Good Morning, Wife-1
TangShi stretched out and yawned, balling a fist in her sleepy eyes, forgetting her predicament for a second, and sighed with just how exhausted she was. It was a fitful night of unrest, given her not being used to sharing a bed with a warm body, and the lingering anger which had made her toss and turn most of the night away.
YuZhi seemed to sleep soundly, oblivious to her presence and not phased at all that she was in his bed and hating on him so venomously. It only served to anger her on a whole other level and the result was fatigue, and dark circles under her normally bright eyes. She felt muggy and heavy, and her mood was already low. He was clearly no stranger to sharing his bed with a warm blooded female.
There was a rapid chap on her door that gave her the distinct impression someone was in a hurry and turned to see if YuZhi intended to reply. Only she found his side of the bed was completely empty and the room around her was bright and quiet, showing her he was not here at all. She had no idea when he got up and left.
"Miss Lei, can I come in?" the hurried tone and sheepish voice sounded a lot like Xiaosu and TangShi quickly slid out of bed to go open the door and let her enter. Remembering too late that she was wearing a scrap of lace and covered her chest in embarrassment as Xiaosu's eyes widened at first sight. The girl blushed and looked away with a small smile before averting her eyes to the ground and remembering why she was so frantic.
"You're late for breakfast and old master has already left in such a terrible mood." Xiaosu's hastened words, her strained tone, and instant paling of her skin told TangShi this was not a great start to her new life here and she had already offended the grandfather.
She had a vague memory of being told the household were expected to eat breakfast with grandfather at dawn and anyone who was late would be in the bad books for days. This was a tradition of this house and would cause great offence to the rigid old miser. He liked his routine and TangShi had already messed up.
TangShi glared back at the empty bed one more time, cursing YuZhi under her breath because he obviously got up and left her asleep on purpose. He had every opportunity to wake her and make her come down for breakfast. The fact is, he wanted to see her screw up and face his grandfathers wrath.
"Quickly, help me get ready." TangShi pulled Xiaosu inside, suddenly frantic and panicking, knowing she had no idea where any of her clothes had been put when she arrived here. She was relieved to notice Xiaosu was carrying a dress and bag of undergarments for her. She had brought along something for her to wear that would not offend the remaining members at the breakfast table and it looked pleasantly like something TangShi would have chosen herself.
"I'm sorry I didn't come for you before now. Young Master Leng had me go to collect the milk and eggs from the nearby village that Aunt is so fond of far earlier today and told me to not bother you until I returned." Xiaosu flushed crimson, knowing what she said made it clear YuZhi had delayed the girl and did this to make TangShi annoy his family members as much as she annoyed him.
That man! How childish for a future CEO of the Leng empire to scheme against her.
TangShi gritted her teeth, hurried into the bathroom to quickly wash her face and pulled on the clothes that Xiaosu held out for her. It was a simple lemon dress with a daisy print all over, in a soft floaty fabric. The underwear was white and simple, not at all sexy, with new white slippers to wear downstairs.
This was more TangShi's style and judging by the lack of labels, it seemed these had not just been bought. There was a fresh scent of laundry detergent and they seemed to have been ironed meticulously already.
"I brought them from my room because I heard young Master tell the Madame he expected you to come down dressed for a strip club. He seems to have had your clothes that you brought with you left downstairs to be disposed of." Xiaosu knew she was saying things she really shouldn't, given she had worked for the Leng home for many years, but the girl was sweet by nature and had taken an instant liking to TangShi the first moment she met her. She felt YuZhi was being unusually cruel for his normally laid back nature and unfair to sabotage the young miss first days in his family, for no good reason. She could sense she was not the scheming and spoiled rich brat that YuZhi told his aunt she was.
He was mad at the world for his grandfather forcing his hand in marrying a girl from a suitable family, but Xiaosu did not feel this was TangShi's fault. She seemed like she too was put in a position she didn't ask for. His hatred for her made no sense to Xiaosu.
"Thank you, Xiaosu, this really means a lot to me. I can't thank you enough for your kindness today." The girl was a little shorter and curvier than TangShi, but this style of dress was loose and long and on her slender figure it looked pretty. Casual and formal enough for breakfast and TangShi hurriedly brushed her hair before following Xiaosu in haste to the awaiting breakfast table.
She had spent years of her life at hostile dinner tables, so she braced herself for a scolding and an unpleasant meal. Knowing she could endure it without losing too much face.
Damn this YuZhi!