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Chapter 6

Aaron's POV

I walked into my room to find Khair talking on the phone, she was laughing hysterically which made me groan In annoyance. I wonder who she's talking to?.

I noticed what she was wearing, and i was furious at the sight of khairs clothing. "is she trying to seduce me or what"  I thought, I waited for her to finish making her call. her call took almost five minute but I waited until she said her goodbyes and finally noticed my presence.

"Uhm..sorry I didn't see you come in"  she said but I shrugged.

"What  are you wearing?"  I asked with so much authority in my voice.

"A night gown"she said, her voice lacked something which was fear, she spoke to me boldly and that made me angrier.

"Please you are not sleeping with me in this type of clothing, I advice you take your hijab" i said bluntly with an expressionless face, though i was angry.

"We're married Aaron, and its not forbidden for me to wear this in your presence" she said and focused her attention back on her phone.

"Why are you speaking to me like this?, And put that stupid phone of yours down before I shatter it" I said in a venomous tone that even I myself Shook at hearing it.

"Aaron I know you don't love me neither do I but please don't frustrate me, you hate Nigerians but your mum is a Nigerian and as it is you look like a Nigerian. its just your curly hair and light tanned skin that makes you look different from us, Please quit acting like a racist" she said while staring at her phone.

"Why  are you behaving like this towards me"  I said taking a step closer to where she stood, I came close and grabbed her by her waist in a harsh manner.

"Let me go" She said in a voice lynched with fear.

"If I don't what will you do?" I said while I cascading my hands down her waist slowly, I did all this to make her feel uneasy and make her scared.

"Please let me go" she said with tears in her brown honey eyes which made me happy inwardly at her helpless state.

"You are scared of me, aren't you?"  I whispered into her ears making her shiver,  she shivered at every touch I made on her delicate skin, I pushed her hair behind her ear making gasp in suprise. She tried pulling back but I held her tight harshly.

"Let me go, you're hurting me Aaron"  she said, her sobs had become louder so I let go of her making her fall in her butt.

"The next time you try to act rude towards me I promise I'll forget all my morals and teachings" I said before dramatically exiting.

I made my way into the leaving room, where I sat with my phone in my hand. I smiled at the thought of seeing khair in pain. She deserved it, she is foolish and very stupid.

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