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Chapter 6: Photo Act

|| Veronica ||

Bright sunlight hit my face, making my eyes flutter open to the breathtaking sight of the sparkling clear ocean through the screen wall.

I sat up and realized that I slept the whole night on the couch with no blanket.

What the actual fuck? No one put a blanket on me? Did things like these only happen in the movies? I wondered, baffled.

I checked the time on my phone to find it was only six in the morning that meant I hadn't slept all that much. I stretched my arms and got down from the couch, deciding to freshen up.

From what I heard last night, my luggage was in the master bedroom. Not finding any bedrooms downstairs, I climbed up the marble stairs. I found a single door upstairs and stepped in without knocking.

As I tiptoed inside, I found Aaron sleeping on his stomach, shirtless. With much difficulty, I tore my gaze away from the protruding muscles which were displayed on his back and shoulders and made my way to the closet.

If I didn't want to see Aaron's face and get annoyed, I would throw boiling water on his face to wake him up. Setting aside the murderous thoughts, I took out my clothes and put them on the bed with my phone as a habit before entering the bathroom.

I took a long shower, soaking myself in the bubbles of the jacuzzi, relaxing the stress from the last forty hours. It helped me clear my mind a lot and granted me more patience to deal with a stubborn person like Aaron.

He said he couldn't tell me the reason behind breaking our promise. But where would he go without telling me? I will make sure he spills the beans before we go back to the USA in a week.

Once I came out of the bathroom wearing a purple bathrobe, rubbing my wet hair with a towel, Aaron was no longer in the bed, rather standing in front of the big-screen window which displayed the ocean view, only wearing his sweatpants. I tried not to stare at him.

I cleared my throat to let my presence be known. "Good morning," I wished. I decided not to fight with him and stay with him peacefully to get the answers out. But how could I forget how arrogant he was?

Aaron glanced at me once over his shoulder before turning back to the view as if he didn't just see his beautiful wife with wet hair in a bathrobe.

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and gasped. My hands immediately flew to my face to cover it. Shit, I have no make-up on.

I peeked from the gaps of my fingers to find Aaron staring at me strangely. "Don't look at me."

"Why, are you a piece of painting in an exhibition that I need to pay to look at you?" He frowned.

"I have no makeup on." Ever since I gained fame as an actress, I hardly showed my bare face to anyone. And I was almost sure that he would make fun of me.

He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I think you look prettier without it."

My heart skipped a beat at that because no one had said that to me before. The more glamorous my makeup was, the more compliments I received. But he...

"Not that I'm interested in you," he added.

Seriously, what was I even expecting?

I huffed and put a hand on my hips. "That's a big fat lie. I clearly remember that you said my lips were attractive."

"I was drunk."

"But alcohol makes one speak the truth."

Aaron walked close to me, standing only a foot away from me. "Well, I stated facts."

I shuddered and let out, "What, you want to kiss me again because my lips are that attractive to you?"

"I might if you would let me." I could sense the tease in his voice, so I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Then I won't let you."

"And I wouldn't either," he stated and was about to walk past me to the bathroom.

"Are you really not attracted to me or are you just pretending?" I couldn't help but ask.

"The first one," he answered curtly.

"Are you even human? Every man is attracted to me," I expressed.

"Well, I guess I mustn't be a human, then. Maybe I should get my blood tested to find any foreign species' DNA," he said blankly.

"Yes, you would probably find an evil, mean alienated creature's DNA in your veins." I stomped my feet and went forward to grab my clothes from the bed.

Aaron shook his head at my response and started ruffling through the closet.

I remembered something when my eyes fell on my phone. "Wait," I said, making him halt on his steps.

"What now?"

"We need to click a photo for my fans."

"And why would I cooperate?"

"Because you married me. Now face the consequences." I unlocked my phone screen and checked my Instagram account which was blasting with congratulatory messages from my dear fans. "I need to post a photo of me on my honeymoon. Come here."

"Gosh, do you have to be such a people-pleaser?" Aaron grumbled.

"Well, that's my profession." Even though I was offended by his words, I didn't let it show on the surface to not appear weak in front of him.

"At least let me freshen up."

"No, it's perfect. You are shirtless, and I'm in a bathrobe."

He arched an eyebrow in question. "You are going to make it look like we had—"

"Don't word it." I released a deep breath and motioned him to sit on the bed.

Rolling his eyes, he did what I told him. "Are you sure you want to show your face with no makeup?"

"I'm strangely feeling confident." I climbed the bed and wrapped an arm around his shoulder over his bare chest, trying my best not to let my fingers hover around. I attached my cheek with his and clicked the photo.

"Was that supposed to be an intimate photo?" Aaron asked with a blank expression, unimpressed.

"Yes, what else would I do?" I shrugged.

"Foolish woman," he said and pulled at my hand, making me land on his lap.

I gasped, panicking. "What are you doing?"

"Making a more convincing photo," he said and snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him while I placed mine on his hard chest. "Click the photo when I say." I nodded involuntarily, too dumbfounded to analyze what he was doing.

I was getting goosebumps due to his hot breath falling on my throat. All of a sudden, a deep shiver ran down my spine as he placed his lips on the skin of my neck, and my breathing came to a stop.

"Click now."

I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, pressing the click button of the camera. As soon the photo was snapped, Aaron pulled away. "That's how you can convince your fans."

Still in a trance, I nodded my head. But soon snapped out of it when he roughly put me down on the bed and left for the bathroom.

What the hell just happened?

I buried my head in my hands, groaning for my stupidity and feeling embarrassed. I couldn't bear to look at the photo I clicked. I looked so much in pleasure. As if I was actually enjoying it. I wasn't, right?

Feeling frustrated with myself, I got ready into a royal blue chained top and a mid-thigh length colorful ruffle skirt and went down to find a chef cooking in the kitchen. Therefore, I opened the balcony door and stepped out, feeling the cool summer breeze hitting me.

A honeymoon in the Maldives was everything honeymoon dreams were made of—white-sand beaches, blue skies, sparkling turquoise waters, overwater bungalows, and a partner you wanted to spend your life with. It met all the criteria except for the last one.

It would be so much better if I came here alone like the independent woman I was. I lost track of time as I stood there, watching the soft waves of the sea, engrossed in my thoughts.

All of a sudden, someone snapped their fingers in front of me. "Normal human beings like to eat. When will you eat?" Aaron inquired sarcastically, hinting that I hadn't eaten anything since the reception party, which was more than thirty-four hours ago.

Now that he mentioned it, my stomach grumbled. "Why, will you cook for me and add poison to it?" I scowled at him.

"As if." He scoffed. "You haven't earned that honor yet. For now, a chef will do that."

I rolled my eyes and went to the dining area where the breakfast was served. I quickly finished the meal and grabbed the car keys which were dangling near the main door, without bothering to notify Aaron.

I went to the garage and got in the only car that was parked there. I wanted to be alone for a while, away from my so-called husband.

Just as I was about to press the accelerator, the passenger door opened and Aaron sat beside me. I gawked at him. "What the hell?"

"You are taking me wherever you are planning to go," he declared, fastening his seatbelt.

"I'm not taking you with me."

"Take me with you, or don't go at all. Your wish, Ms. V."

I looked at him with disbelief. "Why do you even have to tag along with me?"

"Because we are on our honeymoon, and I shouldn't leave my wife alone in an unknown place," Aaron stated.

"You don't accept me as your wife," I pointed out. I don't understand what was going through that head of his.

"You are right. But I can't deny that you are my responsibility now, and I will not have anyone taunt me for that."

I wanted to bash his head on the dashboard out of anger. I gripped the steering wheel hard and said, "Fine. I hope you have no problem with my insane speed."

"Sure, no problem. But do inform me if you are going to jump down a cliff with the car," he let out. 'I have to save myself then, you know?"

Groaning in irritation, I drove out of the garage, knowing this was going to be a long day with my annoying newly wedded husband.

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