Tristan set out to embark on his journey once it was midnight. He called out to the moon goddess while in the middle of the forest to ask for her guidance as she had promised to direct him.
"Moon goddess," he called and he got a reply almost immediately.
"It's time, Tristan, son of Mateo. Today you shall begin your journey to the human realm to break the curse bestowed upon you because of the sins of your father," the moon goddess said.
"You shall walk towards the path your instincts tell you to go and you will know you have arrived at your destination when you see a white line from above. There, the veil between your world and the human world is and you shall have to go through it," She explained to him.
"The direction my instincts tell me?" He asked rhetorically.
"Does this mean, as long as I walk towards the direction my heart tells me to, I should and should come to a stop when I see a white light from above?" He asked.
"You are wise enough to know what I have instructed you to do. Farewell Tristan," The moon goddess bid him before everywhere went silent.
The rustling of the trees and the heavy strong winds were like signs to Tristan and so he began to walk towards the direction the wind blew from.
The ray of the sunlight reflecting on Tristan's face woke him up. His eyes flutter open and they meet the beautiful white ceiling of an unknown room.
He groaned in pain as he felt a slight headache. 'What happened to him?' he asked himself as he struggled to get up from the bed.
It was when he sat down on the bed he realized where he was. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on two females dressed in a black pinafore dress and a white tee shirt inside, matched with a black shoe and white stockings.
'Who were they and what were they doing here?' he asked himself as he looked around the room. The room looked different from the room he owned.
It was more modern than the one he resided in. Everything about the place looked foreign to him and the last thing he recalled was reaching a certain place in the forest and he saw the white light from above as told by the moon goddess.
A smile of relief formed on his face once he saw the light. With hopes that he was close to breaking the curse, he walked towards the white light.
He halted just in front of the white light as he wondered where the veil was. He looked right and left but saw nothing and so he took a step closer to the white light and the moment he reached it, darkness consumed him.
Tristan tried to see if he'd be able to remember anything else once he reached the white light but he couldn't as the memory that followed afterwards was darkness.
"Good morning sir," the two ladies greeted simultaneously.
Tristan wondered who they were and why they were standing by his bed and by this time. He looked around the room with a frantic expression on his face.
"What happened to me?" He asked, hoping they'd be able to tell him what happened to him and how he came here.
"Your P. A brought you back to the mansion. He said you were really drunk and asked us to look after you," one of the ladies informed him.
He looked at both ladies. He had never seen them before. They were both almost opposite of each other. The one standing on his left is tall while the one standing on his right is short. The one standing on his left is a black woman while the one standing on his right is a white woman.
They were both of the same body stature, neither of them were fat nor thin.
He wondered what the word 'P.A' meant and how he got drunk. What was happening and who were they.
"Where is my P.A now?" He asked.
"Sir Simon said he would clear all your schedule and told us to make sure you get enough rest for today. We just came to clean your room," the short lady informed him.
Thankfully they had their name tag attached on them so it was easy for him. "Kim, so tell me something," he cleared his throat.
"Where is this place?" He questioned.
Kim was taken aback by his question as she didn't understand why he would ask her where he was. She wanted to ask if he suddenly lost his memory but feared she might lose her job. "This is America sir, Manhattan to be precise," she replied.
The skin between his brows creased in confusion. 'America?' he thought to himself.
'What is this place and what do they do here?' He thought to himself and suddenly he remembered the moon goddess. She had promised to guide him and now he was here, in an unknown place and in the house of someone he doesn't know.
Trying to comprehend his situation drove him crazy. "Okay then," he said and then turned his attention to Arla, the short woman.
"Arla, what do you guys do?" He asked.
"We are your maids sir and we are here to clean your room as always. It's what we do," she replied.
'Moon goddess, where are you and what is happening?' he questioned in his head.
The moon goddess had told him she'd send him to the human world where he'd have to find the one who would break his curse and here he was but he didn't understand any of the situation. He needed to ask her some questions and wanted answers too.
"Okay then," he tells them, getting up from the bed for them to do their work.
As he got up, he began to take a clear look around the room. The room was properly furnished. The walls were all painted white and the bed was really big. It was two times the bed size he had back home.
He walked towards the glass and got wowed by the view he got from it. From here he stood, he could see a swimming pool but he didn't know what the name was.
'How were they able to put water in a place and write names on it?' he thought to himself as he kept looking at the swimming pool.
The surroundings were very much different from his own surroundings. It looked different and the trees looked quite different from the ones in the forest.
He looked at his feet on the tiled floor. He loved how his feet felt against the floor. He wondered what they used to make the floor this fine.
He had so many questions to ask and so he called in his head 'Moon goddess, please answer me already'
He sighed deeply as he placed his hands on his waist trying to comprehend everything. He tried to see if he would be able to remember what happened once he came close to the white light but he got nothing.
Nothing seemed to be coming after he came close to the white light.
After some minutes, the maids were done dressing his bed. While he was asleep, they had cleaned the ground as that was the way they were told to work but they were also reminded to never wake him in the process while they worked.
"We are done sir, we will be leaving," Kim and Arla said at the same time.
"Okay," he tells them, unsure of what to say.
They both left the room, leaving him alone and so he decided to call out the moon goddess. "Moon goddess if you are hearing me, tell me what is happening already. I'm so lost and confused," he pleaded.