CHAPTER 6: The Prince And The Player (pt 2)
2018, December 4th
Aaron put his thumb and his index finger up to his chin and feigned concern.
His question gave her some pause. It was quite the conundrum she found herself faced with. It was only a matter of time before she was found, whether she gave herself up or not. Zoey searched her angry brain for the way out, because she had to find the way out. She was not going to be married off, used as some sort of bargaining chip. No, they would have to find another way. She would have to as well. Perhaps a part time job or selling off all her mother's bags and shoes. Yes, another way. Normal, everyday people did this stuff all the time and Zoey had never been raised in a fancy mansion so as to make her feel or think of herself as but everyday.
He could see the gears moving in her head as she contemplated what to do, her hand still on the doorknob with only his body preventing the door from swinging right open. He had done this many times, come for some girl or another in the depth of the darkest nights. But it wasn't night time and this girl, if she could be called a girl, wasn't waiting for him, pining after him.
Even if she were persuaded to leave with him before the maids found them, how would he get her out? He was not acquainted enough with the Arden mansion to pull off such a feat, especially since the premises was something of an army base. It housed not only the Duke Arden and his family, but a respectable amount of maids, valets, a butler, and The Red Guard, His Grace's personal army, who was certain to be out training at this time of day.
He could simply make her whereabouts known. This would give him leave to look at and speak to her as much as he desired, but it would also mean she would be looked upon and spoken to by others. And this was the trouble. He was never very good at sharing and he definitely did not wish to share her.
So he did what he always did when he found himself in a pickle. The absolute wrong thing.
"Do you want to get out of here?"
This caught her attention. She gave him a questioning look, skeptically looking at him and then the window and right back.
"Wait here," he nodded, as though in answer to her unasked question.
"What? Wait, where are you going?" she called after him, remembering a moment too late to be quiet.
It didn't matter to her anyway, she told herself as she stood there frozen. That was when it happened. It was the loudest alarm she'd ever heard. It seemed sure to fill every corner of even such an estate as this one, which might have been at least half the size of her hometown Rosa.
Next came the panicking and the screaming as the maids rushed to get outside and soldiers poured into the vast mansion to make sure it was empty. The stranger burst back into the room, a hoodie pulled over his head, grabbed her hand and said, "Time to go,” before breaking into a run with her in tow.
"What the hell is happening now?!" Zoey yelled in frustration.
"It's all perfectly alright. A mere ruse to get you out!" he yelled back over all the other screaming voices and the blaring alarm.
"What is it with you people?! Are none of you sane?!"
"Afraid not!" he laughed and as they rounded a corner, he pulled out his cellphone and yelled into it, "Jesse my man! Ready the car!"
Zoey's calves were to her the only thing louder than the screams of panic. They seemed to have been running for hours by the time they made it back to a car the stranger had waiting. That is to say Zoey assumed it was his. She honestly didn't think she could rule anything out at this point. The driver, a slim looking young man dressed in a formal black suit, got out of the car and bowed.
"Your Highness."
Zoey did a double take.
"Your Highness?"
Her mouth dropped open.
She looked between the two men in disbelief. The prince's crooked grin made him look even more mischievous as he bowed the most elegant bow Zoey had ever seen in her life.
"At your service, my princess."
The driver bowed too.
"My Lady."
"Well, we'd best be off," said the prince, taking advantage of Zoey's shock and bundling her into the back seat before jumping in right next to her. "Jesse, let's make like the wind and be gone!"
Zoey reacted a moment too late. When she tried to open the door, she found it was locked and the car had already started moving.
"What is the meaning of all this?! When will we hear what's going on?!" King Henry demanded.
His Majesty was on edge. With his position not as secure as he might like, he was always afraid of assassination attempts.
"Forgive me, Your Majesty," said the captain of The Red Guard as he bowed.
Duke Arden stepped forward and said, "Report."
Again the captain bowed.
"Your Grace. It has been found that the house is clear. The fire alarm was sounded, but there is no indication of a fire. We are just checking the premises now to be on the safe side."
Upon receiving this news, King Henry and Bart both seemed to come to the same conclusion at once.
"Where is my son?!"
"Where is the prince?!"
Jesse was speeding rapidly to the gates of one of the biggest estates in Caines. He was sweating profusely. There was never a dull moment working for Prince Aaron. Jesse had become accustomed to being less of an assistant and more of a getaway driver to the prince. It would take at least a good 10 minutes just to make it to the gate. Jesse wondered what kind of trouble His Highness had gotten into this time as he raced to outrun The Red Guard, who would no doubt be on their heels any moment now.
"Your Highness?!" Zoey spat the words out as though they were an insult this time, glaring at the prince.
"Please, it's Aaron to you. I should think we might be on a first name basis. We are engaged, you know, Zo. "
Again he winked at her in a way that was starting to annoy her. But then everything he did was starting to annoy her.
"I am not your fiancee. I will not be bullied into marrying... Well you!"
"Okay," he shrugged. "Unlock the doors, Jesse."
Jesse rolled his eyes.
"Yes, Your Highness."
"Okay? Just like that?" she breathed out heavily.
Even him agreeing with her was annoying.
"Zoey, my love, I have no need to bully any woman into doing anything. They just naturally fall for my charms," the prince said calmly.
They were perhaps two minutes away from leaving the estate when Bart stepped out in front of the gates.
"Oh boy. Well that complicates matters," said Jesse, knowing he should stop and also knowing that if he asked Prince Aaron, he would be told not to.
"Bart," Zoey said the name under her breath, not knowing whether she would be relieved to have him intercept them or if she would rather take her chances with the daring prince.
"Your Highness, please," Jesse pleaded, so nervous that he stepped on the gas instead of slowing down.
"Is he going to pull over?!" Zoey tapped Jesse's shoulder, herself now getting nervous. "Why aren't you pulling over?!"
They were inching closer and closer to him, but Bart made no effort to move, gave no indication that he would as he stood tall with his arms folded and his eyes ever calm. Too calm.
"You are just too cute!" the prince chuckled.
"What?" Zoey said, breathless.
"Would you like Jesse to stop?" Prince Aaron asked, watching her squirm and delighting in it.
"What, what do you mean? Of course he should stop!" she said, looking at Aaron like he was a madman.
Prince Aaron inched closer, until very little separated his lips from hers and her crazed eyes became subdued, hypnotised as her heart rate climbed.
"Are you sure?" he breathed onto her lips, the words soft and velvety.
He ran a finger along her burning cheek, his eyes on her lips as he watched them part.
"If you're found like this with me, there'll be no discussion about it. You'll definitely be stuck with me then. Are you really, really sure, princess?"