Chapter 3

I was sweltering in the cafe, sweat rolled down my neck and I winced. I'd need another shower after this shift. Sergio talked to a group of men as they ogled my co-workers. I didn't like being different from the others, but at times like this, I was grateful the only thing I suffered from was being hot. At least I didn't have all the men eyeing me like they were hungry animals. When it came to Eddie's Cat Girl Cafe I was one of a kind.

Not like Suzie. She reached up and adjusted the furry cat ears on her head and as she did so another man leaned over and slapped her butt. For her credit the woman didn't turn and slap the man. I would have found myself reacting that way for such a bold move. I moved to help her when I noticed Sergio turn at the sound and excuse himself as he went to take care of the issue on his own.

He might make the others dress like catgirls that looked like they belonged in the playboy bunny mansion, but at least he took the incentive to make sure everyone kept their hands off of us. Not that anyone ever tried to grab onto me. I was cute, not sexy. Even the way my hair was in twin tails was more cutesy. It made getting tips really hard when everyone else around me just had to bend over to get a few extra bucks.

"Hey, lil Kitty," drawled a deep voice from behind me. A hand brushing my thigh. It was a quick brush, and not a slap, but still.

"Yes, Sir?" I questioned, turning and smiling at him. I needed the money, I'd put up with whatever I had to in order to keep my little apartment. It wasn't much, but it was mine. At least my maid uniform with the shirt down to the wrists kept me from exposure. Though the leggings beneath the skirt were all too weird for my taste, still, Sergio insisted and who was I to deny him? And in this case, it'd saved this man from touching my actual skin. I'd just pretend the brush was accidental for now.

"I want your maid special, it says here if I buy it you have to sit down with me for three whole minutes, is that true?" His breath reeked of alcohol. That explained why he was so free with his money. The drinks that Sergio prepared did tend to separate the men from their money.

The maid special? Most men didn't get that due to the high price. They preferred the cheaper options where we girls had to smile at them or pose for a picture. Or just the Fryday special because they liked our spicy fried fish. The maid special was over a hundred dollars, and if he chose to tip, my worries about groceries would be a thing of the past, for this week in any case. "That's true." I chirped back with a full smile.

He pulled out several hundred dollar bills and grinned at me. "And what if I want to buy fifteen minutes of your time? Or I'd settle with five minutes of you on my lap. All the other girls are a bit under-dressed for my taste, but you're downright adorable."

I winced inside but kept my smile bright. I could handle being on his lap. It wouldn't hurt me, and I was fully clothed. If he wanted to waste his money on something like that? I didn't mind in the slightest. "As long as you don't try to touch," I added and he chuckled, licking his lips. A little chill zipped down my spine but I fought it down. My stomach was counting on me here. Besides, five minutes was quick no matter how uncomfortable he made me, it would be over fast.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but that item is off the menu at this point in time." Sergio interrupted, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me to his body. "I'm more than willing to arrange time for any of the other girls in here as long as they're willing. But this one has a prior appointment she must fulfill. I do hope you'll understand."

The drunkard grumbled but had no choice but to accept Sergio's words. My co-workers glared at my back. The heat from their stares boring in as Sergio ushered me to the kitchen area. "What are you doing?" I demanded.

He raised a black brow. "I'm saving you from a boring fifteen minutes of being pawed on, Pet. I'd think you'd be more grateful."

"Sir, I really need the money. It's fine if I have to sit with him for a while." I hated saying those words but I had to get Sergio to understand. It wasn't often that people wanted me for the special anyway, not when I was so much more covered up than the other girls. Which was his fault anyway since we could never get the sexy outfit in my size.

"Pet," he scolded, squeezing my shoulder. "If you need money I can loan it. Besides, it's true I need your assistance in the kitchen. Our dishwasher didn't come in and we're getting backed up here. I'll cover what you would have made so you're not losing money from this, and you can be away from our rowdy customers tonight. They always seem to show up on a full moon."

Sighing, I nodded to him. There was no point in trying to argue. What Sergio said always was the way things would go. "Yes, Sir," I replied. "I'll get started on the dishes right away." I rolled my sleeves up and winced again. The uniform would get dirty from this and this thing was a bitch to clean.

"Oh no, Pet. I'm the one that will be washing them. All you have to do is stand beside me and dry them. I wouldn't want to get you dirty."

"Thank you," I mumbled, grabbing a towel.

Watching Sergio run the water gave me a moment to daydream about him. It would be silly to deny he was handsome. He was tall, well-built in that broad shoulders and defined muscle kind of way, and his green eyes were like emeralds that sparkled in the lights. You could get lost in those things, but besides the whole pet thing, he'd shown zero interest in me. He ended up being more like a big protective brother than a knight in shining armor, at least for me.

He glanced my way and frowned. "What are you staring at, Sonja?"

Ah, my name, that meant he was annoyed over something. "Just thinking about my next meal," I joked with a smile.

The calculating stare he gave me reminded me of a reptile before it vanished from him and he smiled back. "You know, if you're that hungry you can have some of our leftover food tonight."

That was tempting. He didn't normally offer something like that. I glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall and winced. I must have wasted way too much time in his office earlier. It was already close to my agreed upon meeting time. "Sorry, Sir. It's time for me to go. You did say I could leave early tonight to make my appointment."

Sergio clucked his tongue at me. "I did say that, but I'm afraid I won't be able to honor that particular promise until we've finished cleaning up the mess in here." His words were punctuated as one of the other girls deposited a stack of plates on the counter before dashing back out. He flashed me one of his perfect smiles. "Sorry, Pet, looks like you'll have to suffer with me for a while longer."

Resisting the urge to groan I scrubbed the dishes one after the other as I put them away. I was going to strangle our dishwasher for this. It was strange though, the guy normally came in early on his shifts. I had just been teasing him about it on his last shift with me. Shame too, he was a real cutie with those long lush lashes and champagne colored eyes. But Sergio would not forgive a no show unless it was a serious case. It's likely I'd never see the young man with his crooked smile again.

Continuing to do my job I found my eyes locked on the clock. The time raced by and I was stuck. When the magic hour hit we'd gotten no more done. Stuck at the exact same level of dishes as we had been from the start no matter how fast I moved. I really hoped that Jasper and his weird servant weren't serious about the not being late thing, because at this point I wasn't going to be able to make the meeting at all.

And was that a smirk I saw on Sergio's lips?

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