong to a friend, and if the stench was any indication, it was his room. I could only make out the shades of grey and black. Colour was not at all his thing.
His place was so gloomy like it lacked any personal touches. Just a few touches of paintings were added after he had everything he required.
Even though this room may have seemed gloomy, it was nothing compared to how sad my "chamber" actually was. It was the most luxurious room I've ever had the pleasure of inhabiting that didn't require cleaning.
When I heard a voice say, "Hello," I turned to face the entryway. It wasn't until now that I noticed someone had entered the room.
A girl with dark curly hair and caramel skin was standing in the doorway. She was probably 5'4" tall. She had pouty lips, a straight nose, and honey-brown eyes. She was lovely, and her white summer dress gave her an angelic appearance.
"Um…. Hi," I waved since I was self-conscious about my oversized clothing. She answered politely, "The al- I mean Ryan assigned me to keep you company." "Ryan?" I questioned in awe. She gave me an odd look as she said,
"Yeah, he brought you in here." Ryan.
At least I won't have to continue calling him an "asshole" or "jerk." I said, trying to face-palm, "Oh, okay." She introduced herself as Sophia.
"I said, "My name is Marina.
She exclaimed, joyfully clapping her hands, "Great!"
She guided me around as we left the room.
I couldn't help the looks I received from everyone as I passed the pack members.
They, like myself, were probably unsure about my purpose for being here and what I would be searching.
I understand that when mates found each other, they typically moved in together, but he didn't even acknowledge that I was his when he spoke to me.
As I walked by, I could feel the looks wearing thin in the back of my mind.
The whispers, undoubtedly about me, could be heard by me.
Do you understand why I'm here?
I asked Sophia.
"Each person does. She added with a tentative smile, "You're the mate, I mean Ryan's mate. She seemed to be keeping something from me. They all were, and I must learn this immediately. I had no idea what it was or why they kept it a secret.
She frequently began speaking only to stop and correct herself in the middle. Talking about partners, I enquired, "Where is the alpha?"
She added, hardly looking at me, "He's away." She had a history of lying.
"I said, "You're lying. She gave me an apology-filled smile and added, "Look, I can't answer all of your questions because it's not my position to say. "Are you famished? She shifted the conversation.
Even though I was famished, I said, "I can't eat." Since yesterday morning, I haven't eaten anything.
Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me as we entered the kitchen. I stepped behind Sophia to avoid their enquiring looks.
"This place is empty!
"she yelled, and everyone resumed their previous activities.
"Is she here?"
"A girl inquired while casting me an angry glance.
Sophia said, "Everyone, this is Marina," and I waved uncomfortably.
She doesn't appear to be much. Even so, is she a werewolf? The same girl gave me a dirty look.
Ok. What is her issue?