Chapter 3

Please remember that Kinnerly is Spirit and Spirit is Kinnerly.

Kinnerly P.O.V:

After a while he came back fully clothed in shorts and a tv shirt and sat on the couch.

"Aren't you going to join me?"

"Yes sir." I hurried to sit on the couch opposite of him.

"So what did you want to know?" i said getting straight to the point.

"Well first how is Jenny and the baby? My mom wanted to know and has praise you while watching the news. She should be hear tomorrow so I'm sure you will hear from her."

"She is perfectly fine, she should be discharged in a day or two as they wanted to run more tests on her and the baby." I announced.

"Good. Mother will be pleased."

He set his foot on the table.

"About this banquet. Do you know how important it is?"

I shook my head no. "All she said was powerful people and colleagues was going to be there."

"Well the banquet is on saturday and everything have to be perfect. Do you have the dresses already made and altered to my mother liking?"

"Trust me, it was already done when she asked for it. So is your sister dress." I said nodding. "We just have to do a last fitting."

"Good. My suit should be here tomorrow so I will be joining the fitting for just in case purposes so that you can fit the suit on my body. Understood?"

I nodded. Seeing as I was sitting picturing his naked back, I swallowed.

"Seating arrangements are done as well and the banquet hall is being worked on as we speak." I announced turning to my notebook as too write down more things he was letting me know about such as he was coming to the fitting as well.

"Do you have a dress to wear?" The frown appeared on my face.

"She never said anything about me joining so I never really made one for me." I said panicking searching through my notes thinking that I missed them and forgot.

"Well after today, everyone is going to wanting to know the mysterious hotel manager that hand delivered a baby at the Plaza Hotel. You there is great business and publicity as you make your own statements on behalf of yourself."

I looked up. "I'm just a nobody." Yeah a royal nobody.

"Its not what the city of New York want. You will be interviewed and dining with the best of them. Networking. Mom wants you by her side and the hotel assistant runs the hotel banquet that night which you still get paid but extra for well everything."

My eyes bulged.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm definitely sure."

I thought for a moment. They are going to televise my face and air it so how in the hell, will I disguise my looks before my people back home recongnize me. It will blow my cover.

"Anything else sir."

"Sir is my dad. Please call me Drake as my mom talks about you all the time. I basically already know you."

"Yes Mr-- I mean Drake, sir."

"Jacob." he called. His personal right hand man came out of no where.

"Yes Mr Drake."

"Please pour me bourbon." He said. Well at least he had manners, I really thought he was an asshole like his father but he was only a nice guy knowing how to treat people.

"Your dismiss as I'm sure you have a ton of things to do."

I jumped up off the couch.

"Yes sir. I will see you tomorrow."

He nodded turning on the tv and taking a sip from his glass.

"And Kinnerly?"

He called. I turned around to give him my attention but he didn't turned to look at me.


"Dress to impress."

Without a word I step back into the elevator tackling the hotel staff for the banquet on saturday and getting the hotel assistant Hannah to follow me around as this was a big moment.

The next day was Thursday and the banquet was on Saturday. The hotel was busy and I set everyone on task giving intructions for today before making my way back to my room so that I could transfer Chelsea and Mrs. Grayson dresses to the penthouse.


"Go ahead Kim."

"Mr. Grayson is calling you from the penthouse."

"I am on it. Fabian," Fabian was the head chef.

"Please have breakfast ready for Mr. Grayson and the Misses should be here around lunch time." The elevator doors open for my penthouse but I ended pressing for the top floor instead.

"I will do so. When will Jenny be back."

"Any minute." I confirmed.

I put in my passcode and key again and the penthouse doors open.

"Ahh Kinnerly," Drake called thankfully in clothes.

"I have your suit and the two dresses coming up to the penthouse right now. Did you wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Change of plans. Mother and sister are in right now. Before the fitting they want to go with you to find a dress for the banquet."


"Please don't upset mother. You should know how she is with everyone else. Plus father is attending the banquet so he expects nothing less than perfect."

I signed. Mr Grayson was a hard one to please but I seem to have his good side. Thank the heaven above. I watched as he embarassed a lot of the employees here the hotel but always butter up to me.

"I will make sure everyone is task. Hannah is overseeing that and knows my expectations as I will be checking on everything tomorrow."

"Oh no you will not be working tomorrow."

"Hannah takes on fully tomorrow as you help us and yourself get ready."


"Mother orders."

I was not getting out of it no matter what. But I can't be seen outside in public without disguises on. The moment someone realize I'm royalty my parents will be here faster than anything. I can't have that.

"Fabian. The mother and sister is here send up breakfast. And Hannah, please be on standby on your phone today and tomorow at all times."

They both said copy when the elevator doors open with a ding.

"Kinnerly." Mrs. Grayson gushed at me, running over to give me a warm hug. Chelsea was not so far behind her as her soon to be husband was looking around the scenery.

"HI Mrs. Grayson how are you?"

"For now on call me, Crystal please. You do so much for us, your already part of the family."

"Are you ready to go shopping for your dress and stuff for the banquet?" Chelsea asked.

"Oh you girls go ahead. As I would like a word with my son and to check on Jenny." their mother said.

Chelsea beamed at me then. "GIRLS DAY." She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the elevator. The last thing I see while the doors close is Drake smirking at me.


"There must be something is in this boutique that you must like in here?" she question not sure of her self. We went to many stories and haven't found anything worth for me to be seen in at the banquet. I was not about to just wear anything and Chelsea felt the same way. Only difference is nothing was good enough as I would be in public for the first time. My foot hurt and I was completely exhausted for the day but we had one more to go.

Chelsea pushed me inside Henrik Vibskov Boutique despite my pleads. We haven't eaten at all and my stomach was growling every two seconds.

"Mrs Grayson, wonderful to see you again." the receptionist London greeted us.

"This is for Kinnerly our new banquet guest and we desparately looking for a dress. I need something dangerous, fit her body perfectly. Something that screams I am mysterious but elegant."

"Kinnerly, the hotel manager that hand deliver the baby?" London asked looking at me beaming.

"The one and only." Chelsea called.

"I think I have just the dress. Special order by your mother actually." London disappeared in the back. Chelsea mother had called in ahead to see if they had anything as everybody already had their dress for the banquet. This was a last minute thing.

"So any man in your life?" Chelsea asked sitting on the sofa.

"Not really. I've never been with anybody before." I answered honestly.

"Oh my gosh, really. All you have time for is the hotel? What do you do on your free time?"

"Being lazy, rewatching gossip girl by then someone needs me. So I end up working a little bit on my off day." I shrugged sitting next to her.

"Well this banquet is going to be a hit. A lot of men will be there that you can chose from. This will be the talk of the year." she beamed at me. "I'm really not interested in nobody right now."

"How when you don't go anywhere outside of the hotel business. You are the best designer I know and none of your work gets recongnize because you begged my mom not to say anything. You sell yourself short not taking the risks."

The risks in not being found by the Royal family was way more than making a big impact in the fashion world. I get paid great being personal stylist and hotel manager although I wish I could be in the fashion world full time. But the media digs someone will found me out or worst know exactly who I really am. I just can't take the chance.

"Your dress is hanging in stall 3." London called out to me.

We got up and followed her to the changing rooms. 10 minutes later, Chelsea stared at me in awe.

"We found the perfect dress."

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