For the first few seconds after waking, Jenna had no memory of recent events. Her mind was gloriously blank and free of worry.
Then harsh reality came back with a crash and a thud. It was almost physically painful—the realisation that her entire life had crumbled away. The betrayal of her best freind and her ex. Having to move away amd the main current issue... Kai the ecil stepbrother.
After showering and getting dressed, she joined Harry and Kai at the breakfast table. Harry had been kind enough to prepare her some breakfast, she noticed and smiled weakly as she picked at the burnt toast and rubbery eggs.
Kai gave her a sideways glance. He dropped his fork onto his empty plate with a loud clatter and shook his head in disgust.
"Surely you aren't going to wear that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in disgust.
Jenna looked down at her skinny jeans and baggy jumper. No... it wasn't exactly what you'd see on the runway at fashion week, but the jeans showed off her slender legs, and the baby pink jumper looked cute... or so she had thought. What exactly did he think was wrong with her clothes?
"Erm... yeah. Why?" She frowned. "These clothes are pretty standard."
"You can't walk with me if you dress like that," he said. "No way, you can toddle on behind me and pretend we aren't fake related."
"Kai, please, for Heaven's sake, could you try to be a bit nicer?" Harry scolded his son. His face reddened as if embarrassed by the behaviour of his offspring. As if he was getting to the end of his tether with his son's behaviour. The little veins were sticking out of the sides of his thick neck.
The whole situation made Jenna feel about ten inches tall. Yes, it was nice of Harry to stick up for her, but he could have been more subtle about it.
"Don't worry about it, Harry, I can walk alone," she uttered, trying to shrug it off.
"No," Harry insisted. "Kai, you are going to make damn sure Jenna gets there in one piece and you are going to be nice to her from now on. Do you understand."
"Why can't she just dress like a normal person?" Kai asked, still screwing up his otherwise attractive face. "I don't want to be seen with that."
He screwed up his face more so, deepening his permanent frown as he looked her up and down. His eyes made her feel dirty. Ugly. Like a piece of trash.
The worst thing was, it wasn't as if Kai was wearing anything especially stunning himself. He looked like every other teenage lad in grey joggers and trainers. They weren't even clean, so why did he have the right to comment on her appearance?
"I can change," she conceded, about to get up from her seat. It wasn't worth arguing over. She couldn't win. Not with Kai.
"No." Harry raised a hand to stop her. He dropped his cutlery, curled his fist, and stood, looming over his son with a now completely red face. "There's nothing at all wrong with how you look. My son is being purposely cruel, and it's going to stop right now. Isn't that right, Son?"
Kai got his height and athletic build from his dad, who Jenna now realised could be pretty intimidating if he wanted to be.
Unwilling to fight his dad any further, Kai huffed, sighed and finally gave in.
"Whatever," he said, scraping his chair legs across the lino flooring as he got up and dropping his cuttlery to his plate with a loud clatter. "Come on then, little princess. You don't want to be late on your first day."
She slunk out of her seat and followed him, feeling like some kind of leper as she picked up her designer leather backpack. Trying to keep up with him on the walk down the street as he walked meant half running, almost as if he was trying to lose her. Which he most likely was.
At the corner of the street, a group of teens waited. Three lads and a girl. They all looked up and greeted Kai as he arrived before turning to Jenna.
"Is this her?" one of the guys asked. He was scruffy looking and much smaller than Kai, with blonde curls spilling out from under his cap and a goofy looking smile.
One of the other lads was stupidly tall and had hair covering most of his face, giving off a 'Lurch from the Adam's Family' vibe, and the other was smartly dressed and insanely good-looking.
Of course, the pretty blonde girl with them was joined at the hip to Mr Good-looking. She didn't look impressed as she clocked Jenna, narrowing her heavily lined eyes and pouting her lips. Jenna tried her hardest not to stare at the scary girl's boyfriend but found it hard. He had the most gorgeous face she'd ever seen. Like a movie star or a model or something.
'This is going to suck,' she thought, trying not to let it show on her face. It didn't take a genius to figure out that these were the school assholes. The mean kids. The bullies.
"No, Kenny, this is just a random girl I found on the street corner." Kai tutted. "Jenna. This is Charlene, Julian, Ray and this idiot is Kenny."
Kenny smiled and took her by the arm. "Don't worry about Mr Grumpypants. I'll look after you."
For a moment, Jenna was worried Kai would smack this kid for calling him Mr Grumpypants, but he actually smiled. It was the first time she'd seen him smile, and it changed his entire face. He looked... almost attractive.
'Wait... what?! Him? Attractive... what am I thinking?' Jenna thought.
'Stop it,' the sensible part of her mind hissed. 'You cannot be attracted to this monster.'
Since Danny left her, even guys like Kai were starting to look good. It was as if her brain couldn't cope with singledom and was desperate to force her back into the arms of someone new.
'But this guy is definitely NOT a suitable option... plus he kinda despises you.'
The group rolled and lit up cigarettes as they shuffled towards the school. Kenny offered her the packet and looked confused when she shook her head.
"She doesn't smoke," Kai explained, shaking his head in disgust. "I warned you that she's a complete loser, remember?"
Charlene grinned a sly grin, but Kenny flashed her a sympathetic smile.
"He's mean to pretty much everyone," Kenny whispered, "so don't worry about it."
Jenna smiled at him, trying to hide her pain. She didn't like the way this guy was looking at her--almost like a kid overjoyed to receive a shiny new toy. But at least he was trying to be nice... unlike her new stepbrother.
Her suspicions were confirmed as the group made their way through the main gate. A group of kids were partially blocking the way and Kai shoved one of them so hard he fell face-first into a puddle.
Both Julian and Charlene snickered cruelly as they stepped over the fallen kid, arm in arm.
'So you're only pretty on the outside, huh?' she thought. It was hardly a shock. The guys who looked like Julian were douchebags nine out of ten times. Almost as if they thought they could coast by on their looks forever and cultivating a personality was just an unnecessary effort.
The urge to stop and help the poor lad up was quickly squashed by her need to keep on Kai's good side. It was already hard enough living with the guy.
If he decided to really make an enemy out of her, she was screwed.