

“Mr. Ford” He gazed at me with a flicker of surprise in them. But he held his haughty demeanor back. I looked at the suitcase and the key in his fingers. I stepped aside to let him out of the elevator.

“Are you going to stay in the penthouse next to me?” I asked.

“hmmm…” he replied.

“Cool, then we will be neighbors.” I said with a smile, “I also wanted to thank you for saving my life” He nodded and stepped away without uttering a word. It pissed me off seeing him act so cold and arrogant as an asshole when I was trying to converse with him. I stepped into the elevator, pressing the button for the first floor.

The bodyguards were ready to escort me, and the car is waiting for me outside. The media set up their mics waiting for me, like vultures and paparazzi snapping pictures of me as I stepped out, the reporters raising their mics for me to answer them, and the body security made way for me to get in the car.

I struggled not to imagine the horrific words. Jake tries to terrorize me to get the better of me, but somewhere in my heart, I knew the producers wouldn’t work with me and asked the director to cast someone else. I stepped into my office. Janice came in quickly.

“The producers are here; they’re waiting for you,” Janice spoke with an expression of held trouble. I took a deep breath and headed up to the conference with confidence.

“Ms. Hayes, Right on time,” Producer Christian spoke with a professional smile.

“I take my work and time seriously,” I replied, taking my seat.

“Ms. Hayes, we know, but the surrounding rumors are troubling us. We think we should invest our money in this project,” Christian said, getting straight to the point.

“These rumors are baseless. I am the victim of my ex fiance’s affair,” I answered, masking my irritation and being professional.

“Ms. Hayes, we don’t want to know who the victim is. Your name and skills we invest the fund in. Ms.Hayes, your name, which is the brand, gets stained with such rumors. It’s a risk for other producers here investing in this movie.” I felt so annoyed by his expressions. There is no sympathy in Christian at all.

“So I understand you are here to give me a verdict on your decision and not to listen to my side at all.” He sighed at the sarcastic remarks.

“Here is the letter of termination of the contract with you. We are hiring someone else”, Christian said with no emotion, and strolled out with his secretary. Tears formed in my eyes, losing such a big contract that I worked to get into this movie.

“Ms. Hayes,” Janice walked in and, seeing my expression, gave a sympathetic face. I won’t give up, even if Christian took this away from me. I have to ask other producers. Janice brought me coffee and checked my phone with anxiety. Waiting for breaking news about Jake and me, Jake made me look like a devil and portrayed himself as an angel.

After meeting some producers, I stepped home sad, and the news, people around the producers’ office, gave me hate glares. I made a drink for myself and swallowed down my heartache and body ache from illness.

The notification chimed in and opened to see a rejection email from the producers, and the reason was not a question about my performance but about the rumors, which were the reality of the world. I wanted to smash my phone in anger, but I didn’t. Instead, the glass in my palm shattered and pierced my skin.

“Fuck”. I removed the glass piece from my palm. The doorbell rang. The maids were away, so I strode to the door looking at the cam screen to see the cold-hearted neighbor. I opened the door, and his eyes went to my hand, where I put a towel to stop the bleeding.

“Where is the medical kit?” he asked in an authoritative voice. As he stepped into my apartment, I directed him to the cabinet, and he took my other hand, gently taking me to the sofa, and I sat as he gestured to me. He tends my wound with care, and though his face wields no emotions, his action speaks of care.

“Why are you my Savior all the time” I growled, also hissing with pain at the same from the ointment he applied that had stopped bleeding, but its effects had left a burn sensation on my skin. He didn’t answer, and I glared at him. But the glare turned to stare at him closely. He wore track pants and a sweatshirt. He looked hot, even in plain clothes.

“Why are you ignoring me? Like, everyone thinks I abused my ex-fiance. Do you also have the same intake from groundless rumors?” I asked. He did not look at me as he organized the medical kit. His silence gave me the answer.

“Can you just leave my apartment?” I added, dejected. He glanced at me for seconds and then stared at my wound. He got up from the couch and reached for the exit, and I glanced at my wounds in bandages.

“I don’t believe in these rumors,” his deep voice answered. As the door shut behind me.

“Wait, why did he come to my apartment?” I mumbled.

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