Chapter 2- Werewolves Are Real
Derrick’s POV
Hunter surges forward in my body, taking control as he growls at Henry menacingly. “Mate.” He tells him, a threat dripping from my voice. Hunter moves to take a step closer to Henry, causing him to take a step back in fear. Hunter grins evily, he likes it when his prey shows fear.
Just then a timer going off distracts Hunter enough for me to gain back control, setting my features back to their human form. Miguel comes up beside me, a questioning look in his eyes, forcing me to acknowledge that I just exposed myself to humans.
Taking a step away from Henry, I run my fingers through my hair as I contemplate what to do moving forward. I am an Alpha for Goddess’s sake, I should have more control than to reveal myself to humans.
‘Sorry Derrick.’ My wolf, Hunter’s voice floats through my mind. I let out a sigh of frustration as I turn to watch my mate rush to take something delicious smelling from out of the oven. Whatever it is that she is cooking, its smell can’t compete with the smell of her. She smells like a summer’s day mixed with a dash of cinnamon.
Mouth watering.
I can’t believe that after all of this time I finally find my mate and she is human. A married human at that. I knew that I was unlucky in love, but I can’t believe that I could be this unlucky. How could the Moon Goddess be so cruel as to mate me with a human, and a married one at that.
My eyes turn back to Derrick who is still standing beside me, frozen in place by fear. “I apologize for my outburst.” I say, breaking the awkward silence filling the kitchen. “I am sure you have a lot of questions.”
I take another couple of steps back, giving the two humans more space to process what they just saw. Henry was the first to recover, shaking himself from his frozen state before looking back and forth between me and his wife. A pain stabs my heart when my mind automatically calls her his wife.
She is my mate and I want her for myself!
“What are you?” Derrick finally asks, moving closer to his wife in what I thought was a protective manner, but he ended up moving behind her instead. A frown creases my brows as I watch this man use his wife as a shield.
Hunter growls in my mind, begging to take over control so he can show this worthless man a lesson. Men are supposed to protect their women, not hide behind them. What kind of a man doesn’t cherish his wife’s life over his own.
My gaze moves to Salara. Her lips are pressed into a straight line as barely controlled anger rages beneath the surface. She straightens her shoulders, turning to face me with determination set in her eyes.
When my eyes meet Derrick’s once again, I find expectation in his curious gaze. Realizing that I never answered Derrick’s question, I searched my brain for an explanation that wouldn't send them to the media screaming about werewolves being real. What a mess I have gotten myself into this time.
“We are werewolves.” Miguel says from behind me, moving to my side to be visible by the humans in front of us. Salara’s eyes shoot from Miguel to mine as his words register within her mind.
I stand there waiting for the terror and disgust to appear on her beautiful face as it has many time before when humans have found out about us, but it never comes. Her eyes move over my body, curiosity shining brightly in their depths.
Henry moves to his wife’s side, a frown deepening on his face. “Werewolves are real?” He asks with disbelief clear in his voice. “Sweet…” He says next, surprising me with his acceptance. Henry moves away from his wife, taking a tentative step towards me. “I always knew there was something different about you.” He tells me, grinning from ear to ear.
My mate watches our exchange silently, her eyes trying their best to avoid looking at me, but every now and then I catch her gaze on mine. Without a word, she turns away from us and begins to serve pieces of lasagna on plates.
Henry draws my attention away from my mate when he places his hand on my shoulder, clearly getting over the fear he was feeling earlier. “Shall we make our way to the dining room and talk business while Salara finishes up with dinner preparations?” He goes to show me the way to the dining room, but I refuse to move from the kitchen.
“Shouldn’t we stay to help her take things to the table?” I ask, my gaze following Salara as she moves around the kitchen getting everything ready for dinner. Salara…such an intriguing name.
Henry looks over at his wife as she struggles to get a bowl down from the top shelf of a cabinet, a look of disgust passing over his face quickly before he smoothes it out and puts a loving look on. He moves away from me, walking over to Salara and reaching behind her to get the bowl down for her.
I watch as her body stiffens when his body touches her, causing my brows to draw together once again. One dinner with them will leave me with frown lines if I am not careful, good thing I am a werewolf.
Henry takes a step back away from his wife, placing the bowl on the counter before pecking her cheek gently. Hunter scratches at my mind, demanding to be let out to tear off Henry’s head for daring to touch our mate.
‘He is her husband.’ I remind my wolf, trying to fight my animalistic urge to claim what should be mine but belongs to another. Now is not the time to act on my beastly urges.
Henry turns away from his wife, walking back over to where Miguel and I still stand in the kitchen entryway. “Salara will bring everything out when everything is put together.” He says, once again ushering me out of the kitchen.
Glancing down at Miguel, I motion for him to stay behind and help Salara with any dinner preparations that she might need help with. With a nod of his head, he disappears into the kitchen, the sound of his voice quickly fading as we make our way up the hall towards the dining room.
The sound of Henry’s voice draws me back to the reason I am here in his house to begin with, the one that doesn’t involve me stealing away with his wife. “I have a few locations picked out in the area that you requested that I thought you might be interested in.” Henry says, grabbing a stack of files from a table in the hallway outside of the dining room.
He motions for me to take a seat before sitting in the seat beside me and opening one of the folders. “This one is a little further away than the area you requested, but it has everything else that was on your list so I added it just in case.” I glance down at the property he is talking about, immediately immersing myself into business.
After some time has passed with Henry showing me the stack of properties he has come across for me, Salara and Miguel finally arrive with plates of food in their arms. I go to stand in order to help her, but she waves me away before I can get all the way up.
It took three trips for Salara and Miguel to bring out all of the food, something that didn’t seem to bother Henry in the least. Hunter watched our mate through my eyes, his anger stewing within him at the way her so-called husband behaved.
“Dinner smells delicious Salara, thank you.” I tell her, enjoying the blush that creeps up her face as she gives me a quiet “thank you.”
Henry looks between us, his eyes narrowing in suspicion before he smoothes it away. Henry puts his arm around Salara’s shoulder, pulling her in close and placing a kiss to her head. “Salara is an amazing cook.” He says before whispering something in her ear.
“Stop drooling over our guest, it is embarrassing.” He tells her, clearly not realizing that werewolves have incredible hearing.