Chapter 2
Drake Grayson P.O.V:
"Mother once again I do not need a woman to run the family hotel business. I am more than capable of doing this by myself." I said over the phone.
"But you are pushing 30."
"Mom that's in 3 years."
"2, your birthday is in 4 months." she said.
"Mom still. I got this on my own. I am not focusing on a relationship right now."
"You never do." I heard her mumble.
"What is it going to take for you to get married. Settle down. Have some kids like your eldest sister?"
"Mom i am not family material. She is. If you wanted this business to have a family image to it, then why didn't you put her in charge after dad..." I trailed off. "Mom, I'm sorry."
"It's fine. I know you are angry at him and haven't spoken to him since he had gotten sick but I really think you should patch things up with him." she said.
"Mom, he cheated on you in public. The news went viral. Just because he kept them out of the press doesn't mean some of the world don't know. That is embarassing. You may be ready to forgive him but I am not. He ruin the family image when he had dealings with our secretary in the Cali hotel." I said.
"Drake." my mom said sternly. "We are his family. We stick beside him no matter what happened."
"No you are his wife. That has nothing to do with me. You put me in charge of the business and thats what I'm going to focus on." I hanged up on her then and signed.
"Jacob remind me to call mother back and apologize. I just need space from her right now."
Before he could respond my phone dinged with a text.
Meeting with Annalisa at The Daniel at 8
Annalisa was the mayor's daughter of New York. Where I was currently. I checked the time it was 5:43pm. I still had time left.
Suddenly my mother started calling again. I decided to answer.
"Our hotel is on the news."
"Jacob turn the tv on." He turned the tv on in the limo where of course our hotel was breaking news."
"Breaking News....A young woman, said to be the hotel manager aids her colleague as she gives birth. This young woman springed into action and the baby boy has been delivered safely by this young woman. Here is Whitney the hotel publicist ready to talk on behalf of the The Plaza." It turned to our publicist.
"Mrs. Whitney tell us about this young woman."
"The Graysons are very proud to have her as the hotel manager as she impresses everyone including them time and time again."
"What else can you tell us about this fascinating woman?"
"She is a closed book and tight lipped but started as a housekeeper here years ago and rise to the occasion for us."
"Well hopefully we will learn about this mysterious woman, and about the new mother and baby. Thank you for your time. I am Amy of ABC7."
Jacob turned the tv off and mother started talking on the phone.
"Kinnerly is such an amazing woman seems like she is so perfect and does everything. Now she deliver Jenny's baby safe and sound. The fact that our hotel thrives because of her and now great publicity makes me love her more." she gushed over Kinnerly once again. I've never met Kinnerly face to face but my mother seems to enjoy her and her company. After all she did save my mother dress years ago and now styles both my mother and my sister outfits.
Secretly, I know she wish Kinnerly was her daughter as well. I've heard many great things about her from my dad as well and he never speaks highly of anybody. They take her everywhere business and stylist wise. I was away on business learning and whereever my dad sent me.
"You should meet her at the hotel and remind her about our banquet please. Me and Chelsea need something to wear. As the royal family from Netherland is coming," she said.
"Yes ma'am." I hanged up with her and realized that we was parked in front of the hotel. The crowd and paparazzi was still there now their attention was turned towards me.
"Mr. Grayson, can you tell us what you think about your hotel manager?"
"Can you tell us a little about more about her?"
"Can you comment on how the mother and child is doing"
"No comments on Mr. Grayson behalf at this time." Jacob said behind me stopping them from coming close and into the hotel.
"KIM," I bellowed.
"Yes Mr?"
"Did Kinnerly return back from the hotel or no?"
"No sir. Would you like me to page her?"
"No, have her come up to the penthouse for a chat on behalf of my mother and sister. Remind her about the banquet and give me word on Jenny and her child please. My mother would greatly appreciate it."
"I will get right on it and make sure that she comes to you right away."
I dismiss myself and went up to the penthouse to take a much needed shower.
Kinnerly (Spirit) P.O.V:
I finally gotten back to the hotel and the security had let me in without being run over by the paparazzi still wanting to know more information.
"Thank you so much Michael." I said to the buff man as Jordan created a barrier to move the crowd so I could get through.
"Oh Mrs. Kinnerly good timing. Mr. Grayson is in the penthouse waiting for you. Wanting to discuss the banquet, dresses for Lady Grayson and Chelsea and check on Jenny and the baby." Kim said coming up to me.
"I will head there right now," I said sighing and opening my work phone seeing Mrs. Grayson texting me already. Instead of reading the text, I went inside the elevator and hit the button for the penthouse on the top most floor. I texted Jenny on my personal phone the 50th times since I left the hospital.
I love you and JJ.
We love you too Kin. When are you coming back we all miss you
You know I have work to do but I will have somethings ready back in your room so you can be comfortable when you get home
Thank you Kin for everything
Happy to be there
The elevator dinged for the top floor and I stepped out after putting in my keycode and badge. I walked inside the beautiful penthouse and of course it took my breath away as everything was polished and cleaned. The air was fresh here, beautiful even.
"Mr Grayson," I called out. No one answered. I went further checking the kitchen but I saw nobody. I looked down at my phone turning towards the elevator. It was uncomfortable for me to here without one of them present but before I could look back up to call out again just to make sure it was empty I ran into something rock hard and naked.
"Ouch." I hit the floor on my butt as my things scattered on the ground. I was hoping that I didn't break any of that.
"Oh shit, I am so sorry," a young voice called. "I didn't know anybody was here."
I looked up to see the young Mr Grayson. I've only ever seen his pictures but they didn't do justice as he was so beautiful to look at. I stared for a moment as I realize he only had a towel wrapped around his waist. I shield my eyes face.
"I am so sorry Mr. Grayson please accept my apologies." I said. He reached out his hand and I gladly took it. He helped me up and chuckled.
"No that was my fault. I really didn't watch where I was going," he replied. I was currently bending down to pick up my things when we bump heads.
"SHIT." he cursed out. We rubbed at the temples.
"I'm sorry again. I just-- do you want any ice?" I said bending over again to grab my things off the floor. This time he didn't help.
"No I'm fine but you sure do have a hard ass head." he said chuckling. My face went tomato. I've heard that before especially from my dad.
"I'm Kinnerly. Hotel manager at your service."
"Well Miss Kinnerly. Please text my mom about the fitting for my sister and her dresses. Is everything for the banquet ready?"
"We had hiccups on the menu because Mrs. Grayson loves to add and change her mind about things but it should be ready by today once I check up on it today."
"That would be my mother alright." He said shaking his head. "Let me put on some clothes so we can discuss some more things as in guest list and everything."
And with that he walked away while I admired his ass.