The Bad Boy and The Tomboy

The Bad Boy and The Tomboy


63.4k Words / Completed


    "Eric was my nemesis. The school bully had a laser focus on me as his target. As if high school wasn't hard enough.
    Even worse, he was quite possibly the one person that seemed to know me best.
    All I wanted was to avoid Eric but he had a knack for showing up whenever I wanted to avoid him most.
    Then we made that bet...
    I believed that the only girl dirt biker in the contest, Tomboy, would win this year. But Eric thought otherwise...And he was willing to bet me a week of slavery on it.
    We'll see who is obeying who by week's end..."

    About Author


    • Shelly Torz

      8u6j sounds like this will be a good read I am going to add to my library and get back to it.

      05/19/2023 10:10
    • Joele G

      8u6j would love to know who is the winner of this bet; hope intriguing story plot love to see how the storyline develop

      05/19/2023 09:16
    • Sarah R. Monaco

      8u6j A good old fashioned ‘haters to lovers’ story. I don’t like the inherent misogyny of the male lead assuming a female rider could never win, but nevertheless an OK read if you like this genre.

      05/19/2023 09:05
    • Reader-431917

      8u6j I am going to start reading this book after I finish reading my current book. it sounds very interesting based on the introduction

      05/19/2023 07:37
    • Lonnie Miller

      8u6j Another bully story. I hope the Tomboy kicks his butt in the race, so he can be knocked a little.

      05/19/2023 07:17
    • Debra Sykes

      8u6j I have this book and have reviewed it before but now read some of it I am liking it

      05/19/2023 05:31
    • Tricia Freligh

      8u6j this will be interesting to see who wins the bet. hopefully the bad boy falls for her and everyone will be happy in the end.

      05/19/2023 05:05
    • Irma Beck

      8u6j interesting read so far will definitely read further to see how the story unravels.. maybe a happy ending

      05/19/2023 04:31
    • Ashley

      8u6j This seems like it would be an interesting story to read. It is also short so I find that appealing. I want to know more about this bet and who wins.

      05/19/2023 04:28
    • Lori Holden

      8u6j hope the bad boy falls hard for his victim and she shows him who is actually the boss.

      05/19/2023 04:28