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The Governess stood with a cup of unknown liquid as she stared out her balcony. The O'alistair manor was the largest in all regions, his father had conquered a lot but to her not enough.

So long as she was concerned, Sol belonged to no man, no weak pitiful man who could barely sacrifice for his people.

"Come in" she said as a low tap sounded on the door.

The man creaked open the day egg k chamber and went in.

"I have news " he said as he bowed

"What" she asked slowly, her cup at lips

"Helsing has approved of our alliance" he stated

"That is what I knew already. But fine" she replied with a smile

"Shall we wait?" the man asked

"We wait, patience, patience" she replied

"When do I see her" the man asked nervously

"My men will lead you to her" she replied and with a flick of her wrist dismissed the man.

"What you tell me is without prove" Edgar said with a tired sigh. He was weary of the villagers and disputes.

"My lord he did, he bit my arm here" the old graying man lifted his arm to show a bloody arm that was fast bearing signs of the plague.

Edgar fought to conceal his shock, pity and anger as he nodded.

"Certainly we will look for this neighbor of yours and put him to justice" Edgar stated and flicked his wrist to dismiss the man who wobbled out of the throne room.

Edgar sighed and stood. How possible was it that a mere land dispute had escalated to a fight. One of them was clearly a walker but then he doubted a walker could walk freely with the villagers and still struggle for land. He had been turned, after the dispute and she still went to kill his neighbor.

He knew the walkers were heartless, mindless and completely deadly. A bite would infect and turn a human to them or they could completely eat the flesh to bits.

Edgar gulped as he remembered his mother's body, her head was barely attached to her neck anymore, her limbs were gone, only her apron proved it was indeed her. The Kiro needed to know their place, that the rules applied to them no matter their fearlessness. If the council didn't act soon, he was sure he'd help them act. The more he waited, the more the bastards would spread out into the regions and he doubted he could act then.

"Watch the man, bury him once he turns" Edgar ordered the guard that stood closest to him and walked to the window, he needed peace.

Selene kissed her sisters cheeks and rose. The girl had gone back to sleep just after breakfast her fever was down but she still complained of headache, she hoped she would be fine.

Selene sighed and rose from the small bed with a yawn. She had barely slept the previous night. The town people and been all pleased yet nervous to see her like they awaited her to perform a miracle and redeem them. She had ensured they fed and bath after approval from the Lord then she had shortly left, not knowing how to console them or condemn them. She didn't know of their fate herself but she was certain she had to save Mia.

Walking to the door, she turned around to see her guard already at her back. She made her way to the stairwell that led to her new chamber, just away from where the Lord had his own chamber. She decided he was keen on keeping his eyes on her. No doubt he wanted go make her his slave or sell her out to the rumoured black market for a huge amount, neither pleased Selene and she didn't want to wait to see it happen. The tunnel was a sure exit, she had recently heard from the servants rumours of it leading to the Governess' side of the manor. She also noted the grudge between the half siblings. Her father was no different from O'alistair and that made her despise the Princess all the more for cheaply offering herself to her greedy father and then turn around to press charges. The more she thought, the more she began to feel it was best she left with Mia even though the outcome of the coming trial favoured Riverland.

"My lady" the man behind her said

Selene turned to him confused

"What is it" she asked, had the Lord kept restrictions on her wandering again?

The quietness of the guard made her turn around. She gasped when she came face to face with the Governess.

Her ageless face held a grace Selena was certain a result of expensive oils and herbs. Her red lips turned down at Selene's scrutiny

"Princess Selene Dwayne Cedric" she said with an icy tone

Selene simply watched her with a glare, if she told the woman her mind, surely the guards would drag her away for insulting the Lady and she didn't want that, she needed her freedom for their escape.

"I now see why my brother has kept you. You are as beautiful as they say" Alexandra said

"I am glad you now know. But I am yet to know why you would lay with a man and then accuse him of rape" Selene spat, unable to hold her tongue.

"How would you know? You are too little and I bet naive to see beyond your small filthy village" Alexandra stated

"At least I am not too little to know a whore when I see one" Selene retorted

"Helsing will have fun shutting that mouth of yours, I will present you myself. A last taste of wild pleasure" she said lowly .

"I do not bow to you" Selene said angrily

"At least not yet. Your father will be tried in four nights. I will see that you enjoy the last of those days here" Alexandra said casually and with a tight smile matched away with her handmaid and guards on tow.

Selena watched after the woman's retreating back and scowled. Turning on her heels and going back to her room, the more she was alone, the more she could think, the more she could think the faster she would leave the manor.

Closing the door with a click. She didn't bother to check the guard, she knew he'd be right outside. Walking to her dresser, she retrieved a key she had gotten which belonged to Mia's new handmaid . She carefully tucked it under her pillow and, dragged up the comforter, She would use the tunnel again, she would get to the valley, steal a horse and come back for Mia. She tugged the pins out of her hair and let it fall, she hated wearing her hair up.

Edgar only hummed at what the impatient Governess implied. His thoughts wasn't on Riverlands trial, he needed to be done with Kiro.

"The council will be here in two nights, the people will have to be moved all to the larger hall, washed and fed before the trial, the council shouldn't observe otherwise and the black market bids low for dirty slaves" Alexandra said

"We have decided that there will be no auctioning of the villagers, they'll serve or be under your rulership at the Kingdom" Edgar said

"Surely I can sell a few, the stubborn and sickly will only pose nuisance here" Alexandra stated, the idea of being ordered by Edgar not pleasing but she silenced her anger.

"Just ten, the rest stays" Edgar decided

"Of course. The Southern Empire is yet to claim their prisoner" Alexnadra stated.

"He will be beheaded when the time runs out. I will see to my duties with the chiefs now Alexandra" Edgar said dismissively and rose.

Alexnada flashed a smile and gave a slight bow before leaving the throne room.

Edgar brought his fingers to his lips as he watched the two Princesses of Riverlands. The youngest no doubt forcing the frowning older one to play with her in the garden. He stared at the slight image of his lost love in her. Her hair a jet black like Monique's, although her green eyes was a sharp contrast to the warm blue, they held the same fire. One he prayed wouldn't dim as it did before.

He saw as the princess lifted her eyes up squinting at his direction. Their eyes met and she glared before looking down and tactfully taking her sister from the garden away form his sight.

He frowned at her childishness, if there was one thing he hates in both, it was fiesty temper and stiffness, he didn't wish her evil, he just needed to get rid of her, he couldn't be with any woman, not when Kiro still stood wide and proud, not when he still dreamt of his lovely Monique every night. And he was certain the Riverland princess would rather hack his head off than make acquaintance with him.

"My Lord " Nicholas interrupted lowly

"What is it Nick" Edgar asked, a bit irritated

"We must discuss" he said with a nervous tone. Edgar thought no doubt noting his tone

"Certainly, what must we speak about? " he asked

"The Kiro Empire is planning" Nicholas stated

"Of what? " Edgar asked, alert or the topic

"They may await your attack" Nicholas said

"They cannot, I will privately discuss with the council, they may be inactive but we can trust their secrecy" Edgar stated

"Surely... But my Lord... I...certainly my Lord" Nicholas said hesitantly and bowed

"Do you wish to tell me something" Edgar asked the older man

"No my Lord, just be cautious" Nicholas said and with another bow

Edgar strolled away from his window and reached the large door. He needed to make sure the princess was fine at least that was what he told himself as he strode out.

With another knock, Edgar opened and went in, knowing the grumpy princess would not answer his show of courtsey

"You should know to answer a knocking guest" Edgar said

"This is your manor, you need not ask permission to do as you please, you never have" Selene replied, still seated at the arm chair by the window.

"Have you had lunch" Edgar asked

Selene frowned at his question and decided not to answer.

"I must understand I do not wish you harm" Edgar said

"Ohhh" Selena asked sarcastically

"I only abide by the rules of this Empire. You are no prisoner until after the trial but the land now hold me accountable for your safety" Edgar replied

"I just need to be alone my Lord, I did not seek your company" Selena stated

"This dear Vixen is my manor" Edgar said "And I can come in as I wish " he finished with a cold smile

"Very well" Selene said and stood from the window. Going away from the window to her bed.

"Selene" Edgar called, unable to leave her on an angry note

"You must know my sister holds the case and not me" Edgar stated, oddly feeling the need to explain he didn't cause her despair.

"And if you did, would you do otherwise?" Selene asked accusingly

"Perhaps. But Sol and my ppeople will always be my priority" Edgar said

"Are the walkers in this Empire? " Selena asked out of nowhere

"If you must know, you will be safe in this manor, as a slave or otherwise" Edgar

" I will never be your slave or your harlot of a sister, I'd rather die" Selene spat

"As you wish" Edgar said, his expression unreadable

He watched as the princess crossed her arms and glared at him. He wanted to show her he could tell her what to do, that when Cedric lost she would be scrubbing his dirty floor, he wanted to tell her she could do nothing if Alexandra decided to whore her out as he heard she usually did her pretty slaves but he couldn't tell her all these because he did not wish them on her. Turning away with a last glance at her, Edgar strode out of the room.

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