Chapter 4- Alpha’s Plan
Derrick’s POV
My mind goes over ways of getting Henry out of the way without it resulting in his death, something that my wolf is very fond of at the moment. Hunter grunts in agreement at my thought.
Now that I have found her, there is no way that I can give her up. Salara will be mine, no matter the cost of me having her. If I wasn’t sure about her being my mate before dinner, I was definitely sure now. The barest of touch by my fingers against her skin had sent sparks of awareness throughout my body, making my cock twitch in my jeans.
Having her so close, her scent invading every corner of my body, was almost too much to handle. I almost made a huge mistake that I wouldn’t be able to take back. I can’t believe I almost kissed her right there in front of her husband. What the hell was I thinking?
“Are you okay dad?” Miguel’s soft voice breaks through my thoughts.
Looking over at Miguel in the passenger seat, I give him a reassuring smile that I am sure didn’t reach my eyes before turning my attention back to the road. “Everything will be fine Miguel, don’t you worry about me.” I tell him, my hands tightening against the steering wheel as my mind replays every interaction with Salara today.
“Why didn’t you bring mom back with us?” He asks suddenly, surprising me with his use of the word mom. Miguel’s mom left us a long time ago, and I know he still feels the pain of her loss to this day, especially when he sees other children his day having loving mothers.
Shaking those thoughts away, I glance over at my son who is busy playing a game on his phone. “She is not ready to come back with us yet.” I tell him honestly, trying to avoid the conversation of her already having a family.
Miguel stops playing his game to look over at me. “Will she be ready to stay tomorrow?” He asks, his ignorance of the world coming through in his sentence.
“I don’t know buddy.” I tell him, my thoughts drifting back into finding ways to steal Salara away from her husband.
After driving for thirty minutes, we finally pull onto the dirt road that leads to the Night Howlers pack hidden in the deepest parts of the woods. After driving for another ten minutes over a rough path, we finally find ourselves at the gates surrounding our pack.
Two sentinels wave us through as we make our way near where they are guarding the entrance to our pack. I roll my window down as we get near, drawing both men to my side of the car. “Anthing happen while I was away?” I ask the two muscular wolves.
“Everything was quiet as usual, Alpha.” One of the men, Trevor replies, leaning down to say hello to Miguel beside me. “Did you find a suitable property for our new venture?” He asks, turning his attention back to me.
“Henry Jones will be coming by tomorrow to go over the two properties we narrowed it down to with the Elders.” I tell him, leaving out the part about his wife being my mate.
“Dad found his mate!” Miguel tells Trevor excitedly, causing a groan to leave my lips. So much for keeping that a secret. Trevors eyes widen in surprise, turning to stare at me in question. “She is Mr. Henry’s wife.” Miguel continues, his voice growing solemn.
Trevor gives me a sympathetic look before moving away from the window and waving his goodbyes. Leave it to a child to say more than they should. By the time I make it to the packhouse in the center of our pack, my mother is already standing at the door waiting for me.
News travels fast around a pack when they are able to mind link information to each other. Miguel looks up from his game and squeals with excitement when he sees his grandmother waiting for them on the porch that wraps around the large packhouse.
“I hear you had an eventful dinner.” My mother says the moment I step out of the car. Miguel takes off in her direction, throwing himself into her open arms, greedily soaking up the maternal love from her.
My heart aches as I watch them. Would Salara be standing on the packhouse steps, waiting for our arrival someday? Or will Miguel lose another mother before he even has the chance of knowing what it is like to have one again?
Forcing my feet to move, I make my way over to where my mother and Miguel stand waiting for me. “Hello Mother.” I tell her, placing a peck on her cheek before walking through the packhouse doors.
“Welcome back Alpha.” Echoes around me as different pack members greet me on my way through the house and up the stairs to the fourth floor of the packhouse. I nod my head in greeting as I make my way past each member currently here.
My mother follows close behind me, gracious enough to wait until we reach the Alpha’s quarters on the top floor before bringing up the subject of my mate. As soon as the door closes behind us, my mother instantly pounces on the situation at hand.
“What are we going to do about the husband?” She asks, folding her arms over her chest, determination lighting up her eyes. A chuckle escapes me at the fierce determination that is Luna Daphne.
“Miguel.” I wait until he pulls his eyes off of his phone before continuing. “Could you go to your room while me and your grandmother talk?” A pout appears on Miguel’s face before he turns and walks towards his room up the hall.
The Alpha’s quarters consist of the entire fourth floor of the packhouse. It is split into two parts, one of them is a smaller living space for the previous Alpha and Luna, and the larger space is for the current Alpha and his family. There are four bedrooms and two bathrooms as well as a large living room and kitchen in my living area of the packhouse.
The floor beneath us is split into two sections, one for the Beta and their family, and the other for the Gamma and their family. Their living quarters are smaller than the luxury found on the fourth floor, but they are both pretty spacious as well.
My mother taps her foot impatiently as she waits for me to reply to her question. My fingers run through my hair as I once again try to find a way to deal with the husband in a way that doesn’t end up with him dead.
‘I still think we should kill him.’ Hunter says, perking up at the thought. Ignoring my wolf, I move into the living room, taking a seat on the large couch before letting out a heavy sigh.
“The only thing my brain has come up with is to kill him.” I tell my mother honestly, chuckling at her hump of disapproval.
She makes her way into the room, settling on one of the chairs situated to the side of where I am seated. “You know we can’t go around killing humans.” She tells me, concentration appearing on her face.
After a few moments of silence, my mother suddenly jumps up from her place in the chair, exclaiming, “I’ve got it.” My excited eyes meet hers as I wait for her to tell me what she has come up with. “We just need to find the husband a mate.” She says matter of factly.
A groan of frustration escapes me as I throw my head back on the back of the couch, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. “So I should throw every unmated wolf at him in the hopes that he is a mate to one of them?” I ask, sarcasm dripping from my words.
A sly smile spreads across my mother’s face as I turn my head to look at her. What is this woman up to now? “I was thinking more along the lines of a parade.” She says, causing my eyes to widen incredulously.
My mother has officially lost her mind.