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4. Dethrone you

Ronnie's POV

"What" I asked with my eyes open, as I couldn't believe what stepmother was telling me. She must be joking, right??

"Yes, you heard me right Ronnie. You are going to the palace to move in with the King as his bride to be" she said,

"But I don't want to marry him, why can't I get a chance to choose what I want?" I asked, obviously mad at her.

"There, Ronnie. There's something you don't seem to know about our family. After your mother's death, your father married me because he needed more wealth and power than the one he already has and I would say that's how I am, wealth hungry. And if you think you'd ruin this opportunity for me, then you're wrong" she said.

I looked at her scornfully. "You should have said you just wanted to get rid of me. Why in the disguise of marriage to a warewolf who you know would eventually kill me when he finally finds his mate?" I asked sadly.

"I would have killed you myself but that would create a bad name for Mia. Since she can't be the queen, then you might go and make some more reputation for the family. Don't worry, you won't get to see my face anymore. Isn't that like a relief to you?" She said, smiling like a demon.

"What if I refuse to go, would you finally get rid of me permanently?" I asked. I saw her eyes turn fiery and angry.

"Even better, I'll make sure Mia gets the cup instead of you" she said, smiling down at me. The devil.

I knew I had lost and there was nothing no one could do to save me from going to Cistern Palace. I just looked at her and turned around to pack up my things.

"Now that's more humane of your little weak self." She said, "and don't let the royal guest wait too long, my darling"she added, before turning around and out of my room.

I rummaged through my bag and picked out a few good dresses I own which would obviously be no match for a bride to be. I looked at my room for the last time, which I knew I wouldn't be able to see again. I was deep in my thoughts of goodbyes when Mia walked into the room.

"You know, it's a shame I didn't get chosen as the bride. Good luck on trying to stay in Cistern Palace." She said and giggled.

"At least I get to be the chosen one, unlike someone who claims to be pretty but hasn't found her mate for a long time and no warewolf wants to even woo her because of her bad persona," I smirked.

"Are you in any way referring to me?" She said with her eyes burning with rage?

"I never mentioned Mia. And if you think you'd want to cause a scene today, then I'd advise you to think about it wisely, as we have royal guests and you wouldn't want to treat the royal highness with hatred or cruelty." I said and walked passing her.

It felt good to finally stand up to her at least for once in my whole life. I went out to meet Alan. He escorted me to the car and I smiled at Mia, who, in return, gave me a long hateful stare. But who cares, I am out of that madhouse now. However, I don't know what the future holds for me.

Alan drove the car in silence, which was uncomfortable, and when I couldn't bear it again, I just had to say something.

"Um... excuse me sir, are we going straight to the palace or are you gonna put me in a different house?" I asked.

He didn't answer me for five seconds. "The palace" he finally said. I guess he doesn't talk much. But I was not the type to give up.

"How long will the journey take?" I added.

He sighed "not too long", he replied.

This man is just so full of himself. He doesnt even seem to bother about my condition. I think he might have sensed my uneasiness because he looked at me for a good ten seconds before even uttering a word.

"The King is a difficult man and you might hate or fear him at first sight, but be strong," he said.

Why is he telling me that? I already know the King is a monster warewolf and why would I even want to be seen around him? I'd rather stay indoors all day long, as long as I don't get to do the chores. I heard queens don't do chores though, and I pray it's true, because all those chores back at that madhouse had made my body weak and fragile. I didn't even have time to practise some magic.

"Ok, I'll try" I said absent midedly. We didn't talk that much. Apart from his name, he said nothing else for the rest of the drive.

I might have slept off because I felt a soft tap on my face. "Wake up Miss Ronnie. We've arrived."

I climbed down from the passenger seat and saw the Mansion in view. It was so huge and beautiful. I only saw it once as a kid and since then, I've never seen it and I must recommend that it was such a sight to behold.

Suddenly, her feet stopped, and she turned her head towards his left to admire the beauty of the mansion. Each corner of the wall was beautifully carved, and the designs were made with complete care. With the combination of sky blue and spotless white paint, it looked like a palace from fairyland. Greeneries around the mansion were adding more beauty to it.

She started dreaming of having a beautiful mansion of her own. No, it was too much for her at that time. So, she dreamt of having a concrete home instead of the small room she had at home. At least she could keep herself safe. As she was about to dwell deeper in the imagination of a beautiful mansion of her own, she was brought back to reality by the voice of Alan.

They were already inside the palace with the king sitting majestically on his throne. What is the best description that you can write of a truly handsome man, having a fair complexion, cavernous golden eyes and a perfectly built body?

He was, well, different from all the others. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light-toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive that you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that faraway look in it which cannot be described in words. His smile, which reached up to his eyes and wrinkled them, flaunted his modesty and humility. Above all was his frame and his stature. He was extremely muscular, with 8 pack abs and 16 cm biceps. I don't know because of his robe. He could stand out in a crowd, which was mostly due to his way of carrying himself. Perhaps he was not the kind who had girls swooning over him because of his cold expression. He was, perhaps, just one in a million, who was “nothing special, but all the same unique”.

He looked at me coldly and spoke. "Ronnie Dalton, hope you know your assignment here? Or perhaps I remind you? You are living in the palace. Your duty is very simple. You become the queen till i find my mate, then I will dethrone you and you either choose to become a palace maid or go back to your old life." He said emotionlessly.

I shuddered at the thought of going back with my stepmother and I resolved within myself to stay here at all cost. Even though the King is handsome, he is, in fact, scary.

"That's absurd. Why would he need a queen if he planned to dethrone me? Such an eejit", I thought to myself, and I thought I heard a growl.

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