Chapter 5

My heart was still in my throat when the lights flickered back on. Holding my breath, I sat on the cool tile and waited, ears strained for any indication. Dishes clattered in my living room, but so far it looked like I would be left alone to finish my shower. Hugging myself I tipped my head back, staring at my shower head. How could I just get in there and shower like nothing had happened? But, I needed these men to leave before I could enact my escape route.

Breathing deep, I got to my feet and ran the water again. This time the heat did little to relax me. Salty tears trailed down my cheeks as I leaned against the wall. I could have been assaulted, or even killed. Whoever this Jasper Bright was, I needed to discover more. I needed to understand why he was doing this to me.

I both hated and loved washing my hair. On one hand I was cleaning all traces of that weirdo off of me, but on the other, I was doing exactly as he'd ordered. I supposed I should be grateful he didn't try to cop a feel while he was there. I could only imagine how his thin veneer of control would snap if given the opportunity. Maybe the café smell was what saved me?

The clanking in the front room had stopped. Would it be safe for me to venture out again? I rinsed the shampoo from my body and wrapped my body in a towel, I stepped out once more. Cracking the door open I glanced around. My apartment was untouched for the most part. Besides the massive spread across my table. Delectable aromas tickled my nose and another letter was propped up next to a giant pot in the center.


You will eat everything here. I am most disappointed that you ever went without food. Know that once you're mine that will be a problem of the past. I will do nothing but cherish you until the end of your days. Eat, get some rest, and then turn in your resignation like I've ordered you to. If you fail me again, I'm afraid your consequences will be far more severe. I will spank you if I must, so please, be a good girl for me.


Jasper Bright

Love? I shuddered at the word. how demented was he? I shoved the letter to the side so I didn't have to look at his looping writing any longer. The table was covered in food. Piles of shrimp, crab legs, lobster, a steak, slices of ham, I shook my head. He expected me to eat all this? Where would I put it? It's like he didn't understand how much a normal person could eat.

My stomach grumbled again as the enticing smells tickled my nose, tempting me. The food could be drugged, I might take one bite and be knocked out. But if they were going to do that to me, why wouldn't they have just ran off with me in the cover of the dark? I winced, sinking to my knees. I couldn't resist any longer. Taking a single shrimp, I sopped it in the lemony, garlic sauce and popped it in my mouth.

The butter taste exploded on my tongue and moaning I sunk into a sitting position and grabbed another and another. I would eat, then I'd call Sergio and find a way out of this dangerous hole I was in. And maybe figure out how I got here in the first place.

But still, no matter how strange and chaotic that Jasper guy was, he certainly knew how to deliver delicious food. I grabbed one of the crisp french fries and let my teeth sink through, just relishing the sensation of food.

I lost track of time as I devoured this dish and that and by the time I was finished, the table was still laden with far more food than I could ever eat. Even if I felt like a glutton, there was no way for me to eat more without getting physically sick.

But I was satisfied, and incredibly sleepy. Had it been drugged after all? I bit my lip at the thought. I'd eaten enough that if it was, I could possibly have poisoned myself. I got to my feet and waddled to my bedroom, found my cell phone and inspected it. It looked normal enough, if they had tried anything with it, I would know, right?

I scrolled through my contacts, searching. I had Sergio's number, but I'd never called him before, ever. I always contacted the café itself if I was going to be late. Finding the entry, I jammed my thumb on the button as I scanned the room again. If there was some sort of listening device left, I would be caught.

Sighing, I waddled to the balcony and slid the door shut behind me as I listened to the ringtone buzz in my ears. Come on, Sergio, please, I need you.

The phone clicked and Sergio's smooth voice interrupted my thoughts. "I'm sorry, it appears you've called when I'm unable to get to my phone. Please, leave your message and I will get back to you just as soon as I'm able."

I hung up on him and with a little sob, pressed my forehead against the cold metal bar. My only hope was gone. I was going to be a prisoner, and there was nothing I could do about it. I could run, but where else would I go? My friends were gone, all of the contacts I'd made in the last six months or so had shriveled up and died. I was alone.

Through my hiccupping sobs, the cheery tune of my phone caught my attention. Wiping my tears, I answered without even checking the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Pet? Is that you?" Sergio's voice was raspy. "I'm sorry I missed your call, I was resting, it's late. What's wrong?"

I closed my eyes letting the deep voice surround me with its warmth. "Sergio," I whispered. "I need your help."

Rustling filled my ear as he moved around and I thought he'd gone back to sleep when he talked once more, "where are you?"

"I'm at home, but I can't stay here anymore. Please, can I stay with you?" I begged, my hand tightening on the phone. I didn't know what I'd do if he said no.

"Pet, I'll be over there in just a few minutes. Please, get together anything you need. Once we're home I need you to tell me everything about what's going on. You've never called me before, so I need to know why my kitty is sobbing her eyes out."

I sniffled hard. "You could hear it?"

"I know your voice, Sonja. Now, go do what I told you, and do not open your door for anyone else until I'm at your door."

I nodded in reply to him before remembering that he couldn't hear it or see it. "I will, thank you, Sergio."

"Don't worry about it , Pet." He hung up on me and I stayed out on the balcony for a few more precious moments, letting the night air dry my tears.

Things were going to work out. Sergio would be here soon, I'd have a safe place to stay. How would he take the news that I had to quit working for him? But how could I continue when Jasper knew where I worked? It would be far too dangerous.

My phone chimed again and I answered it in one smooth motion, "Did you need my address?"

On the other end the caller took a deep breath, one that sounded like it came through pinched nostrils. "Are you planning on having company, baby?"

I resisted the urge to throw my phone. That wouldn't do anything for me. I had to think of something, fast. "I am, I just finished that incredible meal but you were missing something."


"I was ordering dessert. It's a cupcake company that operates at night. Kuni's Bakery," I replied. I hoped I hadn't caused any trouble for the overly polite shop owner with my lie.

"I see," mused Jasper. "Well then, I should apologize that I missed out on serving you, but did you think that maybe I didn't want you eating dessert?" He clucked his tongue. "I didn't specify that you were not allowed it,. I will forgive your transgression this time, but you have to do a better job of doing exactly what I say, my treasure."

Was he believing it? I glanced at the door again as I bit my lip. How far away did Sergio live? Would he show up while I was still on the phone? "I'll see you tomorrow, My Lord."

Jasper chuckled. "Why are you trying to get away from me so quickly? I can stay on the phone with you until you get your cupcakes. If you're opening your door for another man, I want to hear."

I closed my eyes as I answered. I would never get away from this man and when Sergio arrived, my ruse would be found out.

My time was out.

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