Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

Cindy was busy going through some of her medical books on anatomy when a new maid maira came in and greeted her, telling her that miss Jessica send to fetch her.

"Alright maira tell her i will be there in a jiff"

Cindy stood up in the middle of her room and startes pacing around like a cat. She knew sir Edward is there and she doesn't want to see him. She taught she would've have lies to the maid and tell her that she wasn't feeling too well but she knew Jessica is a nice person she couldn't do that to her, so she decide to be brave and face sir Edward.

She went there and her heart was beating fast when she saw Edward. She doesn't know why when she saw him she felt a strange feeling out of no where. Someting she had never felt for anyone before.

She greeted Edward and jessica, and jessica gave her a place to sit and told her that Edward said since he came he hasn't seen her that's why she asked a maid to call her.

"Oh I!iiiiiyyy was just about to come here when the maid came"

Edward have known this habit of cindy since she came to Morgan's masion, when she's scared or nervous she behaves like that......"calm down cindy i know you will be thinking that i will scold you or abuse you. No i wont because you haven't done anything, in other words i apologise for what i have done to you since you came to this mansion"

"I have forgiven you sir Edward, i know it wasn't your fault. When someones heart is broken it not easy to mend it, but this have shown that you're a strong person who could overcome it"

"Thank you cindy, and you can call me Edward instead of sir Edward. You're no more a maid right?"


Jessica saw what was happening and figures it out that her brother might have been intrested in cindy, so being a care free person who doesnt hide what she saw happening and said....." Bros something feels fishy out of the blue here. Someone seems to have fallen in love here and doesn't realised it that's why he has changed all of a sudden"

Edward knew she was talking to him ...."Jessica you must have had a dream last night on your crush and am goung to help you out tomorrow by telling him what on your mind for him"

Cindy knew her brother very well he might tell his friend kingsley. Jessica have been having a crush on Edward's friend since high school later on Edward came to know about it and didn't tell his friend instead wanted his sister to reveal it herself, but now that she's looking for his troubles he decide that he will tell his friend. That made Jessica to beg him....." bro am so sorry i didn't mean to say that. Am just joking around"

"Oh now you realised that you're joking because you don't want kingsley to know about your feelings for him right?"

"Yes i will be glad if you keep it a secret"

Cindy was watching the drama between those two siblings and that made her smile a little and left.

She went back to her room and was thinking about Edward and was surprised how Edward suddenly change since he came back from Scotland, and on the other hand she recall what Jessica said to Edward on how he has feelings for her. She knew that Edward changing now shows that he really likes her and she felt something for him too, she doesn't knoe how to explain it but when she sees Edward her heart start beating strangely and she feel nervous.

Next morning she went to her medical school, when she's done she decide to visit her friend mary who have opened a big boutique with the money she earned. Mary is a very hardworking girl she have different kinds of job that she does and she earn a lot of money, as it is she stays with her aunty here so she has no one to take care of so she had the chance to earn a lot unlike cindy.

Cindy arrived at Mary's boutique and was happy about mary opening her new boutique....." mary the boutique is so good am happy for you, and you're even glowing bayb"

"Oh stop flattering me, since you're here come and choose 2 dresses of your choice it on me"

"Don't tell me you're giving me 2 dresses for free"

"Yes of course what are friends for i know if you're in my shoe you will do more than that"

"Thanks a lot, and am also giving you a surprise gift for opening your new boutique"

"Ahwwww can't wait to see it"

Cindy brought out a set of shoe and bag. She knows her friend loves shoe and bag like crazy especially high hills and wedge. Mary was so happy and tried it on immediately....." wow it looks good on me. Thank you am grateful, now let go around so that you will pick the dresses.

Cindy pick a pink and blue dress, each having different style. She went to the changing room and put on one of the dresses. She came out and mary was like "wow this dress look super gorgeous on you"

Cindy put on the other dress and it fit her too. They tallk for a long time and later on cindy went back home. When she came back she was exhausted and decide to take a nap, she woke up and made her self lunch because she's hungry even though she ate snacks and cocktail drink at Mary's shop she's still feeling hungry.

As she was busy making herself a lunch someone came in. She had a sound and turn around to see who it was, to her surprise she saw Edward......." good afternoon sir Edward, oh i forgot i mean Edward"

"Afternoon what are you doing in the kitchen i thought you're no more a maid"

"Yes i came to make myself lunch"

"You could have told the maids to make it for you or have you forgotten there're maids here?"

"Oh i know, i just want to make it myself because am use to it"


"Ahmmm do you want to have some water or something else"

"Sure as if you know what i came for, cos i called one of the maids on phone and no reply so i decide to come and have it myself"

"May be they're not around, let me bring it to you"

She pass the the bottle of water to him and drank it there and she was like wow he looks handsome in her thought, the way he lift the bottle and how his adams apple is moving up and down, it made her have a second thought.

Edward had finish drinking the water and saw cindy looking at him with no blinking.

"Hey are you alright? Is anything okay your mind seem to be far away from here"

"Oh nothing serious am just carried away by something i mean am thinking about my exams, am having medical exams nextweek"

"Dont stress and read. Try your best and leave the rest to the lord"

"Okay thank you, i will"

Edward left and she was standing there like statue sweating taking a deep breath. She doesn't know why, when Edward is beside her she felt differently not like the way she feel for her other male course mate.

After she was done she eat her lunch and went out to a nearby library with her medical books to study.

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