You might be wondering how I know him and how can I decipher it's him even in the dark. Well, the aura emanating from him was enough to show that. Everyone knows him and among all, he hunts alone. Ok, I'll be truthful right now, although I've never met him in this kinda way I've always wished to. His stories are all over the kingdom and I've always admired the way he fights and rules. I've always loved the authority he carries. Like, I practically love everything about him. But don't get me wrong cause I don't see anything wrong with admiring a great warrior and king... I stared up, up, up, Gosh! He's so tall.
My insides melted at the very sight of him and how close he was to me as a wave of an uneasy feeling that I've never felt before coursed through me making my dry folds seconds ago so wet that it soaked up my little pink panties and I gasped out hoping that he couldn't smell my arousal. I was in doubt at how hot I felt in the cold climate and for the very first time my little growing nipples hardened on their own and a feeling of 'want' clouded my memories that all I breathed was a need for pleasure. A pleasure I couldn't understand and don't still understand.
"Al..pha..K..in..g" I stuttered ogling at him and my nipples hardened more like if wanting to turn into a rock. That single act made a part of me so curious cause it was the first time I was feeling this way in my life.
"Get out. I'll take it from here" he retorted with a cold icy voice that left me wondering if I had provoked him in any way but at the same time sent an electrifying feeling through me that for a second everything went blank as I pictured myself in his arms while he caressed my soft silky hair.
"I said get out!" A cold voice barked jutting me out of my world of dreams and I flinched in surprise seeing that it was Alpha Aston that growled at me and rushed off without glancing back even though I felt his eyes on me.
I was still a few steps close to my house when I couldn't hold it in any longer. The sounds of screams of pain and breaking of bones were so much in the air that I had to stop and see what was going on.
I whirled and it was the same time he threw away the last of them and growled so loudly before taking off in a race not after staring blankly at me with those deep amber eyes. A taste of lemon and vinegar crept into my tongue showing how disappointed I was at how he discarded me like a piece of trash without even getting to know my name or where I live. Turning back with my sour heart I lowered my head and walked the remaining steps to my house, entered, and shut the door before rushing into my room and covering myself with my blanket as tears drizzled down my cheeks. The reason I was crying I never fathomed but yet kept crying till I dozed off.
"It's surprising how a human like me can live in the kingdom of humans who can turn into Animals" she soliloquizes and blushed beet red.
Violet Willa Pearson is a descendant of an Alpha werewolf. She happens to be not just a werewolf but a sealed werewolf who has a spiritual power in her body. Till this very moment, she thinks herself a human lucky enough to live among the werewolves.
For months after her encounter with the Alpha king, she has been strategizing on how she will get to meet him again to understand this strange feeling she feels every time she catches a glance at him. But then the opportunity hasn't presented itself. Sighing so loudly she lowered herself on the bed getting drowned in her thoughts.
??KINGS CASTLE - Blazing-sun pack??
The door to a classical chamber flipped open and Alpha Aston Kutcher Davies walked in looking so damp and disheveled. "I stink" he cursed and stripped down to nothing walking into his bathroom with his dick dangling in the air. Seconds later he walked out with his towel tied around his body and just as he settled down on the bed a knock came at the door.
"Who is that?" he asked in a deep voice and let his towel drop.
"It's me the chief maid Alpha King," a shivering voice says behind the closed door.
"Speak, I'm listening."
"Erm, I just wanted to let you know that we need a set of new maids Alpha. The duties are becoming much and we need to give out duties to recruits so it wouldn't be too heavy for those already in the palace."
"What duties are becoming much?" He scoffed. "Save yourself the stress of explaining. I don't think I need it. Do all you have to do. You have my permission. You can leave."
"Thank you Alpha King." Her retreating steps could be heard as she walked away.
Exhaling he stood up, dressed up into a golden robe and sat down in front of a huge table jutting somethings down in an already open scroll.
"The Alpha King demands for new maids. If you know you can serve obediently and diligently. Come to the palace presently and you're hired" the last words of a voice penetrates Violets's subconscious state and she sprung up breathing heavily.
"The Alpha King needs a new set of maids" she thinks out loud with her hand on her jaw. "If I can get to be a maid then I'll surely get close to him. Yes!" She exclaims and stands but suddenly sits back. "But I don't know how to serve cause I hate it" she whines.
"You've been wanting to get close to him and also get to know why he behaved that way to us. Take this opportunity" the voice in her head whispers.
"Yes! I'll do it. This is the opportunity I've been looking for. I have to do it" she decided and nodded. Standing up from her huge bed she strips and strolls into the bathroom wiggling her ass as she goes. A habit she always does just to check if her little butt is growing... Crazy? Yea! That's Violet for you.
Clad in a pink floral gown that stops beneath her knee Violet stands in front of her huge sparkling mirror and after getting satisfied with her appearance walks out with one destination in mind. The huge palace of Alpha Aston Kutcher Davies.
Getting close to the huge gate she rubs her hand together in a bit to calm her nervousness as she strolls to the gate about to enter but gets stopped by a guard.
"What are you doing here female?" The guard at the gate questions staring lustfully at her.
His stare at her made her wrap her hands on her body as an uncomfortable feeling creeps into her. "I'm..he..here..to..see..the..Alpha King..sorry..I'm..pa..rt...of..the..ne..w..enr..olle..d.ma..ids" she sputters staring at the floor.
The guard snorted and licked his lips. "What is your name beautiful?"
"My name?"
"Yes, your name, or are you deaf now!"
"Violet" she breathes still staring at the floor. "My name is Violet."
"Such a sweet name for a sweet teen, you can go in. I hope to see you again."
You're never seeing us again a voice in her head replies as she walks in still feeling uneasy.
The guard's gaze was centered on her ass as he watched with keen interest and lust licking his lips at intervals.
I don't know what's wrong with all these males who sets their eyes on me and get lost in me.
It's not like I'm that beautiful anyway.
'Of course, you are' a voice in my head. The same voice that's been speaking retorts and giggles.
"Can't you keep shut for once? You talk a lot!" I shrieked and rolled my eyes.
That did the work cause it never replied.
Walking around the most glorious palace my eyes have ever seen my gaze fell on a group of males who were in a circle standing in a place I can say to be their training ground due to the so many war gadgets that were all around them. The whole place was so sparkling neat and wolves in different ranks and power could be seen walking in twos and threes. The whole arena smelled of power and dominance. There were so many buildings in parts that I got tired of looking.
"Master your powers!" A voice howls from a distance and I followed the voice to behold the male that has set my insides ablaze since the very first day I met him. He turned and his eyes landed on me or so I thought cause he looked away as if he didn't just see me.
"Hey, where are you going?" A lady in her mid-thirties questions me strolling to where I stood.
"I'm part of the new maids ma'am. I'm just resuming."
"You are just resuming and you are here ogling at the males who are training!" She barks and dragged me by the ear walking out.
"It hurts ma'am. Please release my ear" I begged wincing in pain.
"That's how you wretched humans behave. Ogling and looking for who to get laid with. Better behave or I'll make life in this palace a living hell for you idiot!" She barks and frees my ear.
I rubbed my hurting ear as tears flowed freely down my cheeks and yet kept trailing behind her.
"Stand there and wait. I'll be back in a few minutes" she ordered and walked off without even waiting for my reply. I hope not to meet her again cause I won't hesitate to retaliate.
I stood there in the corridor leading to God knows where waiting for her. It's more than two minutes yet she was not yet back. I was about to take a walk when she walked in glaring at me. "From today onwards you will serve the king and the king alone" she mutters and my mood lightens.
"I'll serve the king! I'll serve the king!" I singsonged, dancing.
"Hey!" She growled and I stood frozen staring at her devilish scary face.