Chapter 1

Spirit P.O.V:

It has been 7 years since I've seen my parents and my father made good on his word. He cut me off completely and even sent my personal servant back to the Netherlands AFTER I didn't returned back. It wasn't that I didn't want to go back but something about disowning me hurt me to my core just because I wasn't following directions or his puppet. 5 years went by but I was traveling, working, in college and living a regular lifestyle that missing home wasn't an option. Now at 25 I was living in New York, manager for the hotel The Plaza but I worked for the owner The Graysons so I traveled hotels whenever they needed me too.

I loved my life so me leaving it wasn't what I wanted. My father called plenty of times but soon he stopped realizing that I wasn't coming home but by then I had already had the best job, I could asked for. The hotel was where I started and now i lived in one of the penthouses reserved for the hotel manager below the owners penthouse for when they stopped by. I was doing a pretty damn good job.

The person who foresee the hotel when the Graysons were in town was their son but I've never personally saw him or spoke him just his assistants.

I had started here while first moving here to pay for fashion school and one day, Mrs. Grayson had a malfunction with her dress as they were opening another hotel in California and needed it to get fixed. I was in charged with cleaning the penthouse that they were staying in and saw the dress and my fingers worked before my brain did.

I thought I was in trouble as she demanded who fixed her dress and I came forward. Instead I became her personal stylist and my pieces were personally for her and her family. The New York fashion school wanted me and The Graysons funded my school as they thought I was poor. So I let them sealing my identity from them.

"Mrs. Kinnerly." someone called over the microphone as I was staring at myself in the mirror. I had changed my name and appearance no longer the white girl from the Netherlands but from Maine.

"Yes." I called.

"Jenny will not stop doing work even after you allow her to be off."

I shook my head. Jenny was the head housekeeper and she was about to have her baby soon. She was a stubborn as can be as even as we first met and was taught by Sheryl who passed away last year. Jenny became head housekeeper for a year as Sheryl recommended her while I was already the hotel manager. She was my first and only friend in New York and I love it that way. She also knew my secret next to Sheryl.

"I'm on my way."

I took one last look in the mirror to make sure I was presentable and went out the door. "Mrs. Kinnerly."

"Yes go on." I said. I was in the elevator.

"The Graysons has a message for you at the front desk."

"Okay, thank you Ginger. I'm going to check on Jenny and then I'll be right there." I figured they needed another dress for the daughter was has a couple of events waiting for her as she was close to getting married.

"Copy that."

I rushed the room where the housekeepers group up in the mornings and watched as Jenny was sitting there huffing.

"Jenny." Her boyfriend John was sitting next to her as he worked head of the bar and has a microphone as well.

"I told you guys I'm fine. He is just a bit sassy today." she said breathing.

"Whats going on?" I asked walking up to her.

"Nothing. I wanted to get out of bed today but it seems as though JJ has other plans." she pushed out.

I had read up on books and classes, and been at every appointment with the newly parents so I was pretty sure that Jenny was in labor.

"Jen darling." I said.

She looked up alarmed as John moved from by her legs.

I nodded to her and reached for my phone to get the doctor here.

"Hello, this is Doctor Reed speaking."

"Doctor Reed this is Kinnerly. Jenny is in labor and her water just broke." I rushed out.

"Oh my. Stubborn is ready to make an appearance?"

"Yes ma'am." I said.

"There is going to be traffic I know so please look between her legs for me to see if she is crowning."

I moved closer to her and open her legs as she was wearing a dress. John moved her panties.

"No. So we must still have time." i said to her.

"Correct. Get some warm towels, gloves, warm water, scissors, pillows and blankets just in case I'm not there."

I freezed. New York was a busy place as it gets so her getting here on time or going to the hospital wasn't going to help. Meaning I was going to have to do this if she didn't get here by the time. Her water broke so there wasn't must time left.

"Her water broke." I informed her.

"Then get a move on. You don't have much time left. I will stay on the phone until i get there but Kinnerly do this gentle please. Soft steady hands. No screw ups."

I took a deep breath and started barking orders that the doctor gave me to other people. John stayed glued to her side and he brought her to the longer couch being careful to keep her legs apart.

"Kinnerly..." she was very unsure and it reflected in her eyes.

"I feel the same way but he has to come out so that you and him are safe. You can't deny him entry into the world and the doctor is right on the phone." I held her hand realizing that this was actually happening to me but I was honored. I couldn't show that I was panicked because her and John was already doing that so I needed to calm for them.

"Start doing breathing excerises," I instructed as the gloves warm water and etc was at my side.

"Kinnerly." she said looking at me full of panic. "He coming."

"At your contraction, I need you to push okay." the doctor said over the phone and I repeated for her louder so that Jenny could hear.

As she let out a big cry she pushed.

"Beautiful Jenny give your safe a break and wait for another contraction okay." I said encouraging her as I seen in the videos I watched.

She gave me a huge push and now he was crowning. "Perfect I see his head. Give yourself a break until the contraction." i got the blanket for the baby boy.

She gave another push and I supported his head so that he didn't just dropped on the couch. "Last one Jenny."

Jenny pushed again and he started crying as he was wrapped in the blanket.

"Your a natural." Doctor Reed came up to me and followed by a couple of nurses. The ambulance was outside waiting for them. I gave Jenny her baby as he was still attached to the umblical cord. With a wet towl I wiped the blood off of his face and Jenny looked at me.

"Come with us."

I left the message for the receptionist to call me and forward everything to me on my work cell and followed Jenny into the back of the ambulance where John was praising me and grateful that I was there.

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