Chapter 4

Hot, sweaty, and exhausted I kicked my door open and groaning closed it behind me. On the floor, my mysterious benefactor's box mocked me with my failure to get out of work at any decent hour. My stomach grumbled and I glared down at it. I had more important things to worry about than food. Besides, I'd eaten with Sergio. I should be fine until tomorrow at the very least. I had to be. Being in the kitchen meant I hadn't been able to earn nearly as much as I needed to.

I could barely lift my feet but it didn't dissuade me from making my way to my bathroom and turning the shower on full blast. I was not going to crawl into bed and get my sheets dirty again. I hated the smell of work surrounding me while I slept, it gave me nightmares.

As I stepped under the pounding spray I moaned, the heat soothing my weary muscles and washing the sweat and grime from my body. Grabbing my loofah I squirted some soap into my hand and worked it into a lather with broad circular strokes scrubbing my skin clean.

And then my lights went off and I stood there in the dark blinking. There were no storms, I had paid my bills, so what was going on? I tipped my head back to get all of the soap from my eyes before I reached out of the shower searching. I had a towel hung up somewhere around here. There was the bar that I always hung it on, but no towel.

Working blind, I grabbed the shower spout and somehow managed to turn the wonder of technology off. Getting out of here was dangerous without a towel but I'd lived here for nearly a year now. It couldn't be that hard to find my way around. I stuck a foot out, toes wiggling until I found the soft furry mat waiting for me. Maybe my towel had slipped off the hook. Bending down I searched with my hands in the dark the area it should be.

It was light, barely noticeable. But I heard it. Like the softest whispers of the wind. Or more like when someone takes a breath through a pinched nose.

I wasn't alone.

Swallowing, I forced my racing heart to calm. I was being silly. There couldn't be anyone else here. I'd come in, the door was still locked, and I lived on the 2nd floor so it was unlikely anyone had come in from my balcony. I always kept that door locked because I had an irrational fear of intruders.

In my kitchen, a step creaked.

I silenced my bubbling scream by biting on my fist. That step creaked all the time when I was in the kitchen, and it never creaked without someone's weight on it. So the power hadn't gone out? Someone was in my place.

I reached on the floor again, fingers scrambling to grab my towel. Although at this point I'd be willing to grab my uniform and wiggle into it. My hand came into contact with soft leather shoes and once more I froze in place. A moment later my towel was pressed into my hand and I opened my mouth to scream.

A hand slipped over my mouth, the smooth leather causing my eyes to widen, and my naked body was pulled against a clothed one. "Don't scream," whispered a voice against my ear. A familiar voice but one I couldn't place.

Tears sprung to my eyes. I should have taken Sergio up on his offer. If I had stayed at his place at least this kind of thing wouldn't happen. I vowed to the Gods above that if I somehow survived this I wouldn't be stubborn any longer. I would leave this little slice of independence in a heartbeat. My life was more important.

"Come on now, don't cry. He'll get pissed at me if I bring you to him crying."

I scrunched my nose. I did know that voice. Grabbing his wrist I pulled his hand away from my lips. "You're that butler guy."

He groaned. "Butler? I'm more of a personal assistant or at the very least an overworked bodyguard. But yeah, I warned you, didn't I?"

"I don't understand," I whispered, longing for something to cover myself with. Despite being in the pitch black I didn't want to be exposed like this.

"I told you not to be late, baby," purred a voice from the door.

I couldn't see but as the figure moved forward each footstep clicked against my bathroom floor. "Who are you?" I demanded.

The figure gasped. "You forgot about your meeting so soon? I sent you reminders and everything." The back of a hand brushed against my cheek as the mystery person pulled a strand of my hair forward and smelled it. "You got most of it off, but you still smell like that filthy little café you work at."

"Mr. Jasper or whoever you are-"

"No," he pushed a finger against my lips. "It's not your turn to talk yet my sweet. You see I was expecting your company hours ago, and you failed to show. You were warned that there would be consequences." He chuckled in disbelief. "And yet, you chose to work instead of coming to see me. Maybe you do not understand what I can offer you."

"I don't even know you!" I spat. I considered biting him but I didn't want to risk even more assault when I was in such a vulnerable position. Even if I screamed my head off I doubted anyone would care enough to check on me.

"Jasper Bright, and I believe I told you not to talk," he leaned so close he was nose to nose with me and I shivered, sandwiched between the two men. Jasper tightened his hold on my hair and I gasped at the pain. "Hmmm," he moaned. "Good girl, I like the noises you make. I'll tell you what my sweet, Sonja. I will give you another chance to please me. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

His breath warmed my skin and I bit my lip from crying out. This could be a way out of the hell I was in. I had to survive. His grip tightened on my hair again, warning me of another tug. "Yes," I whispered, fists clenching at my sides. "Please."

"I want you to address me as My Lord from now on. Now, here is how the rest of your night is going to go. You will finish your shower and wash off the remaining grime of that filthy hovel. Then you will curl up in your bed, nice and comfy, and naked just like this. I want to imagine your body pressed against your mattress, and you will have sweet dreams of me. Your Prince Charming, that has come to rescue you."

My stomach chose this moment to growl again, louder than ever. My cheeks burned but I was grateful the lights were off.

Silence greeted my ears for a few precious moments. "Was that you?" Jasper demanded a note of shock in his voice.

"I haven't eaten since lunch," I admitted with a wince. This man was unhinged but it sounded like he wasn't going to hurt me, this time. I just had to play along, and then I'd escape. Sergio would take me in if I begged, but the fact this guy knew where I worked sent shivers down my spine.

Jasper sighed. "Finish your shower, when you get out a gourmet meal will be waiting for you. Eat, take care of your teeth, then curl into bed like I ordered you to. In the morning you will contact that place you work at and inform them that you've found another position of employment that pays more."

What was he even saying? I longed to order him to just tell me what he wanted but I hadn't been asked for my opinion. I wasn't in the mood for any more pain.

"After that business is finished I'll send the movers to collect your things. I'll have a room for you prepared next to mine. As for your income? You will be paid several times your annual salary, monthly."

Now I was really confused. "Wait, you're trying to hire me? Then why the hell are you in my house like this?"

"House?" Jasper snorted. "This tiny little apartment can't compare to a house. I would have told you all of this face to face but you insisted on not listening to orders. I do hope you've learned that you can not defy me, my little Sonja. It's useless to even try. You'll get your full instructions when you arrive tomorrow."

The man behind me tensed. "Master, we're going to be late."

"And I told you that I will only leave when I'm ready to. I have been waiting for my dear Sonja all this time, I couldn't bear to wait any longer. Tell me you understand my orders, precious."

He brushed his thumb across my cheek, still far too close to me for comfort. "I understand," I whispered.

"No," he replied, voice growing firm. "That's not how you answer me, baby."

Shaking, I gave him what he wanted. "Yes, My Lord."

Jasper moaned and his hand tangled in my hair as he pet me. "Good, now get back in the shower, and by the time you're done your meal will be waiting for you. And I expect you to eat every single bite, there will be no pickiness allowed with me."

He didn't give me a chance to reply as he and his servant left the bathroom with a thump from the door. Shaking I crouched on the floor and hugged my knees close to my chest. Just who in the world was that guy, and how the hell was I going to get away from him?

The answer was obvious, I needed to call Sergio, and I needed to call him now.

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